表格结构抽取(ResNet + Transformer)
文字识别模块(CRNN + CTC Loss)
表格结构抽取(ResNet + Transformer)
文字识别模块(CRNN + CTC Loss)
Compact Bidirectional Transformer for Image Captioning Requirements Python 3.8 Pytorch 1.6 lmdb h5py tensorboardX Prepare Data Please use git clone --
LifelongReID Offical implementation of our Lifelong Person Re-Identification via Adaptive Knowledge Accumulation in CVPR2021 by Nan Pu, Wei Chen, Yu L
EdiBERT, a generative model for image editing EdiBERT is a generative model based on a bi-directional transformer, suited for image manipulation. The
The DeepMind Alchemy environment is a meta-reinforcement learning benchmark that presents tasks sampled from a task distribution with deep underlying structure.
SoftwareTask2 Repo for 2021 SDD assessment task 2, by Felix, Anna, and James. File/folder structure: helloworld.py - demonstrates various map backgrou
Extensive tutorials for learning how to build deep learning models for causal inference using selection on observables in Tensorflow 2.
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BlobGAN: Spatially Disentangled Scene Representations Official PyTorch Implementation Paper | Project Page | Video | Interactive Demo BlobGAN.mp4 This
HyFactor Graph-based architectures are becoming increasingly popular as a tool for structure generation. Here, we introduce a novel open-source archit
English | 简体中文 Introduction DeepHawkeye is a library to detect unusual patterns in images using features from pretrained neural networks Reference Pat
Zen-NAS: A Zero-Shot NAS for High-Performance Deep Image Recognition How Fast Compare to Other Zero-Shot NAS Proxies on CIFAR-10/100 Pre-trained Model
VCN: Volumetric correspondence networks for optical flow [project website] Requirements python 3.6 pytorch 1.1.0-1.3.0 pytorch correlation module (opt
FMA: A Dataset For Music Analysis Michaël Defferrard, Kirell Benzi, Pierre Vandergheynst, Xavier Bresson. International Society for Music Information
numbalsoda numbalsoda is a python wrapper to the LSODA method in ODEPACK, which is for solving ordinary differential equation initial value problems.
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Face-Detection-with-MTCNN Face detection is a computer vision problem that involves finding faces in photos. It is a trivial problem for humans to sol
GarmentNets This repository contains the source code for the paper GarmentNets: Category-Level Pose Estimation for Garments via Canonical Space Shape
An integration of several popular automatic augmentation methods, including OHL (Online Hyper-Parameter Learning for Auto-Augmentation Strategy) and AWS (Improving Auto Augment via Augmentation Wise