Qtas(Quite a Storage)is an experimental distributed storage system developed by Q-team in BJFU Advanced Computer Network sources.

Related tags

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What is Qtas

Qtas(Quite a Storage)is a experimental distributed storage system developed by Q-team in BJFU Advanced Computer Network sources.

Why names Qtas?

  • Q means ours team's name;
  • s means this project is focusing on the development of Storage system;
  • Quite a Storage includes all our wishes to finish this job && make it perfect;
  • This is Qtas :)

What's in it?

  • A virtual file system supports remote managing;
  • IPv6 support
  • distributed storage system
  • least surprising interaction surface for UNIX users
  • ... still finding something cool to add

Function List

File System Operations

  1. pwd:print work directory pwd [] ()
  2. cd:change directory ``
  3. ls:list files ``
  4. cat: ``
  5. cp ``
  6. mv ``
  7. find ``
  8. chmod ``
  9. sudo ``
  10. rm ``
  11. tree ``
  12. ...

for Root users

for Normal users


  1. netstat
  2. QAQ


Log System

Man Page

  • opRead( str ) -> list
    To analyse a command series, and split the str into list with the respect of " ". Meanwhile, formatize the operations with UNIX-Style.
  • printLogo()
  • printHelp()
  • opSplit( str command_list ) -> operation, optional, args
  • opShow(command_list)

Working Flow

  • P2P 弱化了 C/S 的概念,在网络中每一个节点既可能是server,也可以是client,可以把发起请求的称为client,而接受请求的为server;
  • 把整个计算机集群看作一个大的server,发起请求的时候,谁先响应谁先处理,响应一个请求后,server端广播集群,开始处理请求;
  • 需要有信号量机制,保证服务器同步;
  1. client向服务器广播,发起请求寻找file1


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