DeepCAD: A Deep Generative Network for Computer-Aided Design Models



This repository provides source code for our paper:

DeepCAD: A Deep Generative Network for Computer-Aided Design Models

Rundi Wu, Chang Xiao, Changxi Zheng

ICCV 2021 (camera ready version coming soon)

We also release the Onshape CAD data parsing scripts here: onshape-cad-parser.


  • Linux
  • Python 3.7, PyTorch 1.5+


Install python package dependencies through pip:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Install pythonocc (OpenCASCADE) by conda:

$ conda install -c conda-forge pythonocc-core=7.5.1


Download data from here (backup) and extract them under data folder.

  • cad_json contains the original json files that we parsed from Onshape and each file describes a CAD construction sequence.
  • cad_vec contains our vectorized representation for CAD sequences, which serves for fast data loading. They can also be obtained using dataset/ TBA.
  • Some evaluation metrics that we use requires ground truth point clouds. Run:
    $ cd dataset
    $ python --only_test

The data we used are parsed from Onshape public documents with links from ABC dataset. We also release our parsing scripts here for anyone who are interested in parsing their own data.


See all hyper-parameters and configurations under config folder. To train the autoencoder:

$ python --exp_name newDeepCAD -g 0

For random generation, further train a latent GAN:

# encode all data to latent space
$ python --exp_name newDeepCAD --mode enc --ckpt 1000 -g 0

# train latent GAN (wgan-gp)
$ python --exp_name newDeepCAD --ae_ckpt 1000 -g 0

The trained models and experment logs will be saved in proj_log/newDeepCAD/ by default.

Testing and Evaluation


After training the autoencoder, run the model to reconstruct all test data:

$ python --exp_name newDeepCAD --mode rec --ckpt 1000 -g 0

The results will be saved inproj_log/newDeepCAD/results/test_1000 by default in the format of h5 (CAD sequence saved in vectorized representation).

To evaluate the results:

$ cd evaluation
# for command accuray and parameter accuracy
$ python --src ../proj_log/newDeepCAD/results/test_1000
# for chamfer distance and invalid ratio
$ python --src ../proj_log/newDeepCAD/results/test_1000 --parallel

Random Generation

After training the latent GAN, run latent GAN and the autoencoder to do random generation:

# run latent GAN to generate fake latent vectors
$ python --exp_name newDeepCAD --ae_ckpt 1000 --ckpt 200000 --test --n_samples 9000 -g 0

# run the autoencoder to decode into final CAD sequences
$ python --exp_name newDeepCAD --mode dec --ckpt 1000 --z_path proj_log/newDeepCAD/lgan_1000/results/fake_z_ckpt200000_num9000.h5 -g 0

The results will be saved inproj_log/newDeepCAD/lgan_1000/results by default.

To evaluate the results by COV, MMD and JSD:

$ cd evaluation
$ sh ../proj_log/newDeepCAD/lgan_1000/results/fake_z_ckpt200000_num9000_dec 1000 0

The script combines and You can also run these two files individually with specified arguments.

Pre-trained models

Download pretrained model from here (backup) and extract it under proj_log. All testing commands shall be able to excecuted directly, by specifying --exp_name=pretrained when needed.

Visualization and Export

We provide scripts to visualize CAD models and export the results to .step files, which can be loaded by almost all modern CAD softwares.

$ cd utils
$ python --src {source folder} # visualize with opencascade
$ python --src {source folder} # export to step format

Script to create CAD modeling sequence in Onshape according to generated outputs: TBA.


We would like to thank and acknowledge referenced codes from DeepSVG, latent 3d points and PointFlow.


Please cite our work if you find it useful:

author = {Wu, Rundi and Xiao, Chang and Zheng, Changxi},
title = {DeepCAD: A Deep Generative Network for Computer-Aided Design Models},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
month = {October},
year = {2021}
Rundi Wu
PhD student at Columbia University
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