A tiny end-to-end latency testing tool implemented by UDP protocol in Python 📈 .



A tiny end-to-end latency testing tool implemented by UDP protocol in Python 📈 .


Compare with other existing latency testing tools.

udp-latency tcp-latency Ping command IPerf
Support UDP
Flexible packet size
Specific sending frequency
Simple as single Python file

Server Usage

python3 udp_latency.py -c -f -n -t --ip --port --verbose

Client Usage

python3 udp_latency.py -s -b --ip --port --verbose --save


Argument Description Default value
-c Client N/A
-s Server N/A
-f Frequency of sending packets in clients, unit is Hz (number of packet per second). -f “m” means constantly send UDP packets in maximum bandwidth 1
-n Size of sending packets in clients, unit is bytes. Notes that it is the frame size on wire including IP header and UDP header, the packet size should be within (44, 1500]. 1500
-t Client running time, uint is second. The server also stops when client stops running. 10
-b Buffer size in server. 1500
–ip Remote ip.
–port To port and local port for client and server respectively. 20001
–verbose Whether print the testing result each iteration. True
–save File path to save testing result. ./result.csv


Feel free to contact me at [email protected]

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