With Christmas and New Year ahead, it is time for some festive coding. Here is a Christmas Card for you all!


Christmas Card

With Christmas and New Year ahead, it is time for some festive coding! Here is a Christmas Card for you all! NOTE: I have not made this by myself. Check out https://www.101computing.net/christmas-tree/ for this project and other festive animations!

Shapes Module

The file named 'Shapes MODULE.py' is the shapes module. For this turtle animation to work, put the file "Shapes MODULE.py" inside your python folder in the "Lib" folder (or wherever your python modules folder is). Then, run the programme! I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

I am a keen Python and JavaScript developer who likes to code. I have numerous open-source projects on my Github page - check these out fork them!
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_ _ __ _ __ _ | | | | / / (_) \ \ | | | | | |_ __ | | _ | | _ __ __ _ ___| | _____ _ __

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