A JSON utility library for Python featuring Django-style queries and mutations.

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PyPI - Python Version PyPI

JSON Enhanced

JSON Enhanced implements fast and pythonic queries and mutations for JSON objects.


You can install json-enhanced with pip:

pip install json-enhanced


result.first().parent # {'name': 'Carl', 'birthday': '1950-06-02 16:00:00', 'publications': 36} # We can also retrieve the path of a node: result.first().jsonpath # data/2/ ">
import jsonutils as js
from datetime import datetime

# We create a new JSONObject either directly or from a local file/URL:
json_data = js.JSONObject(
        "data": [
                "name": "Dan",
                "birthday": "1991-01-02 09:00:00",
                "publications": 15
                "name": "Mar",
                "birthday": "1991-03-02 12:30:00",
                "publications": 13
                "name": "Carl",
                "birthday": "1950-06-02 16:00:00",
                "publications": 36
                "name": "Vic",
                "birthday": "1986-07-02 16:00:00",
                "publications": None

# Now we can navegate through this object by attribute accesion:
# 'Mar'

# Or we can make queries. The syntax is very similar to Django's querysets:
result = json_data.query(birthday__lt=datetime(1985,1,1))


# {'name': 'Carl', 'birthday': '1950-06-02 16:00:00', 'publications': 36}

# We can also retrieve the path of a node:
# data/2/


Detailed documentation is available at json-enhanced.readthedocs.io.


Contributions are welcome! Please take a look at our contributors guide.

Code of Conduct

Please read CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md for details on our code of conduct.


This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License. For details, please read our LICENSE FILE.

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