obj-encrypt is an encryption library based on the AES-256 algorithm.



Chinese Version

obj-encrypt is an encryption library based on the AES-256 algorithm. It uses Python objects as the basic unit, which can convert objects into binary ciphertext and support decryption. Objects encrypted with obj-encrypt support TCP communication, database storage, and more.


Recommended Environment: Python 3+

  1. Enter the command window, create a virtual environment, and enter the following commands in turn

Linux and macOS:

python3 -m venv venv # Create a virtual environment.
. venv/bin/activate # Activate the virtual environment.


python -m venv venv # Create a virtual environment.
venv\Scripts\activate # Activate the virtual environment.
  1. Install obj-encrypt, enter in turn
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install obj-encrypt


from obj_encrypt import Secret

def main():
    secret = Secret(key='0123456789') # Initialize the secret instance, the key cannot exceed 32 strings.
    # Build the data dictionary.
    data = {
        'author': 'Cyberbolt',
        'personal_website': 'https://www.cyberlight.xyz/',
        'time': '2021-02-10'
    ciphertext = secret.encrypt(data) # Convert the object to binary ciphertext and get the ciphertext.
    print(ciphertext, ' ', type(ciphertext))
    data = secret.decrypt(ciphertext) # Decrypt ciphertext as object.

if __name__ == '__main__':


{'author': 'Cyberbolt', 'personal_website': 'https://www.cyberlight.xyz/', 'time': '2021-02-10'}


In addition to Python dictionaries, you can encrypt your own objects, and the encrypted binary can be stored in a database or used for TCP communication.

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