Machine Learning Course Project, IMDB movie review sentiment analysis by lstm, cnn, and transformer


IMDB Sentiment Analysis

This is the final project of Machine Learning Courses in Huazhong University of Science and Technology, School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation


To train a model (CNN, LSTM, Transformer), simply run

python --cfg <./model/xxx> --save <./save/>

You can change the configuration in config.



we follow the origin LSTM as possible



we adopt the methods mentioned in Effective Use of Word Order for Text Categorization with Convolutional Neural Networks



We use the original Transformer Encoder as Attention is all you need and use the concept of CLS Token as BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding


Experiment result

Model Comparison

Model Accuracy
LSTM 89.02
Transformer 87.47
CNN 88.66
Fine-tuned BERT 93.43


Batch size
Batch size Loss Accuracy
64 0.4293 0.8802
128 0.4298 0.8818
256 0.4304 0.8836
512 0.4380 0.8807
Embedding Size
Embedding size train Loss train Accuracy val loss val accuracy
32 0.4021 0.9127 0.4419 0.8707
64 0.3848 0.9306 0.4297 0.8832
128 0.3772 0.9385 0.4265 0.8871
256 0.3584 0.9582 0.4303 0.8825
512 0.3504 0.9668 0.4295 0.8838
Drop out
Drop out rate Train Loss Train Accuracy Test loss Test Accuracy
0.0 0.3554 0.9623 0.4428 0.8704
0.1 0.3475 0.9696 0.4353 0.8780
0.2 0.3516 0.9652 0.4312 0.8825
0.3 0.3577 0.9589 0.4292 0.8844
0.4 0.3587 0.9576 0.4272 0.8868
0.5 0.3621 0.9544 0.4269 0.8865
0.6 0.3906 0.9242 0.4272 0.8863
0.7 0.3789 0.9356 0.4303 0.8826
0.8 0.3939 0.9204 0.4311 0.8826
0.9 0.4211 0.8918 0.4526 0.8584
Weight decay
Weight decay train loss train accuracy test loss test accuracy
1.0e-8 0.3716 0.9436 0.4261 0.8876
1.0e-7 0.3803 0.9349 0.4281 0.8862
1.0e-6 0.3701 0.9456 0.4264 0.8878
1.0e-5 0.3698 0.9461 0.4283 0.8850
1.0e-4 0.3785 0.9377 0.4318 0.8806
Number layers

Number of LSTM blocks

Number layers train loss train accuracy test loss test accuracy
1 0.3786 0.9364 0.4291 0.8844
2 0.3701 0.9456 0.4264 0.8878
3 0.3707 0.9451 0.4243 0.8902
4 0.3713 0.9446 0.4279 0.8857


out channel size
out size train acc test acc
8 0.9679 0.8743
16 0.9791 0.8767
32 0.9824 0.8811
64 0.9891 0.8848
128 0.9915 0.8824
256 0.9909 0.8827
512 0.9920 0.8841
1024 0.9959 0.8833
multi scale filter
Number train acc test acc
1 [5] 0.9698 0.8748
2 [5, 11] 0.9852 0.8827
3 [5, 11, 17] 0.9890 0.8850
4 [5, 11, 17, 23] 0.9915 0.8848
5 [5, 11, 17, 23, 29] 0.9924 0.8842
6 [5, 11, 17, 23, 29, 35] 0.9930 0.8836
step train acc test acc
2 [5 7 9] 0.9878 0.8816
4 [5 9 11] 0.9890 0.8816
6 [5 11 17] 0.9919 0.8834
8 [5 13 21] 0.9884 0.8836
10[5 15 25] 0.9919 0.8848
12[5 17 29] 0.9898 0.8812
14[5 29 43] 0.9935 0.8809
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