A Pluggable And Powerful Telegram Manager Bot



A Powerful, Smart And Simple Userbot In Pyrogram.

Support 🚑

Inspiration & Credits

Code Owners

String Session - Pyrogram 🖱

Repl 🧨

Run on Repl.it

Locally 🏆

$ git clone https://github.com/DevsExpo/FridayUserbot
$ cd FridayUserBot
$ python(3) string_gen.py

Hosting 🖥

Deploying To Heroku / Railway

Deploy To Heroku

Deploy on Railway

Self-hosting (For Devs)

# Install Git First // (Else You Can Download And Upload to Your Local Server)
$ git clone https://github.com/DevsExpo/FridayUserBot
# Open Git Cloned File
$ cd FridayUserBot
# Install All Requirements 
$ pip(3) install -r requirements.txt
# Create local.env with variables as given below
# Start Bot 
$ python(3) -m main_startup

Mandatory Configs 📒

[+] Make Sure You Add All These Mandatory Vars. 
    [-] API_ID:   You can get this value from https://my.telegram.org
    [-] API_HASH :   You can get this value from https://my.telegram.org
    [-] STRINGSESSION : Your String Session, You can get this From Repl or BY running String_Gen File Locally
    [-] MONGO_DB : Your Mongo DB DataBase Url. 
    [-] LOG_GRP: Your Log Group/Channel Chat ID. This is Very Important and Some Modules Will Not Work Well Without This!
[+] The fridayUserbot will not work without setting the mandatory vars.

Examples - Plugins 👊

Plugins 🔧

from main_startup.core.decorators import friday_on_cmd
from main_startup.helper_func.basic_helpers import edit_or_reply

    "help": "This is A TEST",
    "example": "{ch}helloworld"
async def hello_world(client, message):
    mg = await edit_or_reply(message, "`Hello World! This Works!`")

Custom Filters 📣

from main_startup.core.decorators import listen

async def mentioned_(client, message):
    await message.reply_text("`Hello World! By The Way Why Did You Mention Me?`")

X-Tra Plugins 🎸

Licence 📋

GNU GPLv3 Image

FridayUB is Free Software: You can use, study share and improve it at your will. Specifically you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

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