An open source, multipurpose, configurable discord bot that does it all


Spacebot - Discord Bot
Spacebot - Discord Bot

Music, Moderation, Fun, Utilities, Games and Fully Configurable.

Discord Server PyPI - Python Version pycord

Code Style: Black

OverviewContributingSelf hosting • Documentation (not ready- send a PR!) • CommunityLicense


Spacebot is an open source discord bot that is designed to be fun, easy to use, and replace every other discord bot out there!! Feel free to add a star to the repository to promote the project!


  • ALL IN ONE !
  • ✉️ Support for commands in direct messages
  • ⚙️ Guild configuration (prefix, roles, etc.)
  • 😀 Commands made pleasant thanks to the many emojis
  • 🗳️ Rewards for voting on the bot on
  • Self hostable - a little programming knowledge required though


Spacebot has 200+ commands! Slash and non-slash included.

  • 🎵 Music - Play music from youtube, spotify, soundcloud, http links, vimeo, and a lot more! - NOW WITH FILTERS!
  • 😊 Fun - Random, joke, AI, and more to engage communities!
  • 🔧 Utilities - Helpful commands to make your life easier!
  • 🎮 Games - Play games with the bot!
  • ⚒️ Moderation - Moderation commands to help keep the server safe!
  • ⚙️ Configurable - Configure the bot to your liking!
  • 📷 Image manipulation - Make memes, filter images, convert file types and more!


Spacebot is open source on github. Feel free to make a PR! Make sure to read the guidelines but dont stress it!

Self hosting

You can self host the bot for your own server, but you will need to have a lavalink server, discord bot account and the API keys for a ton of stuff. its just better to invite spacebot to your own server and use it!

  • Read this guide to make a bot account.
  • Make a Lavalink server you will need this for the music to work.
  • create a dotenv in the main directory file with the following contents:

Note: You can choose not to put in certain API keys if you dont want the corresponding features.


Spacebot has a discord server! Stop by to say hello! Discord Server

Future plans

These are some planned features for Spacebot:

  • 📃 Documentation
  • Modmail
  • Ticket system
  • Automod
  • Moderation logging

If you can contribute and help me do any of these features, feel free to comment on the corresponding issues that you are working on it! After you are done, you can submit a PR and i'll add it to spacebot!


Spacebot is licensed under the MIT license

Also check : ABLETON - by INFINIX

Thanks for showing your interest in Spacebot!! While you are here, why not give it a ?

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