A System Metrics Monitoring Tool Built using Python3 , rabbitmq,Grafana and InfluxDB. Setup using docker compose. Use to monitor system performance with graphical interface of grafana , storage of influxdb and message queuing of rabbitmq



DashBoard View

  • This repository has code to setup a system monitoring tool
  • The tools used are the follows
    • Python3.6
    • Docker
    • RabbitMQ
    • InfluxDB
    • Grafana
  • The directories have the following code
    • database: setup influxdb database connection
    • monitor: collect system metircs like cpu usage , network usage etc
    • rabbitmq: rabbitmq server and client configuration and processes setup

Steps to Run

- Create directories grafana_data , rabbitmq_data , influxdb_data
- Provide permissions to the grafana directory
  sudo chown -R $USER grafana_data
  sudo chmod -R 777 grafana_data
- setup virtualenv using any of your preferred step
   virtualenv venv
   source venv/bin/activate
- Install packages required
   pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Start the containers using the docker compose file
   sudo docker-compose up -d
- Add influxdb as a datasource in grafana
- Start the server and client scripts seperately
   python3 server.py
   python3 client.py
- Setup grafana dashboards

Images to Get you started

  • Start docker compose and server client

    Docker Setup

  • Run all scripts Scripts

  • RabbitMq Queue Setup which happens through code Rabbitmq Queue

  • RabbitMq Message Viewing MesgView

  • Grafana DashBoard View DashBoard View

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@SummerofBitcoin21 @utreexo | Developer | SysAdmin | Devops Enthusiast | Maintainer and Projects Lead @CodeChefVIT
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