(NeurIPS '21 Spotlight) IQ-Learn: Inverse Q-Learning for Imitation

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Inverse Q-Learning (IQ-Learn)

Official code base for IQ-Learn: Inverse soft-Q Learning for Imitation, NeurIPS '21 Spotlight

IQ-Learn is an easy-to-use algorithm that's a drop-in replacement to methods like Behavior Cloning and GAIL, to boost your imitation learning pipelines!
Update: IQ-Learn was recently used to create the best AI agent for playing Minecraft. Placing #1 in NeurIPS MineRL Basalt Challenge using only human demos (Overall Leaderboard Rank #2)

[Project Page]

We introduce Inverse Q-Learning (IQ-Learn), a state-of-the-art novel framework for Imitation Learning (IL), that directly learns soft-Q functions from expert data. IQ-Learn enables non-adverserial imitation learning, working on both offline and online IL settings. It is performant even with very sparse expert data, and scales to complex image-based environments, surpassing prior methods by more than 3x. It is very simple to implement requiring ~15 lines of code on top of existing RL methods.

Inverse Q-Learning is theoretically equivalent to Inverse Reinforcement learning, i.e. learning rewards from expert data. However, it is much more powerful in practice. It admits very simple non-adverserial training and works on complete offline IL settings (without any access to the environment), greatly exceeding Behavior Cloning.

IQ-Learn is the successor to Adversarial Imitation Learning methods like GAIL (coming from the same lab).
It extends the theoretical framework for Inverse RL to non-adverserial and scalable learning, for the first-time showing guaranteed convergence.


title={IQ-Learn: Inverse soft-Q Learning for Imitation},
author={Divyansh Garg and Shuvam Chakraborty and Chris Cundy and Jiaming Song and Stefano Ermon},
booktitle={Thirty-Fifth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},

Key Advantages

Drop-in replacement to Behavior Cloning
Non-adverserial online IL (Successor to GAIL & AIRL)
Simple to implement
Performant with very sparse data (single expert demo)
Scales to Complex Image Envs (SOTA on Atari and playing Minecraft)
Recover rewards from envs


To install and use IQ-Learn check the instructions provided in the iq_learn folder.


Reaching human-level performance on Atari with pure imitation:


Recovering environment rewards on GridWorld:



Please feel free to email us if you have any questions.

Div Garg ([email protected])

Divyansh Garg
Making robots intelligent
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