A simple asynchronous TCP/IP Connect Port Scanner in Python 3


Python 3 Asynchronous TCP/IP Connect Port Scanner

Python Version OS CodeFactor Grade License

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A simple pure-Python TCP Connect port scanner. This application leverages the use of Python's Standard Library asyncio framework to execute a number of TCP connections to an arbitrary number ports on target IP addresses, taking a maximum time equal to the connection timeout setting (defaults to 3 seconds) to return all results.

This application maintains no dependencies on third-party modules and can be run by any Python v3.7+ interpreter.


GNU / Linux

Simply clone this repository with git clone and execute the simple_async_scan.py file as described in the following Usage section.

[email protected]:~/DIR$ git clone https://github.com/EONRaider/Simple-Async-Port-Scanner.git


usage: simple_async_scan.py [-h] -p PORTS [--open] ADDRESSES

Simple asynchronous TCP Connect port scanner

positional arguments:
  ADDRESSES             A comma-separated sequence of IP addresses and/or domain names to scan, e.g., ',,testphp.vulnweb.com'.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PORTS, --ports PORTS
                        A comma-separated sequence of port numbers and/or port ranges to scan on each target specified, e.g., '20-25,53,80,443'.
  --open                Only show open ports in the scan results.

Usage examples:
1. python3 simple_async_scan.py google.com -p 80,443
2. python3 simple_async_scan.py,demo.testfire.net, -p 20-25,53,80,111,135,139,443,3306,5900

Application Performance

Due to the nature of Python's asyncio framework results such as the ones shown below are possible: the first 1000 TCP/IP ports of scanme.nmap.org are scanned in 1.685 seconds:

[email protected]:~$ python3 simple_async_scan.py scanme.nmap.org -p 1-1000 --open
Starting Async Port Scanner at Sat Jan 30 13:41:25 2021
Scan report for scanme.nmap.org

[>] Results for scanme.nmap.org:
      PORT     STATE      SERVICE      REASON   
       22       open        ssh       syn/ack   
       80       open        http      syn/ack   

Async TCP Connect scan of 1000 ports for scanme.nmap.org completed in 1.685 seconds

ADVISORY: For the sake of simplicity this application does not implement a maximum number of workers responsible for making each connection, instead spawning a new worker for every target socket (i.e. combination of target address and TCP port) until the process is complete. What this means in practice is that performing a scan of a significant number of ports on a single host will consequently trigger a great number of requests being sent almost simultaneously, potentially causing an involuntary situation analogous to that of a SYN-flood Denial-of-Service attack on hosts not able to handle the sudden spike in the number of requests they have to handle. For this particular reason, and in addition to the Legal Disclaimer section below, all users are advised by the developers to use caution when scanning live hosts.

Running the Application

Objective Scan ports on a series of domains and IP addresses
Execution python3 simple_async_scan.py,demo.testfire.net -p 20-25,53,80,111
Outcome Refer to sample output below
  • Sample output:
[email protected]:~$ python3 simple_async_scan.py,demo.testfire.net -p 20-25,53,80,111
Starting Async Port Scanner at Sat Jan 30 13:39:20 2021
Scan report for | demo.testfire.net

[>] Results for
      PORT     STATE      SERVICE      REASON   
       20      closed     ftp-data    timeout   
       21      closed       ftp       timeout   
       22       open        ssh       syn/ack   
       23      closed      telnet     timeout   
       24      closed     unknown     timeout   
       25      closed       smtp      timeout   
       53      closed      domain     timeout   
       80       open        http      syn/ack   
      111      closed      sunrpc     timeout   

[>] Results for demo.testfire.net:
      PORT     STATE      SERVICE      REASON   
       20      closed     ftp-data    timeout   
       21      closed       ftp       timeout   
       22      closed       ssh       timeout   
       23      closed      telnet     timeout   
       24      closed     unknown     timeout   
       25      closed       smtp      timeout   
       53      closed      domain     timeout   
       80       open        http      syn/ack   
      111      closed      sunrpc     timeout   

Async TCP Connect scan of 18 ports for | demo.testfire.net completed in 3.005 seconds

Legal Disclaimer

The use of code contained in this repository, either in part or in its totality, for engaging targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state and federal laws.

Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for misuses or damages caused by any code contained in this repository in any event that, accidentally or otherwise, it comes to be utilized by a threat agent or unauthorized entity as a means to compromise the security, privacy, confidentiality, integrity, and/or availability of systems and their associated resources by leveraging the exploitation of known or unknown vulnerabilities present in said systems, including, but not limited to, the implementation of security controls, human- or electronically-enabled.

The use of this code is only endorsed by the developers in those circumstances directly related to educational environments or authorized penetration testing engagements whose declared purpose is that of finding and mitigating vulnerabilities in systems, limiting their exposure to compromises and exploits employed by malicious agents as defined in their respective threat models.

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