A really minimalistic operating system made using python's GUI module Tkinter.

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GUI DevelopmentBoxOS

BoxOS V1.0.0



A really minimalistic operating system made using python's GUI module Tkinter. What seperates it from the other operating systems made with Tkinter is the valid desktop and also terminal. It's made for general purposes. It's really simple and easy to edit, so feel free to give your take on it. Remember, think outside the box.


For BoxOS to run properly the following modules must be installed;


*Note: BoxOS must be ran on Python3

Preinstalled apps

Google chrome
File manager

How to run BoxOS


  1.clone the repository git clone https://github.com/FahimFerdous1/BoxOS
  2.then do cd BoxOS to change to the directory of BoxOS
  3.after changeing the directory, do python3 BoxOS.py


  1.install the repository
  2.unzip the repository
  3.change directory to BoxOS
  4.Run Os.py

The defualt password for BoxOS is Admin


All the branches/additons will be monitored, if we like your additon to BoxOS we will add it to the main branch!
If you added a change/additon to BoxOS please put your name & github in the contrib.txt

All the contributors to this project is listed in BoxOS/contrib.txt

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  • BoxOS(Mar 23, 2022)

    image This is the first official release of BoxOS, expect bugs, errors, etc...

    What is BoxOS?

    A really minimalistic operating system made using python's GUI module Tkinter. What separates it from the other operating systems made with Tkinter is the valid desktop and also terminal. It's made for general purposes. It's really simple and easy to edit, so feel free to give your take on it. Remember, think outside the box.

    Why BoxOS?

    if you ever wanted to create an operating system but don't really don't know how..., Use BoxOS's easy API's to create custom apps, your own software, your own modifications, but please tag us we would love to see your commits/your own changes you have applied to BoxOS and if we like it we'll embed it within the official repository of BoxOS

    (We don't have official documentation for BoxOS api's yet!)

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    BoxOS-V1.1-Lapras.zip(306.40 KB)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyZ-XfjAtUHQ8BrmuqO6T4w <-- my youtube!
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