A hashtag check python module

Made with Python3
(C) @FayasNoushad
Copyright permission under MIT License
License -> https://github.com/FayasNoushad/Check-Hashtag/blob/main/LICENSE


pip install Check-Hashtag


True print(check_hashtag.is_hashtag("Hello")) # => False print(check_hashtag.in_hashtag("Hello, #SupportOpensource")) # => True print(check_hashtag.in_hashtag("Hello, Support Opensource")) # => False ">
import check_hashtag

# => True
# => False 

print(check_hashtag.in_hashtag("Hello, #SupportOpensource"))
# => True
print(check_hashtag.in_hashtag("Hello, Support Opensource"))
# => False


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Indian Opensource Software Developer. Computer Science Student @Puliyaparamb. Learning more about programming. A @Python programmer.
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