This module can read, modify, and write a .pbxproj file from an Xcode 4+ projects. The file is usually called project.pbxproj and can be found inside the .xcodeproj bundle. Because some task cannot be done by clicking on an UI or opening Xcode to do it for you, this python module lets you automate the modification process.
This Genrates Random Numbers. This Random Number Generator was made using python. This software uses Time and Random extension. Download the EXE file and run it to get your answer.
A package to aggregate gridded data in xarray to polygons in geopandas using area-weighting from the relative area overlaps between pixels and polygons.
A simple API that will return a key-value pair of randomly generated UUID. Key will be a timestamp and value will be UUID. While the server is running, whenever the API is called, it should return al