An Industrial Grade Federated Learning Framework


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FATE (Federated AI Technology Enabler) is an open-source project initiated by Webank's AI Department to provide a secure computing framework to support the federated AI ecosystem. It implements secure computation protocols based on homomorphic encryption and multi-party computation (MPC). It supports federated learning architectures and secure computation of various machine learning algorithms, including logistic regression, tree-based algorithms, deep learning and transfer learning.

Federated Learning Algorithms in FATE

FATE already supports a number of federated learning algorithms, including vertical federated learning, horizontal federated learning, and federated transfer learning. More details are available in federatedml.


FATE can be installed on Linux or Mac. Now, FATE can support two installation approaches:

  • Native installation: standalone and cluster deployments;

  • Cloud native installation using KubeFATE:

    • Multi-party deployment by Docker-compose, which is for the development and testing purpose;

    • Cluster (multi-node) deployment by Kubernetes.

Native installation:

Software environment: JDK 1.8+, Python 3.6, python virtualenv and mysql 5.6+

Standalone Runtime

FATE provides Standalone runtime architecture for developers. It can help developers quickly test FATE. Standalone support two types of deployment: Docker version and Manual version. Please refer to Standalone Deployment Guide.

Cluster Runtime

FATE also provides a Cluster (distributed) runtime architecture for big data scenario. Migration from Standalone Runtime to Cluster Runtime requires only changes of the configuration. No change of the algorithm is needed. To deploy FATE on a cluster, please refer to Cluster Deployment Guide.

KubeFATE installation:

Using KubeFATE, FATE can be deployed by either Docker-Compose or Kubernetes:

  • For development or testing purposes, Docker-Compose is recommended. It only requires Docker environment. For more detail, please refer to Deployment by Docker Compose.

  • For a production or a large scale deployment, Kubernetes is recommended as an underlying infrastructure to manage a FATE cluster. For more detail, please refer to Deployment on Kubernetes.

More instructions can be found in the repo of KubeFATE.


FATE-client is a tool for easy interaction with FATE. We strongly recommend you install FATE-client and use it with FATE conveniently. Please refer to this document for more details on FATE-Client.

Running Tests

A script to run all the unit tests has been provided in ./python/federatedml/test folder.

Once FATE is installed, tests can be run using:

$ sh ./python/federatedml/test/

All the unit tests should pass if FATE is installed properly.


Quick Start Guide

A tutorial of getting started with modeling tasks can be found here.

Obtaining Model and Checking out Results

Functions such as tracking component output models or logs can be invoked by a tool called fate-flow. The deployment and usage of fate-flow can be found here.

API Guide

FATE provides API documents in doc-api.

Development Guide

To develop your federated learning algorithms using FATE, please refer to FATE Development Guide.

Other Documents

To better understand FATE, refer to documents in doc/.

Getting Involved


Apache License 2.0

  • Discussions


    This issue is specially opened for discussion. Here, you can feedback some problem such as install problem when you install FATE or new feature which you think is important for you. Finally, hope to use English to ask your questions. Thanks. dylanfan

    opened by dylan-fan 23
  •  ERROR: <_Rendezvous of RPC that terminated with: status = StatusCode.INTERNAL

    ERROR: <_Rendezvous of RPC that terminated with: status = StatusCode.INTERNAL

    I am using the cluster version FATE on the Centos 7 OS. I have already successfully passed the toy_example test and min test in both the fast and normal mode. When I was trying to use the to run the secureboost example, I successfully completed the train task but failed in the predict task.
    There was no error.log in the eggroll logs but an error.log in logs/fate_flow. You can see the ERROR.log and the fate_flow ERROR.log in the attachments. Actually, I have seen the same error message when I run the toy_example test and min test. And it seems that once this error occurs, whatever test I run the system will report the same error. I have checked the netstat and the status of the service and there reports no error. Also, I have restarted the service several times but it doesn't help. I wonder whether anyone can help me locate the problem or solve this problem, thank you so much.

    The ERROR message are as follows: ERROR.log ERROR.log

    fate_flow ERROR.log fate_flow_ERROR.log

    The netstat on both sides are as follows: netstat

    opened by vivianwky 14
  • 发起联邦任务时出现parameter to mergefrom() must be instance of same class错误

    发起联邦任务时出现parameter to mergefrom() must be instance of same class错误

    在arm芯片服务器上部署了fate之后,运行run_toy_example.py出现如下错误: Federated schedule error, Parameter to mergefrom() must be instance of same class: expected basic_meta_pb2.Endpoint got basic_meta_pb2.Endpoint. for field Topic.callback 想请教一下为啥出现这样的错误,然后应该如何处理呢?谢谢~

    opened by ykcirh 12
  • About the -- grpc instalment

    About the -- grpc instalment

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

    When the comes to compile the grpc, it can attend the "third_party/protobuf", but there are no files inside and the following commands will get error;

    ''' cd third_party/protobuf ./ ./configure --prefix=$dir/third_party '''

    the printout of these three lines command is shown below;

    [INSTALL] Installing grpc protoc plugins [INSTALL] Installing root certificates third_party/protobufdata/projects/fate/storage-service-cxx/third_party/grpc# cd
    d_party/protobuf# ./autogen.shcts/fate/storage-service-cxx/third_party/grpc/third bash: ./ No such file or directory d_party/protobuf# ./configure --prefix=/data/projects/fate/third_party/grpc/third bash: ./configure: No such file or directory d_party/protobuf# maketa/projects/fate/storage-service-cxx/third_party/grpc/third make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. d_party/protobuf# make checkjects/fate/storage-service-cxx/third_party/grpc/third make: *** No rule to make target 'check'. Stop. d_party/protobuf# make installcts/fate/storage-service-cxx/third_party/grpc/third make: *** No rule to make target 'install'. Stop. d_party/protobuf# cd /data/projects/fate/storage-service-cxx/ird_party/grpc/third cts/fate/third_party/* ./third_party/e/storage-service-cxx# rsync -a /data/proje (base) [email protected]:/data/projects/fate/storage-service-cxx#

    Describe the solution you'd like

    Are there some matter with the file? Thanks

    opened by YangjieZhou 12
  • fate v1.9.0 有关神经网络的问题

    fate v1.9.0 有关神经网络的问题

    在fate v1.9.0版本参考文档给出的demo测试神经网络发现一个错误。

    1.首次执行代码提示缺失tensorflow模块 image 在我使用了pip install tensorflow下载了tensorflow模块并再次执行了代码,再次发生以下错误 #4377 ,错误信息如下 image 追入/pipeline/component/nn/models/ 发现问题代码如下: ` def add(self, layer): if _TF_KERAS_VALID and isinstance(layer, base_layer.Layer): layer_type = "keras" elif isinstance(layer, dict): layer_type = "nn" elif hasattr(layer, "module") and getattr(layer, "module").startswith("torch.nn.modules"): layer_type = "pytorch" else:

            raise ValueError("Layer type {} not support yet".format(type(layer)))`

    在 isinstance(layer, base_layer.Layer)中返回的是false,所以抛出了以上错误, 将sequantial.py文件中的from tensorflow.python.keras.engine import base_layer 修改为 from keras.engine import base_layer则解决了这个问题。 所以是因为我下载的tensorflow版本发生了错误还是需要修改一下文档? 修改的文档在这里 #4380

    opened by oceanqdu 11
  • homo-convert发生错误


    在根据给出的demo执行 flow model homo-convert -c examples/model/homo_convert_model.json 发生以下错误。 image 同时在使用pipeline提交任务并使用, pipeline.model_convert.convert() 将会发生同样的错误 e4783ba611287fba0122876cf07d90c

    fate版本 1.8.0 centos7 请问一下是什么原因?

    opened by oceanqdu 10
  • 有关FATE联邦学习横向联邦学习的问题


    场景:参与方A和B使用FATE的HomoSecureBoost训练得到一个横向联邦学习模型。在得到模型后,参与方A想要使用这个模型进行预测,因此只需要A上传预测数据。在执行过程中发现无法执行预测任务。 问题:在横向联邦学习中训练得到模型是分布式存储在两个参与方的吗?如果一方想使用模型进行预测,另一方只作为计算方可以吗? 希望能够得到您的解答

    opened by oceanqdu 10
  • [Transfer Issue] 使用docker-compose版本测试homo_nn遇到的问题

    [Transfer Issue] 使用docker-compose版本测试homo_nn遇到的问题

    **What deployment mode you are use? ** docker-compose;

    **What KubeFATE and FATE version you are using? ** kubefate-docker-compose-v1.8.0

    在使用docker-compose测试参考文档 测试homo_nn遇到了一个报错 image

    ValueError: Layer type <class 'keras.layers.core.Dense'> not support yet

    在部署kubefate时我已经修改了我的parties.conf 文件,文件内容如下: image


    opened by oceanqdu 9
  • 有关pipeline实现横向联邦学习的预测


    # 正如教程中所示通过pipeline只能实现纵向联邦学习的预测过程,而在横向联邦学习的某些场景下,有时候并不需要所有参与方在预测过程中都提供数据,正如 #4314中所假设的场景,希望pipeline能够实现在横向联邦学习中单个参与方进行预测。

    opened by oceanqdu 9
  • 自定义组件无法运行


    New Algorithm

    根据步骤自定义组件,(mate/param/核心代码) 但在实际运行时候卡住无法运行,检擦日志发现是fate_flow在计算状态时长度为0 请问这个应该怎么解决?


    [INFO] [2022-05-09 06:51:16,365] [202205090318518103400] [32:140455706732288] - [dag_scheduler.schedule_running_job] [line:404]: scheduling running job
    [INFO] [2022-05-09 06:51:16,365] [202205090318518103400] [32:140455706732288] - [task_scheduler.schedule] [line:35]: scheduling job tasks
    [INFO] [2022-05-09 06:51:16,367] [202205090318518103400] [32:140455706732288] - [task_scheduler.schedule] [line:93]: finish scheduling job tasks
    [ERROR] [2022-05-09 06:51:16,367] [202205090318518103400] [32:140455706732288] - [dag_scheduler.run_do] [line:224]: calculate job status failed, all task status: dict_values([])
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/data/projects/fate/fateflow/python/fate_flow/scheduler/", line 222, in run_do
      File "/data/projects/fate/fateflow/python/fate_flow/scheduler/", line 411, in schedule_running_job
        new_job_status = cls.calculate_job_status(task_scheduling_status_code=task_scheduling_status_code, tasks_status=tasks_status.values())
      File "/data/projects/fate/fateflow/python/fate_flow/scheduler/", line 564, in calculate_job_status
        raise Exception("calculate job status failed, all task status: {}".format(tasks_status))
    Exception: calculate job status failed, all task status: dict_values([])
    [ERROR] [2022-05-09 06:51:16,367] [202205090318518103400] [32:140455706732288] - [dag_scheduler.run_do] [line:225]: schedule job failed
    opened by turkeymz 9
  • fateboard 1.8无法登录

    fateboard 1.8无法登录

    New Algorithm

    更新fate V1.8之后无法登录fateboard

    Short Description


    1. 默认不设置情况下,无法使用admin/admin登录
    2. yaml配置admin/admin(容器内部配置文件修改成功),依然无法登录




    opened by turkeymz 9
  • How to only use partial data in each epoch

    How to only use partial data in each epoch


    I noticed that every participant will train her/his model using the whole local dataset for every online_epoch. For example, it is supposed that A/B has 3200 samples, if batch_size=32, A/B will use 100 mini_batches for a single local training round. Considering the convergency of aggregation and security, it would be better only use fractional mini_batches, e.g. 0.1*100=10, for the local train in each epoch. Does fate currently support configuring this hyperparameter?

    regards, Timo

    opened by Timo9Madrid7 5
  • 横向逻辑回归训练过程添加加密参数后训练过程卡住





    测试横向逻辑回归脚本:, 可以在两分钟左右完成训练,在param中增加加密参数("encrypt_param": {"method": "Paillier", "key_length": 512})之后,训练在第一轮完成后一直卡住不能开始第二轮迭代。 所以两个问题:

    1. 如果没有“encrypt_param”,Fate的横向联邦是否安全,“encrypt_param”是不是必须的
    2. 为什么训练过程卡住,是加密过程导致的吗
    opened by kaiwang0112006 5
  • Pipeline Tutorial with HeteroSecureBoost训练模型报错

    Pipeline Tutorial with HeteroSecureBoost训练模型报错

    kubefate1.9.0测试10000的client上Pipeline Tutorial with HeteroSecureBoost训练模型报错

    [email protected]:/data/projects/fate# python 2022-12-20 17:45:44.367 | ERROR | main::34 - An error has been caught in function '', process 'MainProcess' (689), thread 'MainThread' (140540335593280): Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pipeline/utils/invoker/", line 46, in submit_job raise ValueError(f"retcode err, callback result is {result}")

    ValueError: retcode err, callback result is {'retcode': 100, 'retmsg': 'Connection refused, Please check if the fate flow service is started'}

    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "", line 34, in │ └ <function at 0x7fd21765c940> └ <pipeline.backend.pipeline.PipeLine object at 0x7fd218b3f820>

    File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pipeline/backend/", line 568, in fit self._train_job_id, detail_info = self._job_invoker.submit_job(self._train_dsl, training_conf, callback_func) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └ None │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └ {'dsl_version': 2, 'initiator': {'role': 'guest', 'party_id': 9999}, 'role': {'guest': [9999], 'host': [10000]}, 'job_paramet... │ │ │ │ │ │ └ {'components': {'reader_0': {'module': 'Reader', 'output': {'data': ['data']}, 'provider': 'fate_flow'}, 'data_transform_0': ... │ │ │ │ │ └ <pipeline.backend.pipeline.PipeLine object at 0x7fd218b3f820> │ │ │ │ └ <function JobInvoker.submit_job at 0x7fd2176d2b80> │ │ │ └ <pipeline.utils.invoker.job_submitter.JobInvoker object at 0x7fd218b3f370> │ │ └ <pipeline.backend.pipeline.PipeLine object at 0x7fd218b3f820> │ └ None └ <pipeline.backend.pipeline.PipeLine object at 0x7fd218b3f820> File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pipeline/utils/invoker/", line 54, in submit_job raise ValueError("job submit failed, err msg: {}".format(result)) └ {'retcode': 100, 'retmsg': 'Connection refused, Please check if the fate flow service is started'}

    ValueError: job submit failed, err msg: {'retcode': 100, 'retmsg': 'Connection refused, Please check if the fate flow service is started'} Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pipeline/utils/invoker/", line 46, in submit_job raise ValueError(f"retcode err, callback result is {result}") ValueError: retcode err, callback result is {'retcode': 100, 'retmsg': 'Connection refused, Please check if the fate flow service is started'}

    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 34, in File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/loguru/", line 1226, in catch_wrapper return function(*args, **kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pipeline/backend/", line 568, in fit self._train_job_id, detail_info = self._job_invoker.submit_job(self._train_dsl, training_conf, callback_func) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pipeline/utils/invoker/", line 54, in submit_job raise ValueError("job submit failed, err msg: {}".format(result)) ValueError: job submit failed, err msg: {'retcode': 100, 'retmsg': 'Connection refused, Please check if the fate flow service is started'}

    opened by desertfoxfj 1
  • 两台主机使用standalone进行部署并进行交互


    版本1.9.0的更新中提到了,两台不同的主机通过部署standalone版本也能实现联邦。请问具体的实现方式是怎么样的呢? 之前看到有回答说需要部署额外的通讯服务(pulsar或rabbitmq), 然后修改conf/service_conf.yaml。 请帮忙看一下以下步骤可以吗? 1.在两台服务器上成功部署fate 1.9.0 standalone版本。 2、两台主机上全部需要部署通信服务pulsar。(每台主机都部署pulsar的单机模式(standalone)可以吗,部署过程是否可以参考官方文档中的部署方式 ) 3、修改conf/service_conf.yaml文件,修改内容如下:(请您帮忙看一下yaml文件有无问题)

    use_registry: false
    use_deserialize_safe_module: false
    dependent_distribution: false
    encrypt_password: false
    encrypt_module: fate_arch.common.encrypt_utils#pwdecrypt
      client_authentication: fate_flow.hook.flow.client_authentication
      site_authentication: fate_flow.hook.flow.site_authentication
      permission: fate_flow.hook.flow.permission
        switch: false
        switch: false
      switch: false
      component: false
      dataset: false
         name: fateflow
         host: xx  #本机IP
         http_port: 9380
         grpc_port: 9360
      name: fate_flow
      user: fate
      passwd: fate
      port: 3306
      max_connections: 100
      stale_timeout: 30
      use_acl: false
      user: fate
      password: fate
      computing: standalone
      federation: pulsar
      storage: standalone
        cores_per_node: 20
        nodes: 1
        cores_per_node: 16
        nodes: 1
        port: 9370
        cores_per_node: 20
        nodes: 2
        cores_per_node: 20
        nodes: 2
        port: 9001
        token_code: MLSS
        python_path: /data/projects/fate/python
        port: 10000
        port: 9001
        name_node: hdfs://fate-cluster
        port: 6650
        mng_port: 8080
        cluster: standalone
        tenant: fl-tenant
        topic_ttl: 30
        # default conf/pulsar_route_table.yaml
        mode: replication
        max_message_size: 1048576
        http_port: 9300
        grpc_port: 9310
    # external services
      port: 8080
    enable_model_store: false
      storage: tencent_cos
      port: 8001
      federatedId: 0

    假设两台主机同时做完上述步骤之后,他们俩怎么才能实现交互?怎么指定各自的partyid?谁是guest 谁是host?是需要修改conf/pulsar_route_table.yaml文件中的内容吗?仅仅需要修改文件中host和guest的ip就可以吗?,还需其他操作吗?

    如果步骤不对能否给出正确的操作步骤,或者给出修改过后的一个有关 conf/service_conf.yaml的demo作为参考? 实在是没有找到有关standalone版本交互的文档或教程,对于一个初学者解决起来有点困难,还希望您能抽出时间帮忙解答一下,十分感谢!

    opened by oceanqdu 0
  • v1.10.0(Dec 29, 2022)

    By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

    Major Features and Improvements


    • Renewed Homo NN: PyTorch-based, support flexible model building:
      • Support user access to complex self-defined PyTorch models or ready-to-use PyTorch models such as DeepFM, ResNet, BERT, Yolo
      • Support various data set types, may build data set based on PyTorch Dataset
      • User-defined training loss
      • User-defined training process: user-defined aggregation algorithm for client and server
      • Provide API for developing Aggregator
    • Upgraded Hetero NN: support flexible model building and various data set types:
      • more flexible pytorch top/bottom model customization; provide access to industry approved PyTorch models
      • User-defined training loss
      • Support various data set types, may build data set based on PyTorch Dataset
    • Renewed Homo-federated framework with support for all current homo models, including Homo NN, Homo LR,Homo SecureBoost, Homo Feature Binning, and Hetero KMeans. This provides smoother algorithm customization and development experience
    • Semi-Supervised Algorithm Positive Unlabeled Learning
    • Hetero LR & Hetero SecureBoost now supports Intel IPCL
    • Intersection support Multi-host Elliptic-curve-based PSI
    • Intersection may compute Multi-host Secure PSI Cardinality
    • Hetero Feature Optimal Binning now record & show Gini/KS/Chi-Square metrics
    • Host may load Hetero Binning model with WOE score through Model Loader
    • Hetero Feature Binning support binning by user-provided split points
    • Sampler support weighted sampling by instance weight


    • Flow CLI adds min-test options
    • Pipeline adds data-bind API, useful for local development
    • Pipeline may reconfigure role/model_id/model_version, switching party_id for prediction task
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.8.1(Dec 9, 2022)

  • v1.7.3(Dec 9, 2022)

  • v1.9.2(Dec 8, 2022)

  • v1.9.1(Nov 23, 2022)

    By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

    Major Features and Improvements


    • Fix cipher compression with large Hessian value for HeteroSecureBoost
    • Fix tweedie-loss calculation in HeteroSecureBoost
    • Fix Intersection summary when left-joining data with match_id
    • Fix event/non_event statistic for WOE computation in HeteroFeatureBinning
    • Fix default sid name display for data uploaded with meta
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.9.0(Aug 31, 2022)

    By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

    Major Features and Improvements


    • Add elliptic curve based PSI algorithm, which allows 128-bit secure-level intersection of billion samples, 20x faster than RSA protocol under the same security level
    • Support accurate intersection cardinality calculation
    • Support for multi-column ID data; user may specify id column for PSI intersection and subsequent modeling usage
    • Hetero NN supports torch backend and supports complex layers such as LSTM
    • Add CoAE label reinforcement mechanism for vertical federated neural network
    • Hetero NN supports multi-host modeling scenarios
    • HeteroSecureBoost supports merging sub-models from all parties and exporting the merged model into lightgbm or PMML format
    • HeteroLR and HeteroSSHELR support merging sub-models from all parties and exporting the merged model into sklearn or PMML format
    • HeteroFeatureSelection supports anonymous feature selection
    • Label Encoder adds automatic label type inference
    • 10x faster local VIF computation in HeteroPearson, with added support for computing local VIF on linearly dependent columns
    • Optimized feature engineering column processing logic
    • HeteroFeatureBinning supports calculation of IV and WOE values during prediction
    • Renewed feature anonymous generation logic


    • Support python3.8+
    • Support Spark 3x
    • Renewed Federation module, RabbitMQ and Pulsar support client transmission mode
    • Support Standalone, Spark, EggRoll heterogeneous computing engine interconnection


    • PipeLine adds timeout retry mechanism
    • Pipeline's get_output_data API now may return component output data in DataFrame-typed format
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.8.0(Apr 18, 2022)

    By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

    Major Features and Improvements


    • Add non-coordinated-version Hetero Linear Regression, based on integrated Hetero GLM framework, with mixed protocol of HE and SPDZ
    • Homo LR support one-vs-rest
    • Add SecureBoost-MO algorithm to speed up multi-class classification of Hetero & Homo SecureBoost, 1.5x-5x faster
    • Optimize Hetero SecureBoost Predict Transmission Data Size,reduce 75% bandwidth consumption if tree's max depth is small
    • Speed up DH Intersection implementation, 30%+ faster
    • Optimized Quantile Binning gk-summary structure & split point query,20%+ faster, less memory cost
    • Support weighted training in non-coordinated Hetero Logistic Regression & Linear Regression
    • Merge Hetero FastSecureBoost into Hetero SecureBoost as a boosting strategy option


    • Adjustable task_cores for standalone FATE
    • Enable Eggroll option to make computing output "IN_MEMORY" by default


    • Include Paillier encryption performance evaluation
    • Include SPDZ performance evaluation
    • Optimized testsuite printout
    • Include examples data upload and mnist download
    • Provide pipeline to dsl convert tools


    • Fix bug for SPDZ when using default q_filed
    • Fix multiple get problem of SPDZ
    • Fix bugs of recursive-query homo feature binning
    • Fix homo_nn's model aggregation problem
    • Fix bug for hetero feature selection when using federated filter but some party's feature is empty.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.5.3(Mar 14, 2022)

    By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

    Major Features and Improvements


    • New batch strategy in coordinated Hetero LR: support masked batch data and batch shuffle
    • Iterative Affine is disabled


    • Support Eggroll v2.2.3, upgrade com.h2database:h2 to version 2.1.210, to version 3.16.1, spring to version 5.1.20.RELEASE
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.7.2(Mar 1, 2022)

    By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

    Major Features and Improvements


    • New batch strategy in coordinated Hetero LR: support masked batch data and batch shuffle
    • Model inference protection enhancement for Hetero SecureBoost with FED-EINI algorithm
    • Hetero SecureBoost supports split feature importance on host side, disables gain feature importance
    • Offline SBT Feature transform component


    • Fixed Bug for HeteroPearson with changing default q_field value for spdz
    • Fix Data Transform's schema label name setting problem when with_label is False
    • Add testing examples for new algorithm features, and delete deprecated params in algorithm examples.


    • Support the loading of custom password encryption modules through plug-ins
    • Separate the base connection address of the data storage table from the data table information, and compatible with historical versions
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.7.1.1(Jan 27, 2022)

    By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

    Major Features and Improvements


    • upgrade mysql to version 8.0.28


    • Support Eggroll v2.4.3, upgrade com.h2database:h2 to version 2.1.210, to version 3.16.1
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.7.1(Jan 12, 2022)

    By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

    Major Features and Improvements


    • Iterative Affine is disabled
    • Speed up Hetero Feature Selection, 100x+ faster when feature dimension is high
    • Speed up OneHot, 60x+ faster when feature dimension is high
    • Data Statistics supports missing value, with improved efficiency
    • Fix bug of quantile binning: may lose data when partitions hold too many instances
    • Fix reconstruction reuse problem of SPDZ
    • Fix Host's ineffective decay rate of Homo Logistic Regression
    • Improved strategy for handling missing values when converting Homo SecureBoost using homo model convertor
    • Improved presentation of Evaluation's confusing matrix


    • Add Source Provider attribute to Pipeline components


    • Support Eggroll v2.4.2, fixed Log4j security bug
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.7.0(Nov 24, 2021)

    By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

    Major Features and Improvements


    • Support EggRoll 2.4.0
    • Support Spark-Local Computing Engine
    • Support Hive Storage
    • Support LocalFS Storage for Spark-Local Computing Engine
    • Optimizing the API interface for Storage session and table
    • Simplified the API interface for Session, remove backend and workmode parameters
    • Heterogeneous Engine Support: Federation between Spark-Local and Spark-Cluster
    • Computing Engine, Storage Engine, Federation Engine are set in conf/service_conf.yaml when FATE is deployed


    • Optimized Hetero-SecureBoost: with gradient packing、cipher compressing, and sparse point statistics optimization, 4x+ faster
    • Homo-SecureBoost supports memory-based histogram computation for more efficient tree building, 5x+ faster
    • Optimized RSA Intersect with CRT optimization, 3x+ faster
    • New two-party Hetero Logistic Regression Algorithm: mixed protocol of HE and MPC, without a trusted third party
    • Support data with match-id, separating match id and sample id
    • New DH Intersect based on PH Key-exchange protocol
    • Intersect support cardinality estimation
    • Intersect adds optionally preprocessing step
    • RSA and DH Intersect support cache
    • New Feature Imputation module: can apply arbitrary imputation method to each column
    • New Label Transform module: transform categorical label values
    • Homo-LR, Homo-SecureBoost, Homo-NN now can convert models into sklearn、lightgbm、torch & tf-keras framework
    • Hetero Feature Binning supports multi-class task, higher efficiency with label packing
    • Hetero Feature Selection support multi-class iv filter
    • Secure Information Retrieval supports multi-column retrieval
    • Major training algorithms support warm-start and checkpoint : Homo & Hetero LR, Homo & Hetero-SecureBoost, Homo & Hetero NN
    • Optimized Pailler addition operation, several times faster, Hetero-SecureBoost with Paillier speed up 2x+


    • Pipeline supports uploading match id functionality
    • Pipeline supports homo model conversion
    • Pipeline supports model push to FATE-Serving
    • Pipeline supports running jobs with specified FATE version


    • Integrate FederatedML unittest
    • Support for uploading image data
    • Big data generation using storage interface, optimized generation logic
    • Support for historical data comparison
    • cache_deps and model_loader_deps support
    • Run DSL Testsuite with specified FATE version
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.6.1(Sep 14, 2021)

    By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

    Major Features and Improvements


    • Support single party prediction
    • SIR support non-ascii id
    • Selection support local iv filter
    • Adjustable Paillier key length for Hetero LR
    • Binning support iv calculation on categorical features
    • Hetero LR one vs rest support evaluation during training


    • Support mysql storage engine;
    • Added service registry interface;
    • Added service query interface;
    • Support fate on WeDataSphere mode
    • Add lock when writing model_local_cache
    • Register the model download urls to zookeeper


    • Fix error for deploying module with lack of partial upstream modules in multi-input cases
    • Fix error for deploying module with multiple output, like data-statistics
    • Fix job id length no more than 25 limitation
    • Fix error when loss function of Hetero SecureBoost set to log-cosh
    • Fix setting predict label to string-type error when Hetero SecureBoost predicts
    • Fix error for HeteroLR without intercept
    • Fix quantile error of Data Statistics with specified columns
    • Fix string parsing error of OneHot with specified columns
    • Some parameters can now take 0 or 1 integer values when valid range is [0, 1]
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.5.2(Jul 29, 2021)

    By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

    Major Features and Improvements


    • SIR support non-ascii id
    • Selection support local iv filter
    • Adjustable Paillier key length for Hetero LR
    • Binning support iv calculation on categorical features
    • Hetero LR one vs rest support evaluation during training


    • Read data from mysql with ‘table bind’ command to map source table to FATE table
    • FATE cluster push model for one-to-multiple FATE Serving clusters in one party

    System Architecture

    • More efficient ‘sample’ api

    Bug Fixes

    • Fix error for deploying module with lack of partial upstream modules in multi-input cases
    • Fix job id length no more than 25 limitation
    • Fix error when loss function of Hetero SecureBoost set to log-cosh
    • Fix setting predict label to string-type error when Hetero SecureBoost predicts
    • Fix error for HeteroLR without intercept
    • Fix torch import error
    • Fix quantile error of Data Statistics with specified columns
    • Fix string parsing error of OneHot with specified columns
    • Some parameters can now take 0 or 1 integer values when valid range is [0, 1]
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.6.0(Mar 31, 2021)

    By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

    Major Features and Improvements


    • Hetero SecureBoost: more efficient computation with GOSS, histogram subtraction, cipher compression, 2-4x faster
    • Hetero GLM: improved communication efficiency, adjustable floating point precision, 2x faster
    • Hetero NN: adjustable floating point precision, support SelectiveBackPropagation and dropOut on interaction layer, 2x faster
    • Hetero Feature Binning: improved algorithm with cipher compression, 2x faster
    • Intersect: add split calculation option and adjustable random base fraction, 30% faster
    • Homo NN: restructure torch backend and enhanced grammar; train and predict with raw image data
    • Intersect supports SM3 hashing method
    • Hetero SecureBoost: L1 penalty & adjustable min_child_weight to prevent overfitting
    • NEW SecureBoost Transformer: feature engineering module that encodes instances with leaf nodes from SecureBoost model
    • Hetero Pearson: support local VIF computation
    • Hetero Feature Selection: support selection based on VIF and Pearson
    • NEW Homo Feature Binning: support virtual/recursive binning strategy
    • NEW Sample Weight: set sample weights based on label or from feature column, Hetero GLM & Hetero SecureBoost support weighted training
    • NEW Data Transformer: case-insensitive on data schema
    • Local Baseline supports prediction task
    • Cross Validation: output fold split history
    • Evaluation: add multi-result-unfold option which unfolds multi-classification evaluation result to several binary evaluation results in a one-vs-rest manner

    System Architecture

    • Added local file system directory path virtual storage engine to support image input data
    • Added the message queue Pulsar cross-site transmission engine, which can be used with the Spark computing engine, and can be added to the Exchange role to support the star networking mode


    • Add Benchmark performance for efficiency comparison; add mock data generation tool; support metrics comparison between training and validation sets
    • FATE-Flow unittest for REST/CLI/SDK API and training-prediction workflow
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.5.1(Feb 10, 2021)

    By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

    Major Features and Improvements


    • Add Feldman Verifiable Secret Sharing protocol (contributed)
    • Add Feldman Verifiable Sum Module (contributed)
    • Updated FATE-Client and FATE-Test for new FATE-Flow
    • Upgraded early stopping strategy: record best model for each metric


    • Optimize the model center, reconstruct publishing model, support deploy, load, bind, migrate operations, and add new interfaces such as model info
    • Improve identity authentication and resource authorization, support party identity verification, and participate in the authorization of roles and components
    • Optimize and fix resource manager, add task_cores job parameters to adapt to different computing engines


    • In one-way communication mode, add party identity authentication function, which needs to be used with FATE-Cloud


    • Support 1.5.0 retain data upgrade to 1.5.1

    Bug Fixes

    • Fix predict-cache in SecureBoost validation
    • Fix job clean CLI
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.5.0(Nov 13, 2020)

    By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

    Release 1.5.0(LTS)

    Major Features and Improvements


    • Refactored Hetero FTL with optional communication-efficiency mechanism, with 4x time efficiency improvement
    • Hetero SecureBoost supports complete secure mode
    • Hetero SecureBoost now can reduce time consumption over highly sparse data by using sparse matrix computation on histogram aggregations.
    • Hetero SecureBoost optimization: the communication round in prediction is reduced to no larger than tree depth, prediction speed is improved by 32 times in a 100-tree model.
    • Addition of Hetero FastSecureBoost module, whose mixed/layered modeling method makes it twice as efficient as SecureBoost
    • Improved Hetero Federated Binning with 30%~50% time efficiency improvement
    • Better GLM: >10% improvement in time efficiency
    • FATE first unsupervised learning algorithm: Hetero KMeans
    • Upgraded Hetero Feature Selection: add PSI filter and SecureBoost feature importance filter
    • Add Data Split module: splitting data into train, validate, and test sets inside FATE modeling workflow
    • Add DataStatistic module: compute min/max, mean, median, skewness, kurtosis, coefficient of variance, percentile, etc.
    • Add PSI module for computing population stability index
    • Add Homo OneHot module for one-hot encoding in homogeneous scenario
    • Evaluation module adds metrics for clustering
    • Optional FedProx mechanism for Homo LR, useful for training with non-iid data
    • Add Oblivious Transfer Protocol and OT-based module Secure Information Retrieval
    • Random Iterative Affine protocol, providing additional security


    • Brand new scheduling framework based on global state and optimistic concurrency control and support multiple scheduler
    • Upgraded task scheduling: multi-model output for component, executing component in parallel, component rerun
    • Add new DSL v2 which significantly improves user experiences in comparison to DSL v1. Several syntax error detection functions are supported in v2. Now DSL v1 and v2 are compatible in the current FATE version
    • Enhanced resource scheduling: remove limit on job number, base on cores, memory and working node according to different computing engine supports
    • Add model registry, supports model query, import/export, model transfer between clusters
    • Add Reader component: automatically dump input data to FATE-compatible format and cluster storage engine; now data from HDFS
    • Refactor submit job configuration's parameters setting, support different parties use different job parameters when using dsl V2.

    System Architecture

    • New architectural framework that supports a combination of different computing, storage, and transfer engines
    • Support new engine combination: Spark、HDFS、RabbitMQ
    • New data table management, standardized API for all different storage engines
    • Rearrange FATE code structure, conf setting at one place, streamlined user experiment
    • Support one-way network communication between parties, only one party needs to open the entrance network strategy


    • Pipeline, a tool with a keras-like user interface and integrates TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras in the backend, is used for fast federated model building with FATE
    • Brand new CLI v2 with easy independent installation, user-friendly programming syntax & command-line prompt
    • Support FLOW python language SDK
    • Support PyPI


    • Testsuite: For Fate function regressions
    • Benchmark tool and examples for comparing modeling quality; provided examples include common models such as heterogeneous LR, SecureBoost, and NN
    • Performance Statistics: Log now includes statistics on timing, API usage, and variable transfer
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.4.6(Oct 22, 2020)

    By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

    Major Features and Improvements


    • Add Column Expand Module
    • Add Scorecard Module
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.5.0-preview(Oct 19, 2020)

    By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

    Major Features and Improvements


    • Refactored Hetero FTL with optional communication-efficiency mechanism, with 4x time efficiency improvement
    • Hetero SecureBoost supports complete secure mode
    • Hetero SecureBoost now can reduce time consumption over highly sparse data by using sparse matrix computation on histogram aggregations.
    • Hetero SecureBoost optimization: the communication round in prediction is reduced to no larger than tree depth, prediction speed is improved by 32 times in a 100-tree model.
    • Addition of Hetero FastSecureBoost module, whose mixed/layered modeling method makes it twice as efficient as SecureBoost
    • Improved Hetero Federated Binning with 30%~50% time efficiency improvement
    • Better GLM: >10% improvement in time efficiency
    • FATE first unsupervised learning algorithm: Hetero KMeans
    • Upgraded Hetero Feature Selection: add PSI filter and SecureBoost feature importance filter
    • Add Data Split module: splitting data into train, validate, and test sets inside FATE modeling workflow
    • Add DataStatistic module: compute min/max, mean, median, skewness, kurtosis, coefficient of variance, percentile, etc.
    • Add PSI module for computing population stability index
    • Add Homo OneHot module for one-hot encoding in homogeneous scenario
    • Evaluation module adds metrics for clustering
    • Optional FedProx mechanism for Homo LR, useful for training with non-iid data
    • Add Oblivious Transfer Protocol and OT-based module Secure Information Retrieval
    • Random Iterative Affine protocol, providing additional security


    • Brand new scheduling framework based on global state and optimistic concurrency control and support multiple scheduler
    • Upgraded task scheduling: multi-model output for component, executing component in parallel, component rerun
    • Add new DSL v2 which significantly improves user experiences in comparison to DSL v1. Several syntax error detection functions are supported in v2. Now DSL v1 and v2 are compatible in the current FATE version
    • Enhanced resource scheduling: remove limit on job number, base on cores, memory and working node according to different computing engine supports
    • Add model registry, supports model query, import/export, model transfer between clusters
    • Add Reader component: automatically dump input data to FATE-compatible format and cluster storage engine; now data from HDFS

    System Architecture

    • New architectural framework that supports a combination of different computing, storage, and transfer engines
    • Support new engine combination: Spark、HDFS、RabbitMQ
    • New data table management, standardized API for all different storage engines
    • Rearrange FATE code structure, conf setting at one place, streamlined user experiment


    • Pipeline, a tool with a keras-like user interface and integrates TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras in the backend, is used for fast federated model building with FATE
    • Brand new CLI v2 with easy independent installation, user-friendly programming syntax & command-line prompt
    • Support FLOW python language SDK
    • Support PyPI


    • Testsuite: For Fate function regressions
    • Benchmark tool and examples for comparing modeling quality; provided examples include common models such as heterogeneous LR, SecureBoost, and NN
    • Performance Statistics: Log now includes statistics on timing, API usage, and variable transfer
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.4.5(Sep 27, 2020)

    By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

    Major Features and Improvements


    • RollSite supports the communication certificates
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.4.4(Sep 4, 2020)

    By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

    Major Features and Improvements


    • Task Executor supports monkey patch
    • Add forward API
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.4.3(Aug 12, 2020)

    By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

    Major Features and Improvements


    • Fix bug of Hetero SecureBoost of sending tree weight info from guest to host.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.4.2(Jul 27, 2020)

    By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

    Major Features and Improvements


    • Optimize performance of Pearson which increases efficiency by more than twice.
    • Optimize Min-test module: Add secure-boost as optional test task. Set partyid and work_mode as input parameters. Use pre-import data set as input so that improved test process.
    • Support tok_k iv filter in feature selection module.
    • Support filling missing value for tag:value format data in DataIO.
    • Fix bug of lacking one layer of depth of tree in HeteroSecureBoost and support automatically alignment header of input data in predict process
    • Standardize the naming of example data set and add a data pre-import script.


    • Distinguish between user stop job and system stop job;
    • Optimized some logs;
    • Optimize zookeeper configuration
    • The model supports persistent storage to mysql
    • Push the model to the online service to support the specified storage address (local file and FATEFlowServer interface)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.4.1(Jun 23, 2020)

    By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

    Major Features and Improvements


    • Reconstructed Evaluation Module improves efficiency by 60 times
    • Add PSI, confusion matrix, f1-score and quantile threshold support for Precision/Recall in Evaluation.
    • Add option to retain duplicated keys in Union.
    • Support filter feature based on mode
    • Manual filter allows manually set columns to retain
    • Auto recoginize whether a data set includes a label column in predict process
    • Bug-fix: Missing schema after merge in Union; Fail to align label of multi-class in homo_nn with PyTorch backend; Floating-point precision error and value error due to int-type input in Feature Scale


    • Allow the host to stop the job
    • Optimize the task queue
    • Automatically align the input table partitions of all participants when the job is running
    • Fate flow client large file upload optimization
    • Fixed some bugs with abnormal status
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.4.0(May 15, 2020)

    By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

    Major Features and Improvements


    • Support Homo Secureboost
    • Support AIC/BIC-based Stepwise for Linear Models
    • Add Hetero Optimal Feature Binning, support iv/gini/chi-square/ks,and allow asymmetric binning methods
    • Interoperate with AI ecosystem: Add pytorch backend for Homo NN
    • Homo Framework factorization, simplify developing homo algorithms
    • Early stopping strategy for hetero algorithms.
    • Local Baseline supports multi-class classification
    • Add consistency check to Predict function
    • Optimize validation strategy,3x speed up in-training validation


    • Refactoring model management, native file directory storage, storage structure is more flexible, more information
    • Support model import and export, store and restore with reliable distributed system(Redis is currently supported)
    • Using MySQL instead of Redis to implement Job Queue, reducing system complexity
    • Support for uploading client local files
    • Automatically detects the existence of the table and provides the destroy option
    • Separate system, algorithm, scheduling command log, scheduling command log can be independently audited


    Stability Boosts:

    • New resource management components introduce the brand new session mechanism. Processors can be cleaned up with a simple method call, even the session goes wrong.
    • Removes storage service. No C++ / native library compilation is needed.
    • Federated learning algorithms can still work at a 28% packet loss rate.

    Performance Boosts:

    • Performances of federated learning algorithms are improved on Eggroll 2. Some algorithms get 10x performance boost.
    • Join interface is 16x faster than pyspark under federated learning scenarios.

    User Experiences Boosts:

    • Quick deployment. Maven, pip, config and start.
    • Light dependencies. Check our requirements.txt / pom.xml and see.
    • Easy debugging. Necessary running contexts are provided. Runtime status are kept in log files and databases.
    • Few daemon processes. And they are all JVM applications.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.3.1(Apr 18, 2020)

    Major Features and Improvements


    • Support deploying by MacOS
    • Support using external db
    • Deploy JDK and Python environments on demand
    • Improve MySQL and FATE Flow
    • Support more custom deployment configurations in the, such as ssh_port, mysql_port and so one.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.2(Mar 23, 2020)

  • v1.3.0(Mar 6, 2020)

    By downloading, installing or using the software, you accept and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the LICENSE and DISCLAIMER.

    Major Features and Improvements


    • Add federated recommendation submodule
    • Add heterogeneous Factoraization Machine
    • Add hemogeneous Factoraization Machine
    • Add heterogeneous Matrix Factorization
    • Add heterogeneous Singular Value Decomposition
    • Add heterogeneous SVD++ (Factorization Meets the Neighborhood)
    • Add heterogeneous Generalized Matrix Factorization


    • Support Sparse data training in heterogeneous General Linear Model(Hetero-LR、Hetero-LinR、Hetero-PoissonR)
    • Fix 32M limitation of quantile binning to support higher feature dimension
    • Fix 32M limitation of histogram statistics for SecureBoost to support higher feature dimension training.
    • Add abnormal parameters and input data detection in OneHot Encoder
    • fix not passing validate data to fit process to support evaluate validation data during training process


    • Add clean job CLI for cleaning output and intermediate results, including data, metrics and sessions
    • Support for obtaining table namespace and name of output data via CLI
    • Fix KillJob unsuccessful execution in some special cases
    • Improve log system, add more exception and run time status prompts
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.1(Mar 19, 2020)

  • v1.2.0(Dec 31, 2019)

    Major Features and Improvements


    • Add heterogeneous Deep Neural Network
    • Add Secret-Sharing Protocol-SPDZ
    • Add heterogeneous feature correlation algorithm with SPDZ and support heterogeneous Pearson Correlation Calculation
    • Add heterogeneous SQN optimizer, available for Hetero-LogisticRegression and Hetero-LinearRegression, which can reduce communication costs significantly
    • Supports intersection for expanding duplicate IDs
    • Support multi-host in heterogeneous feature binning
    • Support multi-host in heterogeneous feature selection
    • Support IV calculation for categorical features in heterogeneous feature binning
    • Support transform raw feature value to WOE in heterogeneous feature binning
    • Add manual filters in heterogeneous feature selection
    • Support performance comparison with sklearn's logistic regression
    • Automatic object/table clean in training iteration procedure in Federation
    • Improve transfer performance for large object
    • Add automatic scripts for submitting and running tasks


    • Add data management module for recording the uploaded data tables and the outputs of the model in the job running, and for querying and cleaning up CLI.
    • Support registration center for simplifying communication configuration between FATEFlow and FATEServing
    • Restruct model release logic, FATE_Flow pushes model directly to FATE-Serving. Decouple FATE-Serving and Eggroll, and the offline and online architectures are connected only by FATE-Flow.
    • Provide CLI to query data upload record
    • Upload and download data support progress statistics by line
    • Add some abnormal diagnosis tips
    • Support adding note information to job

    Native Deploy

    • Fix bugs in EggRoll startup script, add MySQL, Redis startup options.
    • Disable hostname resolution configuration for MySQL service.
    • The version number of each module of the software packaging script is updated using the automatic acquisition mode.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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Task Transformer Network for Joint MRI Reconstruction and Super-Resolution (MICCAI 2021)

T2Net Task Transformer Network for Joint MRI Reconstruction and Super-Resolution (MICCAI 2021) [Paper][Code] Dependencies numpy==1.18.5 scikit_image==

64 Nov 23, 2022
M2MRF: Many-to-Many Reassembly of Features for Tiny Lesion Segmentation in Fundus Images

M2MRF: Many-to-Many Reassembly of Features for Tiny Lesion Segmentation in Fundus Images This repo is the official implementation of paper "M2MRF: Man

12 Dec 14, 2022
Learning Pixel-level Semantic Affinity with Image-level Supervision for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation, CVPR 2018

Learning Pixel-level Semantic Affinity with Image-level Supervision This code is deprecated. Please see instead. Int

Jiwoon Ahn 337 Dec 15, 2022
Official Repository for "Robust On-Policy Data Collection for Data Efficient Policy Evaluation" (NeurIPS 2021 Workshop on OfflineRL).

Robust On-Policy Data Collection for Data-Efficient Policy Evaluation Source code of Robust On-Policy Data Collection for Data-Efficient Policy Evalua

Autonomous Agents Research Group (University of Edinburgh) 2 Oct 09, 2022
DANet for Tabular data classification/ regression.

Deep Abstract Networks A PyTorch code implemented for the submission DANets: Deep Abstract Networks for Tabular Data Classification and Regression. Do

Ronnie Rocket 55 Sep 14, 2022