An pytorch implementation of Masked Autoencoders Are Scalable Vision Learners


An pytorch implementation of Masked Autoencoders Are Scalable Vision Learners

This is a coarse version for MAE, only make the pretrain model, the finetune and linear is comming soon.

1. Introduction

This repo is the MAE-vit model which impelement with pytorch, no reference any reference code so this is a non-official version. Because of the limitation of time and machine, I only trained the vit-tiny model for encoder. mae

2. Enveriments

  • python 3.7+
  • pytorch 1.7.1
  • pillow
  • timm
  • opencv-python

3. Model Config

Pretrain Config

  • BaseConfig
    img_size = 224,
    patch_size = 16,
  • Encoder The encoder if follow the Vit-tiny model config
    encoder_dim = 192,
    encoder_depth = 12,
    encoder_heads = 3,
  • Decoder The decoder is followed the kaiming paper config.
    decoder_dim = 512,
    decoder_depth = 8,
    decoder_heads = 16, 
  • Mask
    1. We use the shuffle patch after Sin-Cos position embeeding for encoder.
    2. Mask the shuffle patch, keep the mask index.
    3. Unshuffle the mask patch and combine with the encoder embeeding before the position embeeding for decoder.
    4. Restruction decoder embeeidng by convtranspose.
    5. Build the mask map with mask index for cal the loss(only consider the mask patch).

Finetune Config

Wait for the results


  • Finetune Trainig
  • Linear Training

4. Results

decoder Restruction the imagenet validation image from pretrain model, compare with the kaiming results, restruction quality is less than he. May be the encoder model is too small TT.

The Mae-Vit-tiny pretrain models is here, you can download to test the restruction result. Put the ckpt in weights folder.

5. Training & Inference

  • dataset prepare

    /data/home/imagenet/xxx.jpeg, 0
    /data/home/imagenet/xxx.jpeg, 1
    /data/home/imagenet/xxx.jpeg, 999
  • Training

    1. Pretrain

      export OMP_NUM_THREADS
      export MKL_NUM_THREADS
      cd MAE-Pytorch;
      CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 python -W ignore -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 8 \
      --batch_size 256 \
      --num_workers 32 \
      --lr 1.5e-4 \
      --optimizer_name "adamw" \
      --cosine 1 \
      --max_epochs 300 \
      --warmup_epochs 40 \
      --num-classes 1000 \
      --crop_size 224 \
      --patch_size 16 \
      --color_prob 0.0 \
      --calculate_val 0 \
      --weight_decay 5e-2 \
      --lars 0 \
      --mixup 0.0 \
      --smoothing 0.0 \
      --train_file $train_file \
      --val_file $val_file \
      --checkpoints-path $ckpt_folder \
      --log-dir $log_folder
    2. Finetune TODO:

      • training
    3. Linear TODO:

      • training
  • Inference

    1. pretrian
    python --test_image xxx.jpg --ckpt weights.pth
    1. classification TODO:
      • training


  • VIT-BASE model training.
  • SwinTransformers for MAE.
  • Finetune & Linear training.

Finetune is trainig, the weights may be comming soon.

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