Je choisis la valeur du premier chiffre ainsi que le deuxième, ensuite je vérifis quelle opération faire et en fonction de ça, j'execute une certaine condition.
Dépendences :
pip install colorama
Je choisis la valeur du premier chiffre ainsi que le deuxième, ensuite je vérifis quelle opération faire et en fonction de ça, j'execute une certaine condition.
Dépendences :
pip install colorama This project contains : Python modules (binary and decimal system 6) with a dedicated tkinter program to use it. A web version
OneDriveShareLinkPushAria2 Extract the download URL from OneDrive or SharePoint share link and push it to aria2 从OneDrive或SharePoint共享链接提取下载URL并将其推送到a
PKINIT tools This repository contains some utilities for playing with PKINIT and certificates. The tools are built on minikerberos and impacket. Accom
bobcat-status-reporter Report Bobcat Status to Google Sheets Why? I recently relocated my miner from my root into the attic. Bobcat recommends operati
JavaScript In Python ❗ Voici un code en Python par moi, et en français qui permet d'exécuter du Javascript en Python. 🔮 Une vidéo pour vous expliquer
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Extract XML from the OS X dictionaries.
pysherlock pysherlock is a Python library for dealing with web scraping using images, it's a Python application of the rendertron headless browser API
A set of tools that keep Python sweeter.
A simple API that will return a key-value pair of randomly generated UUID. Key will be a timestamp and value will be UUID. While the server is running, whenever the API is called, it should return al
This was developed using a Python virtual environment, I would strongly recommend to do the same if you want to clone this repository. How to run this
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Abby's Left Hand Modifiers Dictionary Design This dictionary is inspired by and
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pytest-runtime-xfail pytest plugin, providing a runtime_xfail fixture, which is callable as runtime_xfail(), to allow runtime decisions to mark a test
Video Crowdsourcing Software to help automate collecting crowdsourced annotations using Mechanical Turk. The goal of this project is to enable crowdso
Auto-generate /etc/hosts for HackTheBox machines Save yourself some tedium on getting started on a new machine by having your /etc/hosts ready to go.