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Dépendences :
pip install pyshorteners
Juste Prix ❗ Un juste prix totalement fait en Python par moi, et en français. 🔮 Avec l'utilisation du module "random", j'ai pu faire un choix aléatoi
Dork Gen A simple dork generator written in python that outputs dorks with the domain extensions you enter in a ".txt file". Usage The code is pretty
Pyfunctools Pyfunctools is a module that provides functions, methods and classes that help in the creation of projects in python, bringing functional
byref Pass arguments by reference—in Python! byrefis a decorator that allows Python functions to declare reference parameters, with similar semantics
freqtrade-buyreasons A script to parse and display buy_tag and sell_reason for freqtrade backtesting trades Usage Copy the script into
Mesh-to-SDF converter Given a (potentially nasty, nonconvex) mesh, automatically creates an SDF file that describes that object. The visual geometry i
Modeling Category-Selective Cortical Regions with Topographic Variational Autoencoders Getting Started Install requirements with Anaconda: conda env c
Tree-Traversals (BST) 🌲 A simple BST (Binary Search Tree) generator written in python Installation Use the package manager pip to install BST. Usage
Wikipedia Random Article ❗ Un chois aléatoire d'un article sur Wikipedia totalement fait en Python par moi, et en français. 🔮 Grâce a une requète a w
Multi-Page Dash App Plugin A plugin to simplify creating multi-page Dash apps. This is a preview of functionality that will of Dash 2.1. Background Th
tade is a discussion/forum/link aggregator application. It provides three interfaces: a regular web page, a mailing list bridge and an NNTP server
'ToolBurnt' A Set Of Tools In One Place =}
wallpaper eits Warning You need to set the path to Robot Mono font in the source code. (Settings are in the main function) Usage A script that given a
pydsinternals - Directory Services Internals Library A Python native library containing necessary classes, functions and structures to interact with W
jsonderulo Make sure your 'jason derulo' is featured as the first part of your json data Install: # python pip install jsonderulo poetry add jsonderul
PyHook is the python implementation of my SharpHook project, It uses various API hooks in order to give us the desired credentials. PyHook Uses
Pretrain and Fine-tune a T5 model with Flax on GCP This tutorial details how pretrain and fine-tune a FlaxT5 model from HuggingFace using a TPU VM ava
Keval Keval allows you to call arbitrary Windows kernel-mode functions from user mode, even (and primarily) on another machine. The user mode portion
PromptSource Toolkit for collecting and applying templates of prompting instances. WIP Setup Download the repo Navigate to root directory of the repo
deflatable-dict A dictionary that can be flattened and re-inflated. Particularly useful if you're interacting with yaml, for example. Installation wit