Python APK Reverser & Patcher Tool


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BlackHole Security


An Advanced Python APK Reverser and Patcher Tool.
--rmads1: target=AndroidManifest.xml,
--rmads2: No Internet (remove the required permission to do so)
--rmads3: Search using regex and replace string ("ca-app-pub) with ("noads)
--rmads4: (Powerful) Disable all kind of ads loader base on the dictionary list
--rmnop: Remove all nop instruction found on the smali file
--rmunknown: Remove all unknown files (.properties, etc)
--customfont: Update and replace all font files with user recommended file
--rmcopy: Bypass AppCloner Copy Protection
--rmprop: Remove only .properties file

• note 1: remove any whitespace found on the apk file name before patching
• note 2: you can use multiple method in a single run:
python --rmprop --rmads4 file.apk
• note 3: remember the execution of method start from left to right, based on the above command: remove .properties then remove ads
• note 4: if you want to update to the latest version just type:
git pull .



• python 3.x
• apktool (for decompile and recompile)
• aapt & aapt2 (patched version, could be found on assets/)


apt install python git apktool
git clone
python -m pip install loguru
cd DTL-X
# Btw you need to replace the old/regular aapt with the patched version
# The old/regular version could not handle filename with symbol
# You can find the patched version of aapt on directory assets/
cp assets/aapt "$(command -v aapt)"
cp assets/aapt2 "$(command -v aapt2)"

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  • aapt & aapt2 (patched version) from Apktool M
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