Script to generate wallpapers based on XKCD comics
python3 xkcd.py -b \#000000
CDM Device Checker for python
It's a repo for Cramer's rule, which is some math crap or something idk (just a joke, it's not crap; don't take that seriously, math teachers)
Ticketer A basic ticketing software. Screenshots Program Launched Issuing Ticket Show your Ticket Entry Done Program Exited Code Features to implement
Why this? What is the goal? The goal of this repository is to write all the recurrent architectures from scratch in tensorflow for learning purposes.
BetterPacmanLook An improved version of the common pacman -S. Installation I know that this is probably one of the worst solutions and i will be worki
The free tool QuantityTakeoff allows you to group elements from Revit and IFC models (in BIMJSON-CSV format) with just a few filters and find the required volume values for the grouped elements.
Скрипт позволяет заводить задачи в Панель мониторинга YouTrack на основе парсинга сайта safe-surf.ru
pysle Questions? Comments? Feedback? Pronounced like 'p' + 'isle'. An interface to a pronunciation dictionary with stress markings (ISLEX - the intern
データサイエンスチャレンジ2021 サンプル 概要 線形補間と Catmull–Rom Spline 補間のサンプル Python スクリプトです。 データサイエンスチャレンジ2021の出題意図としましては、訓練用データ(train.csv)から機械学習モデルを作成して、そのモデルに推論させてモーシ
A code ecosystem that helps to find the equate any formula. The good part here is that the code finds the formula needed and/or operates on a formula (performs algebra) on it to give you an answer.
LarvaMatch Find your larva or punk match. UI TBD API (not started) The API will allow you to specify a punk by token id to find a larva match, and vic
Squeaker Like Docker, but for Smalltalk images. You know, for kids. It's a small program that helps in automated derivation of configured Smalltalk im
Most Simple|Stupid Programming language. (MSPL) Stack - Based programming language "written in Python" Features: Interpretate code (Run). Generate gra
SSrehab dependencies: python 3.8+ a GNU/Linux with bash v4 or 5. python packages in requirements.txt bcftools (only for prepare_dbSNPs) gz-sort (only
HSpicePy Bilgisayarınıza PATH değişkenlerine eklediğiniz HSPICE programını python ile çalıştırmanızı sağlayan basit bir araç. A simple tool that allow
The Analyser by Gaurav Rayat Why this Project? Today we are continuously hearing about growth in Crime rates and the number of murders executed day by
Graveyard: Place for Dead (and Undead) Graveyard is an attempt at open-source reimplementation of DraciDoupe.cz (referred to as DDCZ in this text). De
Finding-LCM-using-python-from-scratch Here, I write a practice program to find the LCM i.e Lowest Common Multiplication of two numbers using python wi
IP Information In Linux Taskbar 📍 How Use IP Script? 🤔 Download ip.py script and save somewhere in your system. Add command applet in your taskbar a
README POLSKI Opis gry HungryBall to prosta gra, w której gracz wciela się w piłkę. Sterowanie odbywa się za pomocą przycisków w, a, s i d lub opcjona