Official implementation for ICDAR 2021 paper "Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition with Bidirectionally Trained Transformer"


Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition with Bidirectionally Trained Transformer



Convert offline handwritten mathematical expression to LaTeX sequence using bidirectionally trained transformer.

How to run

First, install dependencies

# clone project   
git clone

# install project   
conda create -y -n bttr python=3.7
conda activate bttr
conda install --yes -c pytorch pytorch=1.7.0 torchvision cudatoolkit=<your-cuda-version>
pip install -e .   

Next, navigate to any file and run it. It may take 6~7 hours to coverage on 4 gpus using ddp.

# module folder

# train bttr model using 4 gpus and ddp
python --config config.yaml  

For single gpu user, you may change the config.yaml file to

gpus: 1
# gpus: 4
# accelerator: ddp


This project is setup as a package which means you can now easily import any file into any other file like so:

from bttr.datamodule import CROHMEDatamodule
from bttr import LitBTTR
from pytorch_lightning import Trainer

# model
model = LitBTTR()

# data
dm = CROHMEDatamodule(test_year=test_year)

# train
trainer = Trainer(), datamodule=dm)

# test using the best model!


Metrics used in validation is not accurate.

For more accurate metrics:

  1. use to generate
  2. download and install crohmelib, lgeval, and tex2symlg tool.
  3. convert tex file to symLg file using tex2symlg command
  4. evaluate two folder using evaluate command


  title={Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition with Bidirectionally Trained Transformer},
  author={Zhao, Wenqi and Gao, Liangcai and Yan, Zuoyu and Peng, Shuai and Du, Lin and Zhang, Ziyin},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.02412},
  • can you provide code?

    can you provide code?

    Hi ~ @Green-Wood.

    I feel grateful mind for your help. I wanna get code that prints latex from an input image. If this code is provided, it will be very useful to others as well.

    Best regards.

    opened by ai-motive 17
  • val_exprate=0 and save checkpoint

    val_exprate=0 and save checkpoint

    hello!thanks for your time! When I transfer some code in decoder or use it directly,the val_exprate are always be 0.000,I don't know why. Another problem is,I noticed that this code don't have the function to save checkpoint or something.Can you give me some help?Thanks again!

    opened by Ashleyyyi 6
  • Val_exprate = 0

    Val_exprate = 0

    When I retrained the model according to the instruction, the val_exprate was always 0.00, did anyone encounter this problem, thank you! (I has not modified any codes) @Green-Wood

    opened by qingqianshuying 4
  • error occurs error occurs

    When I run code, the following error occurs. Can i get some helps?

    in code test_year = "2016" ckp_path = "pretrained model"

    GPU available: True, used: True
    TPU available: False, using: 0 TPU cores
    Load data from: /home/motive/PycharmProjects/BTTR/bttr/datamodule/../../
    Extract data from: 2016, with data size: 1147
    total  1147 batch data loaded
    Testing: 100%|██████████| 1147/1147 [07:34<00:00,  2.01s/it]ExpRate: 0.32258063554763794
    length of total file: 1147
    Testing: 100%|██████████| 1147/1147 [07:34<00:00,  2.52it/s]
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/motive/PycharmProjects/BTTR/", line 17, in <module>
        trainer.test(model, datamodule=dm)
      File "/home/motive/anaconda3/envs/bttr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/trainer/", line 579, in test
        results = self._run(model)
      File "/home/motive/anaconda3/envs/bttr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/trainer/", line 759, in _run
      File "/home/motive/anaconda3/envs/bttr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/trainer/", line 789, in post_dispatch
      File "/home/motive/anaconda3/envs/bttr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/accelerators/", line 51, in teardown
      File "/home/motive/anaconda3/envs/bttr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/utilities/", line 141, in cpu
        return super().cpu()
      File "/home/motive/anaconda3/envs/bttr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 471, in cpu
        return self._apply(lambda t: t.cpu())
      File "/home/motive/anaconda3/envs/bttr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 359, in _apply
      File "/home/motive/anaconda3/envs/bttr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torchmetrics/", line 317, in _apply
        setattr(this, key, [fn(cur_v) for cur_v in current_val])
      File "/home/motive/anaconda3/envs/bttr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torchmetrics/", line 317, in <listcomp>
        setattr(this, key, [fn(cur_v) for cur_v in current_val])
      File "/home/motive/anaconda3/envs/bttr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 471, in <lambda>
        return self._apply(lambda t: t.cpu())
    AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'cpu'
    opened by ai-motive 3
  • How long does BTTR take to train?

    How long does BTTR take to train?

    Hi, thank you for great repository!

    How long does it take to train for your experiment in the paper? I mean training on CROHME 2014/2016/2019 on four NVIDIA 1080Ti GPUs.


    opened by RyosukeFukatani 2
  • can you provide transfer learning code?

    can you provide transfer learning code?

    Hi~ @Green-Wood

    I wanna apply trasnfer learning using pretrained model.

    but, LightningCLI() is wrapped and difficult to customize.

    Thanks & best regards.

    opened by ai-motive 1
  • How can it get pretrained model ?

    How can it get pretrained model ?

    Hi, I wanna test your BTTR model but, it need to training process which will take a lot of time. So, can you give me a pretrained model link?

    Best regards.

    opened by ai-motive 1
  • After adding new token in dictionary getting error .

    After adding new token in dictionary getting error .

    Hi , getting error after adding new token in dictionary.txt

    Error(s) in loading state_dict for LitBTTR: size mismatch for bttr.decoder.word_embed.0.weight: copying a param with shape torch.Size([113, 256]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([115, 256]). size mismatch for bttr.decoder.proj.weight: copying a param with shape torch.Size([113, 256]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([115, 256]). size mismatch for bttr.decoder.proj.bias: copying a param with shape torch.Size([113]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([115]).

    Kindly help me out how can i fix this error.

    opened by shivankaraditi 0
  • About dataset

    About dataset

    Could you tell me how to generate the offline math expression image from inkml file? My experiment show that a large scale image could improve the result obviously,so I'd like to know if there is unified offline data for academic research.

    opened by lightflash7 0
  • predicting on gpu is slower

    predicting on gpu is slower

    Hi ,

    As this model is a bit slower compared to the existing state-of-the-art model on CPU. So I tried to make predictions on GPU and surprisingly it slower on Gpu compare to CPU as well.

    I am attaching a code snapshot here

    device = torch.device('cuda')if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device('cpu')

    model = LitBTTR.load_from_checkpoint('pretrained-2014.ckpt',map_location=device)

    img = img = ToTensor()(img)

    t1 = time.time() hyp = model.beam_search(img) t2 = time.time()

    Kindly help me out here how i can reduce prediction time

    FYI - using GPU on aws g4dn.xlarge configuration machine

    opened by Suma3 1
  • how to use TensorBoard?

    how to use TensorBoard?

    hello i don't know how to add scalar to TensorBoard? I want to do this kind of topic, hoping to improve some ExpRate, but I don’t know much about lightning TensorBoard.

    opened by win5923 9
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