FLVIS: Feedback Loop Based Visual Initial SLAM

Related tags

Deep LearningFLVIS


Feedback Loop Based Visual Inertial SLAM



EuRoC DataSet MH_05 Handheld Test in Lab FlVIS on UAV Platform

2-Relevent Publication:

Under Review, a pre-print version can be found here

3-Support Hardware/Dataset:

Intel RealSense D435i Camera
EuRoC MAV Dataset

4-Build The Project

We have tested in the following environment:
Ubuntu 16.04 + ROS Kinetic
Ubuntu 18.04 + ROS melodic
Clone the repository to the catkin work space eg. /catkin_ws/src

git clone https://github.com/Ttoto/FLVIS.git

Install 3rd Part library

cd catkin_ws/src/FLVIS/3rdPartLib/


cd ~/catkin_ws


5.1 D435i Camera Depth Mode

5.1.1 Use our recorded rosbag

Download the dataset Link-melab_sn943222072828.bag to /bag folder
Decompress the rosbag:

rosbag decompress melab_sn943222072828.bag

run the following launch files:

roslaunch flvis rviz.launch
roslaunch flvis flvis_bag.launch
5.1.2 Use your own camera:

Install the realsense driver and its ros wrapper
Boot the d435i camera and echo the camera infomation

roslaunch flvis d435i_depth.launch
rostopic echo /camera/infra1/camera_info

You will get the camera infomation like: As shown, where the resolution is 640x480 and fx=384.16455078125; fy=384.16455078125; cx=320.2144470214844;cy=238.94403076171875.
Edit these information in the config yaml file (say: /launch/d435i/sn943222072828_depth.yaml):

image_width: 640
image_height: 480
cam0_intrinsics: [384.16455078125, 384.16455078125, 320.2144470214844, 238.94403076171875]#fx fy cx cy
cam0_distortion_coeffs: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]#k1 k2 r1 r2

In the launch file "flvis_d435i.launch", make sure "/yamlconfigfile" is point to the edited config file

<param name="/yamlconfigfile" type="string" value="$(find flvis)/launch/d435i/sn943222072828_depth.yaml"/>

run the following launch files:

roslaunch flvis rviz.launch
roslaunch flvis flvis_d435i_depth.launch

5.2 D435i Camera Stero Mode

Like what we did in 5.1.2, we need to config the sn943222072828_stereo.yaml
Note that, by default the two camera share the same intrinsic parameters, and the baseline length is 0.05m:

cam0_intrinsics: [384.16455078125, 384.16455078125, 320.2144470214844, 238.94403076171875]#fx fy cx cy
cam0_distortion_coeffs: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]#k1 k2 r1 r2
cam1_intrinsics: [384.16455078125, 384.16455078125, 320.2144470214844, 238.94403076171875]#fx fy cx cy
cam1_distortion_coeffs: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]#k1 k2 r1 r2
[ 1.0,  0.0,  0.0,  0.05,
  0.0,  1.0,  0.0,  0.0,
  0.0,  0.0,  1.0,  0.0,
  0.0,  0.0,  0.0,  1.0]

5.3 EuRoC MAV Dataset

Download the dataset(say MH_05_difficult) into the bag folder:

roscd flvis/bag/
wget http://robotics.ethz.ch/~asl-datasets/ijrr_euroc_mav_dataset/machine_hall/MH_05_difficult/MH_05_difficult.bag

Edit the corresponding bag name in flvis_euroc_mav.launch file:

<node pkg="rosbag" type="play" name="rosbag" args="$(find flvis)/bag/MH_05_difficult.bag"/>

run the following launch files:

roslaunch flvis rviz.launch
roslaunch flvis flvis_euroc_mav.launch


Shengyang Chen(Dept.ME,PolyU): [email protected]
Yajing Zou(Dept.LSGI,PolyU):[email protected]

UAV Lab - HKPolyU
The UAV Lab of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
UAV Lab - HKPolyU
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