Python library for creating and parsing HSReplay XML files



Build Status PyPI

A python module for HSReplay support.


The library is available on PyPI. pip install hsreplay will install it.


  • hearthstone
  • hslog
  • lxml (optional) for faster XML parsing and writing. Will use xml.etree if not available.
  • aniso8601 or dateutil for timestamp parsing


The main document class is hsreplay.document.HSReplayDocument. That class contains all the necessary functionality to import and export HSReplay files.

Reading/Writing HSReplay XML files

The classmethod from_xml_file(fp) takes a file-like object and will return a document. If you already have an ElementTree object, you can call the from_xml(xml) classmethod instead.

To export to an HSReplay XML document, the HSReplayDocument.toxml(pretty=False) method can be used to obtain a UTF8-encoded string containing the document.

Reading directly from a log file

The library integrates directly with the python-hearthstone library to produce HSReplayDocument objects directly from a log file or a parser instance.

Use the helper classmethods from_log_file(fp, processor="GameState", date=None, build=None) and from_parser(parser, build=None), respectively.

Exporting back to a PacketTree

It is possible to export HSReplayDocument objects back into a PacketTree with the to_packet_tree() method. This therefore allows lossless conversion from a PacketTree, into HSReplayDocument, then back into a PacketTree.

This is especially interesting because of the native functionality in python-hearthstone which is able to export to a Game tree and allows exploring the game state. By converting HSReplayDocument objects to a PacketTree, it's very easy to follow the replay at a gameplay level, explore the state of the various entities and even hook into the exporter in order to programmatically analyze it.

Hearthstone Simulation, reverse engineering and more
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