Código que verifica se o grafo é Hamiltoniano (Em Python)


Código para encontrar um ciclo de Hamilton em um dado grafo e a partir daí verificar se o grafo é hamiltoniano. Um ciclo hamiltoniano é um ciclo gerador. Em outras palavras, um ciclo hamiltoniano em G é um ciclo que passa (uma e uma só vez) por cada vértice de G. Um grafo é hamiltoniano se admite um ciclo hamiltoniano.

Hemili Beatriz
Desenvolvedora de Software -Graduação em Ciência da Computação (7/8) pelo IFSULDEMINAS-Linkedin: Hemili Beatriz Alves Trindade
Hemili Beatriz
A Simple, Easy to use and light-weight Pyrogram Userbot

Nexa Userbot A Simple, Easy to use and light-weight Pyrogram Userbot Deploy With Heroku With VPS (Local) Clone Nexa-Userbot repository git clone https

I'm Not A Bot #Left_TG 28 Nov 12, 2022
It was increasingly cumbersome to eye-grep CF output in the AWS console.

cfplot Overview It was increasingly cumbersome to eye-grep CF output in the AWS console. I couldn't find another tool out there to provide individual

46 Dec 26, 2022
TuShare is a utility for crawling historical data of China stocks

TuShare Tushare Pro版已发布,请访问新的官网了解和查询数据接口! https://tushare.pro TuShare是实现对股票/期货等金融数据从数据采集、清洗加工 到 数据存储过程的工具,满足金融量化分析师和学习数据分析的人在数据获取方面的需求,它的特点是数据覆盖范围广,接口

挖地兔 11.9k Dec 30, 2022
Python linting made easy. Also a casual yet honorific way to address individuals who have entered an organization prior to you.

pysen What is pysen? pysen aims to provide a unified platform to configure and run day-to-day development tools. We envision the following scenarios i

Preferred Networks, Inc. 452 Jan 05, 2023
A small repository with convenience functions for working with the Notion API.

Welcome! Within this respository are a few convenience functions to assist with the pulling and pushing of data from the Notion API.

10 Jul 09, 2022
Tools ini hanya bisa digunakan untuk menyerang website atau http/s

☢️ Tawkun DoS ☢️ Tools ini hanya bisa digunakan untuk menyerang website atau http/s FITUR: [ ☯️ ] Proxy Mode [ 🔥 ] SOCKS Mode | Kadang Eror [ ☢️ ] Ht

Bandhitawkunthi 9 Jul 19, 2022
You can connect with Sanila Ranatunga using this bot😉😉

Sanila-Ranatunga-s-Assistant-Bot You can connect with Sanila Ranatunga using this bot 😉 😉 Reach me on Telegram Sanila's Assistant Bot What is Telegr

Sanila Ranatunga 5 Feb 01, 2022
A Telegram robot can clone medias from any chat to your own chat.

Clonebot A Telegram robot can clone medias from any chat to your own chat. Read the documentation to know how to use the bot Deploy Developer Document

Renjith Mangal 224 Dec 30, 2022
[Multithreading] [Proxy - auto & infile]

Discord-Token-Generator-AutoCheck [Multithreading] [Proxy - auto & infile] How to install? pip install -r requirements.txt run generator.py with pytho

Chakeaw__ 3 Oct 17, 2021
Telegram bot to stream videos in telegram voicechat for both groups and channels

Telegram bot to stream videos in telegram voicechat for both groups and channels. Supports live streams, YouTube videos and telegram media. With record stream support, Schedule streams, and many more

ALBY 9 Feb 20, 2022
A pre-attack hacker tool which aims to find out sensitives comments in HTML comment tag and to help on reconnaissance process

Find Out in Comment Find sensetive comment out in HTML ⚈ About This is a pre-attack hacker tool that searches for sensitives words in HTML comments ta

Pablo Emídio S.S 8 Dec 31, 2022
A discord bot for checking what linked profiles a user has to their Ubisoft account

ubisoft_discord_profiles A Discord bot for checking what linked profiles a user has to their Ubisoft account. This can be setup using an enviromental

Andrei 1 Dec 17, 2021
A simple Telegram bot, written in Python, that you can use to shill (i.e. send messages) your token, or whatever, to channels.

Telegram Shill Bot Ever wanted a Shill Bot but wankers keep scamming for one OR wanted to charge you an arm and a leg? This is a simple bot written in

53 Nov 25, 2022
Twitter-Scrapping - Tweeter tweets extracting using python

Twitter-Scrapping Twitter tweets extracting using python This project is to extr

Suryadeepsinh Gohil 2 Feb 04, 2022
The official Python library for the Plutto API

Plutto Ruby SDK This library will help you easily integrate Plutto API to your software, making your developer life a little bit more enjoyable. Insta

Plutto 3 Nov 23, 2021
A simple telegram bot to forward files from one channel to other.

Forward_2.0 Bot to forward messages from one channel to other without admin permission in source channel. Can be used for both private and Public chan

SUBIN 56 Dec 29, 2022
It is automated instagram follower bot.

Instagram-Follower-Bot It is automated instagram follower bot. In This project I've used Selenium and Python. Work-Flow When I run my code. It's gonna

Falak Shair 3 Sep 28, 2022
Example notebooks for working with SageMaker Studio Lab. Sign up for an account at the link below!

SageMaker Studio Lab Sample Notebooks Available today in public preview. If you are looking for a no-cost compute environment to run Jupyter notebooks

Amazon Web Services 304 Jan 01, 2023
Marketplace for self published books

Nile API API for the imaginary Nile marketplace for self published books. This is a project created to try out FastAPI as the post promising ASGI serv

Matt de Young 1 Jan 31, 2022
Discovery is an open-source Discord Bot with the main features Tickets, Moderation, Giveaways and Reaction roles.

Discovery is an open-source Discord Bot with the main features Tickets, Moderation, Giveaways and Reaction roles.

1 Dec 29, 2021