Open-CyKG: An Open Cyber Threat Intelligence Knowledge Graph



Open-CyKG: An Open Cyber Threat Intelligence Knowledge Graph

Journal Paper Google Scholar LinkedIn

Model Description

Open-CyKG is a framework that is constructed using an attention-based neural Open Information Extraction (OIE) model to extract valuable cyber threat information from unstructured Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) reports. More specifically, we first identify relevant entities by developing a neural cybersecurity Named Entity Recognizer (NER) that aids in labeling relation triples generated by the OIE model. Afterwards, the extracted structured data is canonicalized to build the KG by employing fusion techniques using word embeddings.


  • OIE dataset: Malware DB
  • NER dataset: Microsoft Security Bulletins (MSB) and Cyber Threat Intelligence reports (CTI)

For dataset files please refer to the appropiate refrence in the paper.



  • Compatible with Python 3.x

  • Dependencies can be installed as specified in Block 1 in the respective notebooks.

  • All the code was implemented on Google Colab using GPU. Please ensure that you are using the version as specified in the "Ïnstallion and Drives" block.

  • Make sure to adapt the code based on your dataset and choice of word embeddings.

  • To utlize CRF in NER model using Keras; plase make sure to:

    -- Use tensorFlow version and Keras version:

    -- In and write down those 2 liness ---> then restart runtime

      import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf

For more details on the how the exact process was carried out and the final hyper-parameters used; please refer to Open-CyKG paper.


Please cite Open-CyKG if you use any of this material in your work.

I. Sarhan and M. Spruit, Open-CyKG: An Open Cyber Threat Intelligence Knowledge Graph, Knowledge-Based Systems (2021), doi:

title = {Open-CyKG: An Open Cyber Threat Intelligence Knowledge Graph},
journal = {Knowledge-Based Systems},
volume = {233},
pages = {107524},
year = {2021},
issn = {0950-7051},
doi = {},
url = {},
author = {Injy Sarhan and Marco Spruit},
keywords = {Cyber Threat Intelligence, Knowledge Graph, Named Entity Recognition, Open Information Extraction, Attention network},
abstract = {Instant analysis of cybersecurity reports is a fundamental challenge for security experts as an immeasurable amount of cyber information is generated on a daily basis, which necessitates automated information extraction tools to facilitate querying and retrieval of data. Hence, we present Open-CyKG: an Open Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) Knowledge Graph (KG) framework that is constructed using an attention-based neural Open Information Extraction (OIE) model to extract valuable cyber threat information from unstructured Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) reports. More specifically, we first identify relevant entities by developing a neural cybersecurity Named Entity Recognizer (NER) that aids in labeling relation triples generated by the OIE model. Afterwards, the extracted structured data is canonicalized to build the KG by employing fusion techniques using word embeddings. As a result, security professionals can execute queries to retrieve valuable information from the Open-CyKG framework. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed components that build up Open-CyKG outperform state-of-the-art models.11Our implementation of Open-CyKG is publicly available at}

Implementation Refrences:

  • Contextualized word embediings: link to Flairs word embedding documentation, Hugging face link of all pretrained models
  • Functions in block 3&9 are originally refrenced from the work of Stanvosky et al. Please refer/cite his work, with exception of some modification in the functions Stanovsky, Gabriel, et al. "Supervised open information extraction." Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long Papers). 2018.
  • OIE implements Bahdanau attention ( Towards Data Science Blog
  • NER refrence blog
  • Knowledge Graph fusion motivated by the work of CESI Vashishth, Shikhar, Prince Jain, and Partha Talukdar. "Cesi: Canonicalizing open knowledge bases using embeddings and side information." Proceedings of the 2018 World Wide Web Conference. 2018..
  • Neo4J was used for Knowledge Graph visualization.

Please cite the appropriate reference(s) in your work

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