Avaiilable on Telegram as
Easy Deploy
Mandatory Vars
[+] Make Sure You Add All These Mandatory Vars.
[-] APP_ID: You can get this value from https://my.telegram.org
[-] APP_HASH : You can get this value from https://my.telegram.org
[-] STRINGSESSION : Your String Session, You can get this From Repl or BY running String_Gen File Locally
[-] MONGO_URI : Your Mongo DB DataBase Url. .
[-] TOKEN: Get from botfarther
[-] DATABASE_URL: from elephantsql.com
[-] OWNER_ID: ur id
[-] MONGO_PORT: 27017
[-] MONGO_DB': 'Sophia'
[+] The Sophia won't run without setting the mandatory vars.
# Credits
- [FridayUserbot](https://github.com/DevsExpo/FridayUserbot)
- [MissJuliaRobot](https://github.com/MissJuliaRobot/MissJuliaRobot)
- [DaisyX](https://github.com/teamdaisyx/daisy-x)
- [ADV-Auto-Filter-Bot-V2](https://github.com/AlbertEinsteinTG/Adv-Auto-Filter-Bot-V2)
- [Image-Editor](https://github.com/TroJanzHEX/Image-Editor/)
- [WilliamButcherBot](https://github.com/thehamkercat/WilliamButcherBot)
## Special Credits
- [Daisy](https://github.com/teamdaisyx/daisy-Old)
- [TroJanzHEX](https://github.com/TroJanzHEX)
- [infotechbro](https://github.com/infotechbro/)
- [Thehamkercat](https://github.com/thehamkercat)