TurtleBot Control App - TurtleBot Control App With Python






This is the final project of 4º Robotic Engineering at University of Alicante for the subject Mobile Robots. Different codes have been developed in Python so that a TurtleBot can do some tasks. This task are:

  • Person following
  • Save/Delete path
  • Execute path
  • Set/Delete home
  • Go home
  • Joystick control

To execute one task or another, an Android app is used. This app connect with the robot and send information using TCP. Code is estructured through a SMACH state machine. When the app send a message to the robot, code check if it is valid and change its state.

Work environments:

Not always real robot can be used, two versions have been created:

  • ROS Noetic simulation
  • Real TurtleBot control

- Simulated environment:

Simulated environment has been coded with Python3 on ROS Noetic. First of all, open Gazebo simulator, in this case, ROS defalut house map is used. On one terminal execute following commands:

$ export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=waffle
$ roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_house.launch

Open new terminal and execute navigation module (is is necessary to have previosly mapped the area):

$ export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=waffle
$ roslaunch turtlebot3_navigation turtlebot3_navigation.launch map_file:=$HOME/house.yaml

Note: Both files (.yaml and .pgm) must be on HOME directory.

This will open a rviz window where robot, map and localization point cloud can be seen. Use 2D POSE ESTIMATE to estimate the current position of the robot in the map.

Execute code main.py and open Andorid app. TCP conexion uses port:12343

- Real Environment:

Real environment has been coded using Python2 on ROS Kinetic. TurtleBot inicialization is needed, so this following commands must be launched on different terminals:

$ roslaunch turtlebot_bringup minimal.launch
$ roslaunch turtlebot_bringup hokuyo_ust101x.launch

Open new terminal and execute the navigation module:

$ export TURTLEBOT_3D_SENSOR=astra
$ roslaunch turtlebot_navigation amcl_demo.launch map_file:=$HOME/house.yaml

Note: Both files (.yaml and .pgm) must be on HOME directory.

TurtleBot can't open an rvizwindow so another device is needed. On new device execute setvars.bash, open a new terminal and execute rviz:

$ rosrun rviz rviz

rviz window will be opened. Add modules to show robot, map and point cloud.

Execute code main.py and open Andorid app. TCP conexion uses port:12343

Note: in case of port malfunction, change the port and restart the application.


Click on the gif to see a video of the project in action:



Built by:

  • Adrián Sanchis Reig
  • Rafael Antón Cabrera
  • Andrés Gómez-Caraballo Yélamos
  • Àngel Alepuz Jerez
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