Bayesian-Torch is a library of neural network layers and utilities extending the core of PyTorch to enable the user to perform stochastic variational inference in Bayesian deep neural networks


Bayesian-Torch: Bayesian neural network layers for uncertainty estimation

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Bayesian layers and utilities to perform stochastic variational inference in PyTorch

Bayesian-Torch is a library of neural network layers and utilities extending the core of PyTorch to enable the user to perform stochastic variational inference in Bayesian deep neural networks. Bayesian-Torch is designed to be flexible and seamless in extending a deterministic deep neural network architecture to corresponding Bayesian form by simply replacing the deterministic layers with Bayesian layers.

The repository has implementations for the following Bayesian layers:

  • Variational layers with Gaussian mixture model (GMM) posteriors using reparameterized Monte Carlo estimators (in pre-alpha)

    Conv1dMixture, Conv2dMixture, Conv3dMixture, ConvTranspose1dMixture, ConvTranspose2dMixture, ConvTranspose3dMixture

Please refer to documentation of Bayesian layers for details.

Other features include:


Install from source:

git clone
cd bayesian-torch
pip install .

This code has been tested on PyTorch v1.6.0 and torchvision v0.7.0 with python 3.7.7.


  • Create conda environment with python=3.7
  • Install PyTorch and torchvision packages within conda environment following instructions from PyTorch install guide
  • conda install -c conda-forge accimage
  • pip install tensorboard
  • pip install scikit-learn

Example usage

We have provided example model implementations using the Bayesian layers.

We also provide example usages and scripts to train/evaluate the models. The instructions for CIFAR10 examples is provided below, similar scripts for ImageNet and MNIST are available.

cd bayesian_torch


To train Bayesian ResNet on CIFAR10, run this command:

Mean-field variational inference (Reparameterized Monte Carlo estimator)

sh scripts/

Mean-field variational inference (Flipout Monte Carlo estimator)

sh scripts/

To train deterministic ResNet on CIFAR10, run this command:


sh scripts/


To evaluate Bayesian ResNet on CIFAR10, run this command:

Mean-field variational inference (Reparameterized Monte Carlo estimator)

sh scripts/

Mean-field variational inference (Flipout Monte Carlo estimator)

sh scripts/

To evaluate deterministic ResNet on CIFAR10, run this command:


sh scripts/


If you use this code, please cite as:

    author = {Ranganath Krishnan and Piero Esposito},
    title = {Bayesian-Torch: Bayesian neural network layers for uncertainty estimation},
    year = {2020},
    publisher = {GitHub},
    howpublished = {\url{}}

Cite the weight sampling methods as well: Blundell et al. 2015; Wen et al. 2018


  • Ranganath Krishnan
  • Piero Esposito

This code is intended for researchers and developers, enables to quantify principled uncertainty estimates from deep neural network predictions using stochastic variational inference in Bayesian neural networks. Feedbacks, issues and contributions are welcome. Email to [email protected] for any questions.

  • The average should be taken over log probability rather than logits

    The average should be taken over log probability rather than logits I think the average across the MC runs should be taken over the log probability. However, the output here is the logits before the softmax operation. I think we may first run output = F.log_softmax(output, dim=1) and then take the average.

    There are two equivalent ways to take the average, which I think is more reasonable. The first way is

    for mc_run in range(args.num_mc):
        output, kl = model(input_var)
        output = F.log_softmax(output, dim=1)
    output = torch.mean(torch.stack(output_), dim=0)
    loss= F.nll_loss(output, target_var) # this is to replace the original cross_entropy_loss

    Or equivalently, we can first take the cross-entropy loss for each MC run, and average the losses at the end:

    loss = 0
    for mc_run in range(args.num_mc):
        output, kl = model(input_var)
        loss = loss + F.cross_entropy(output, target_var, dim=1)
    loss = loss / args.num_mc  # this is to replace the original cross_entropy_loss
    opened by Nebularaid2000 5
  • KL divergence not changing during training

    KL divergence not changing during training


    I am trying to make a single layer BNN using the LinearReparameterization layer. I am unable to get it to give reasonable uncertainty estimates, so I started monitoring the KL term from the layers and noticed that it is not changing at all for each epoch. Even when I scale up the KL term in the loss, it remains unchanged.

    I am not sure if this is a bug, or if I am not doing the training correctly.

    My model

    class BNN(nn.Module):
        def __init__(self, input_dim, hidden_dim, output_dim=1):
            self.layer1 = LinearReparameterization(input_dim, hidden_dim)
            self.layerf = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, output_dim)
        def forward(self, x):
            kl_sum = 0
            x, kl = self.layer1(x)
            kl_sum += kl
            x = F.relu(x)
            x = self.layerf(x)
            return x, kl_sum

    and my training loop

    model = BNN(X_train.shape[-1], 100).to(device)
    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.001)
    criterion = torch.nn.MSELoss()
    for epoch in pbar:
            running_kld_loss = 0
            running_mse_loss = 0
            running_loss = 0
            for datapoints, labels in dataloader_train:
                output, kl = model(datapoints)
                kl = get_kl_loss(model)
                # calculate loss with kl term for Bayesian layers
                mse_loss = criterion(output, labels)
                loss = mse_loss + kl * kld_beta / batch_size
                running_mse_loss += mse_loss.detach().numpy()
                running_kld_loss += kl.detach().numpy()
                running_loss += loss.detach().numpy()
                'Epoch': epoch, 
                'loss': running_loss/len(dataloader_train),
                'kl': running_kld_loss/len(dataloader_train),
                'mse': running_mse_loss/len(dataloader_train)

    When I print the KL loss, it starts at ~5.0 and does not decrease at all.

    opened by gkwt 4
  • Pytorch version issue

    Pytorch version issue

    Hi, it seems that this software only supports Pytorch 1.8.1 LTS or newer version. When I try to use this code in my own project(which is mainly based on Pytorch 1.4.0), some conflicts occur and seemingly unavoidable. Could you please update this software to make it also support some older version Pytorch, for example, 1.4.0. Great Thanks!!!

    opened by hebowei2000 4
  • conv_transpose2d parameter order problem

    conv_transpose2d parameter order problem


    When I try to convert a deterministic autoencoder into a bayesian one with a ConvTranspose2d layer I get the error "Exception has occurred: TypeError conv_transpose2d(): argument 'groups' (position 7) must be int, not tuple" which I suspect comes from self.dilation and which are swaped.

    opened by pierreosselin 3
  • Let the models return prediction only, saving KL Divergence as an attribute

    Let the models return prediction only, saving KL Divergence as an attribute

    Closes #7 .

    Let the user, if they want, to return predictions only on forward method, while saving kl divergence as an attribute. This is important to make it easier to integrate into PyTorch models.

    Also, it does not break the lib as it is: we added a new parameter on forward method that defaults to True and, if manually set to false, returns predictions only.

    Performed the following changes, on all layers:

    • Added return_kl on all forward methods, defaulting to True. If set to false, won't return kl.
    • Added a new kl attribute to each layer, updating it at every feedforward step. Useful when integrating with already-built PyTorch models.

    That should help integrating with PyTorch experiments while keeping backward compatibility towards this lib.

    opened by piEsposito 3
  • Fix KL computation

    Fix KL computation


    I think there might be a few problems in your model definitions.

    In particular:

    • in and you only sum the kl of the last block inside self.layerN
    • in and you check for is None while you probably want is not None or actually no check at all since it can't be None in any reasonable setting. Also the str(layer) check is odd since it contains a BasicBlock or BottleNeck object (you're looping over an nn.Sequential of blocks). In fact in this code that string check is very likely superfluous (didn't test this, but I did include it in this PR as example)

    I hope you can confirm and perhaps fix these issues, which will help me (and maybe others) in building on your nice codebase :)

    opened by y0ast 3
  • Enable the Bayesian layer to freeze the parameters to their mean values

    Enable the Bayesian layer to freeze the parameters to their mean values

    I think it would be good to provide an option to freeze the weights and biases to the mean value when inferencing. The forward function would somehow look like this:

    def forward(self, input, sample=True):
        if sample:
            # do sampling and forward as in the current code
            # set weight=self.mu_weight
            # set bias=self.mu_bias
            # (optional) set kl=0, since it is useless in this case
        return out, kl
    opened by Nebularaid2000 2
  • FR: Enable forward method of Bayesian Layers to return value only for smoother integration with PyTorch

    FR: Enable forward method of Bayesian Layers to return value only for smoother integration with PyTorch

    It would be nice if we could store the KL divergence value as an attribute of the Bayesian Layers and return them on the forward method only if needed.

    With that we can have less friction on integration with PyTorch. being able to "plug and play" with bayesian-torch layers on deterministic models.

    It would be something like that:

    def forward(self, x, return_kl=False):
        self.kl = kl
        if return_kl:
            return out, kl
        return out   

    We then can get it from the bayesian layers when calculating the loss with no harm or hard changes to the code, which might encourage users to try the lib.

    I can work on that also.

    opened by piEsposito 2
  • modifing the Scripts for any arbitrary output size

    modifing the Scripts for any arbitrary output size

    I am trying to use these repo for classification with 3 output nodes. However, in the fully connected layer, I got the error of size mismatch. Can you help me with this issue?

    opened by narminGhaffari 2
  • add mu_kernel to of delta_kernel in flipout layers?

    add mu_kernel to of delta_kernel in flipout layers?


    Shouldn't mu_kernel be added to delta_kernel in the code below?

    Best, Lewis

    diff --git a/bayesian_torch/layers/flipout_layers/ b/bayesian_torch/layers/flipout_layers/
    index 4b3e88d..719cfdc 100644
    --- a/bayesian_torch/layers/flipout_layers/
    +++ b/bayesian_torch/layers/flipout_layers/
    @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ class Conv1dFlipout(BaseVariationalLayer_):
             sigma_weight = torch.log1p(torch.exp(self.rho_kernel))
             eps_kernel =
    -        delta_kernel = (sigma_weight * eps_kernel)
    +        delta_kernel = (sigma_weight * eps_kernel) + self.mu_kernel 
             kl = self.kl_div(self.mu_kernel, sigma_weight, self.prior_weight_mu,
    opened by burntcobalt 2
  • Kernel_size


    The Conv2dReparameterization only allows kernels with same dim (e.g., 2×2) However, some CNN model has different kernels (e.g., in inceptionresnetv2, the kernel size in block17 is 1×7)

    So, I modified the code in from:

            self.mu_kernel = Parameter(
                torch.Tensor(out_channels, in_channels // groups, kernel_size,
            self.rho_kernel = Parameter(
                torch.Tensor(out_channels, in_channels // groups, kernel_size,
                torch.Tensor(out_channels, in_channels // groups, kernel_size,
                torch.Tensor(out_channels, in_channels // groups, kernel_size,
                torch.Tensor(out_channels, in_channels // groups, kernel_size,


            self.mu_kernel = Parameter(
                torch.Tensor(out_channels, in_channels // groups, kernel_size[0],
            self.rho_kernel = Parameter(
                torch.Tensor(out_channels, in_channels // groups, kernel_size[0],
                torch.Tensor(out_channels, in_channels // groups, kernel_size[0],
                torch.Tensor(out_channels, in_channels // groups, kernel_size[0],
                torch.Tensor(out_channels, in_channels // groups, kernel_size[0],

    also, the kernel_size=d.kernel_size[0] was changes to kernel_size=d.kernel_size in

    opened by flydephone 1
  • How bayesian network be used in quantization?

    How bayesian network be used in quantization?

    @peteriz @jpablomch @ranganathkrishnan we can get the $\mu$ and $\sigma$ of each weight ,so how it can be used to quantization which mapping the $w_{float32 }$ into $w_{int8}$

    opened by LeopoldACC 1
  • v0.3.0(Dec 14, 2022)

  • v0.2.0-alpha(Jan 27, 2022)

    Includes dnn_to_bnn new feature: An API to convert deterministic deep neural network (dnn) model of any architecture to Bayesian deep neural network (bnn) model, simplifying the model definition i.e. drop-in replacements of Convolutional, Linear and LSTM layers to corresponding Bayesian layers. This will enable seamless conversion of existing topology of larger models to Bayesian deep neural network models for extending towards uncertainty-aware applications.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.0(Jan 27, 2022)

    Includes dnn_to_bnn new feature: An API to convert deterministic deep neural network (dnn) model of any architecture to Bayesian deep neural network (bnn) model, simplifying the model definition i.e. drop-in replacements of Convolutional, Linear and LSTM layers to corresponding Bayesian layers. This will enable seamless conversion of existing topology of larger models to Bayesian deep neural network models for extending towards uncertainty-aware applications.

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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