A Python script to delete movies with a certain tag after a certain amount of days.



Simple script, which deletes movies with a specific tag after a certain amount of days

Pip Packages

pip3 install pyarr python-dotenv


  1. Clone this repo and cd into the cloned dir
  2. Create a .env file
  3. Add the following envs to .env
  4. Add your API Key and Hostname or IP
  5. Run this script with
    python3 radarr_autodelete.py --keeptime 30 --filtertag NameOfYourList


  • keeptime The keeptime arguments only expects full days and defaults to 30 days.

  • filtertag This is the tag this script will look for. This means untagged movies or movies with a different tag will not be touched. filtertag has to be provided

  • dryrun This is meant to show which movies would be deleted if the flag wasnt set. With this flag set to true no movies would be deleted. The flag has to be a boolean, so either true or false. The flag can also be ommited, which is equal to setting this flag to false.

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