AQP is a modular pipeline built to enable the comparison and testing of different quality metric configurations.

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Audio Quality Platform - AQP

An Open Modular Python Platform for Objective Speech and Audio Quality Metrics

AQP is a highly modular pipeline designed to enable the testing and comparison of different objective speech and audio quality metrics (e.g. ViSQOL, PESQ, Warp-Q, etc.). AQP allows researchers to test and compare objective quality metrics helping to improve robustness, reproducibility and development speed.

Earlier speech/audio quality models were developed in either C/C++ for speed or MATLAB for research prototyping and were based on monolithic codebases that were difficult to adapt or extend. Models such as NISQA , CDPAM ,SESQA and WARP-Q have been developed using standard python libraries. Python has matured and become widely adopted in both research and industry deployment with packages and libraries available to implement many standard audio signal processing and machine learning algorithms as well as data wrangling and visualisation.

With the change to using Python for research of this nature in mind, AQP was designed to be modular and easy to use for almost anyone. Using Python allows for quick testing and integration of new functionality to the pipeline. The core architecture of AQP is built up around a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) data structure. Each node in the graph encapsulates some logic, e.g. loading a signal, scaling a signal, creating a spectrogram, etc.

Example Directed Acyclic Graph

Alongside the DAG, some concepts from the component-based design pattern is used to form the core functionality of the pipeline. A result dictionary is declared before the pipeline is executed. This dictionary is passed to each node and it's contents are either retrieved to use as input to the encapsulated logic and/or updated with the results of executing the node.

Important Notice

Due to this repository being included in the submission, detailed in the next section, this repository will be kept as is. However, the repository and any future commits will be available here

Citing AQP

The AQP paper is currently under review for the IEEE ICASSP 2022 conference. The design of AQP is described in the following paper available on arXiv.

J. Geraghty, J. Li, A. Ragano and A. Hine, "AQP: An Open Modular Python Platform for Objective Speech and Audio Quality Metrics", submitted to IEEE ICASSP 2022

Running AQP

The first step to running AQP is obviously to clone the repository to a directory of your choosing.

Package Requirements

AQP relies on several Python pacakges. The information about these packages is found in the requirements.txt file and they can all be installed with a single command.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Optional Dependencies - Recommended

If you are a person using a Mac or Unix based operating system and want to run the scripts located in the AQP/scripts directory, the subversion package is required. This is just to pull specific datasets from the repository.

On Mac

brew install subversion

On Ubuntu/Debian

apt-get install subversion

For more Unix based install instructions go to .

There is also information there for Windows users, but likely the easiest method is to just download the full dataset repository.

Quickstart Example

To get a quick idea of how the pipeline works and can be used to run an experiment there is a quickstart example that is designed to get the pipeline working in a few easy steps.

The example uses a subset(the first 10 entries) of the Genspeech dataset. The full Genspeech and TCDVoip datasets are available at The example configuration of the pipeline is the one used in the case study of the AQP paper, which compared two variations of the Warp-Q metric vs PESQ.

Executing the Example Using Scripts

Note: These steps assume you have the subversion package installed and have access to the wget command.

  1. From the terminal, cd into the scripts directory (AQP/scripts)
  2. Execute the script using ./

Executing the Example Using No Scripts

For those who don't have access to subversion and wget.

  1. Download the datasets repository from the link given above.

  2. Move/copy the quickstart_genspeech directory and the quickstart_genspeech.csv file located under datasets/genspeech to the resources folder of AQP. Resulting file structure should look like AQP/resources/quickstart_genspeech/ and AQP/resources/quickstart_genspeech.csv

  3. From the root directory of AQP, execute the following

    python utils/ --prepend_with "resources/" --dataset "resources/quickstart_genspeech.csv"
    python --root_node_id "Load DF" --graph_config_path "config/example.json" --plot_graph

After executing the quickstart example through either method described above the figure below should be produced.

Output of running the example configuration

Moving Forward from the Example

It is also easy to extend the above example to recreate the case study performed in the AQP paper. On Mac/Unix, execute the script from inside the scripts directory to download the entire Genspeech dataset and csv file. Then from the root directory execute the following commands:

python utils/ --prepend_with "resources/" --dataset "resources/genspeech.csv"
python --root_node_id "Load DF" --graph_config_path "config/warpq_pesq_dataset.json" --plot_graph

The figure below shows the expected output after executing the above commands and allowing the pipeline to run on the full Genspeech dataset.

Output of running the example configuration

Command Line Arguments

There are several arguments which can be passed to AQP, some are required, others optional.

  • --root_node_id: This is the name/key of the root node of the graph. This will be the first node executed and from there it's children will be executed and so on.
  • --graph_config_path: Path to the graph definition to use.

The other options are:

  • --plot_graph: Flag to create a diagram of the pipeline, default is False.
  • --graph_output_file: Path to file to store the created DOT file, do NOT include the file extension (this is done automatically), default is "results/graph". This gets expanded to, for example, "results/".
  • --debug: Enables debug logging.
  • --version: Prints the version.

How It All Works

Forewarning: Some of the configurations described below use nodes that are implemented for the ViSQOL quality metric. Some code for ViSQOL still exists on the main branch, under qualitymetrics/visqol, however the nodes used for ViSQOL have been removed temporarily and are located on the visqol_dev branch. This was done due to some bugs being present. They will be added back into the main branch as soon as these bugs have been fixed.

The Visqol branch has plenty of examples of how nodes can be created and used to encapsulate different bits of functionality.

In future we plan on adding more quality metrics, datasets and core nodes to the platform. Stay tuned folks!

Node Abstract Class

Nodes are used to encapsulate some unique logic/functionality, but there is common properties/functionality to all nodes. These are defined in the abstract Node class (found in nodes/

class Node(object):
    def __init__(self, id_: str, output_key: str, draw_options: dict, **kwargs):
        self.id_ = id_
        self.output_key = output_key
        self.draw_options = draw_options
        self.type = '__node__'

    def execute(self, result: dict, **kwargs):'Executing node {self.id_} | type={self.type_}')

There are currently four class which inherit/implement the Node base class, the AQPNode, ViSQOLNode and PESQNode and WarpQNode. The main reason for these classes is related to outputing the pipeline in .dot format for GraphViz. Each node class can have a dictionary called draw_options passed to it and it is used to control how the node will be drawn in the output image. The three Node implementations simply add specific draw options for nodes belonging to different use cases. More on this in the Drawing the Pipeline section. All other node classes implement one of the three previously mentioned classes.

The execute function is main function of the pipeline, it is common to all nodes and is how data moves through the pipeline. The execute function takes in the result dictionary as an argument and should return the same dictionary in the majority of cases(more details on this in the Advanced Nodes section)

Implementing a Node

Adding your own node is quick and easy to do. All it requires is to implement one of AQPNode, ViSQOLNode, PESQNode, WarpQNode or your own base node that you've created. Then the __init__ function and the execute function must be implemented.


from .node import AQPNode

class MyCustomNode(AQPNode):
    # Note that output_key and draw_options are optional, so they do not have to be used if not needed.
    def __init__(self, id_: str, output_key: str, param_one: str, param_two: int, draw_options: dict=None, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(id_, output_key=output_key, draw_options=draw_options, **kwargs)
        self.param_one = param_one
        self.param_two = param_two
        # You MUST declare self.type_, this is used to logging purpose and just describe the name of the node
        self.type_ = 'MyCustomNode'
    def execute(self, result: dict, **kwargs):
        super().execute(result, **kwargs)
        output_value = result[self.param_one] * self.param_two
        result[self.output_key] = output_value
        return result

A real implemented node

import math
import numpy as np
from .node import AQPNode

class ScaleSignalsNode(AQPNode):
    """Node used to scale two signals to the same Sound Pressure Level."""
    def __init__(self, id_: str,  
                 ref_sig_key: str='reference_signal', 
                 deg_sig_key: str='degraded_signal',
                 draw_options: dict=None, **kwargs):
        """Initialize a ScaleSignalsNode.
        ref_sig_key : str, optional
            Key to retrieve the reference audio signal. The default is 'reference_signal'.
        deg_sig_key : str, optional
            Key to retrieve the degraded audio signal. The default is 'degraded_signal'.
        super().__init__(id_, draw_options=draw_options)
        self.ref_sig_key = ref_sig_key
        self.deg_sig_key = deg_sig_key
        self.type_ = 'ScaleSignalNode'
    def execute(self, result: dict, **kwargs):
        """Execute the ScaleSignalNode and update the degraded signal key with the scaled signal."""
        required_reference_spl = ScaleSignalsNode._calculate_SPL(result[self.ref_sig_key])
        required_degraded_spl = ScaleSignalsNode._calculate_SPL(result[self.deg_sig_key])
        result[self.deg_sig_key] *= (10 ** ((required_reference_spl - required_degraded_spl) / 20))
        return result
    def _calculate_SPL(cls, signal: np.ndarray) -> float:
        return 20 * math.log10(math.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(signal))) / 20e-6)

Creating a Simple Pipeline

How the Pipeline is Created

The pipeline is defined as a collection of connected nodes. This information is described through a JSON configuration file. This file is passed to the program on startup as a command-line argument, --graph_config_path. Each entry in the JSON file is used to describe some node in the pipeline. The key for an entry is used as a unique id for each node and is how nodes are connected together. The values associated with the key are then used as the construction parameters for a node, with some extra parameters, such as children and type being used to facilitate the creation of connections between nodes and instructing the pipeline in which type of node to create.


    "load_ref_signal": {
        "type": "LoadSignalNode",
        "children": ["load_deg_signal"],
        "output_key": "reference_signal",
        "signal_path": "resources/reference/ref.wav",
        "file_name_key": "reference_file"
    "load_deg_signal": {
        "type": "LoadSignalNode",
        "children": ["scale_signal"],
        "output_key": "degraded_signal",
        "signal_path": "resources/degraded/deg.wav",
        "file_name_key": "degraded_file"
    "scale_signal": {
        "type": "ScaleSignalsNode"

The above configuration results in a graph that looks like the image below.

Advanced Nodes


The LoopNode is used to loop over some iterable entry in the result dictionary. When creating a LoopNode a definition is provided of all the nodes which it should loop over using each entry in the iterable object. Each iteration, a copy of the original dictionary is used (so as to avoid key conflicts), and this copy is then assigned to a results dictionary. The output of the loop node is this results dictionary, it gets assigned to the main result dictionary. The execute function of the LoopNode is shown below.

def execute(self, result: dict, **kwargs):
    results = {}
    for i in result[self.iterable_key]:"Running on iterable entry: %s", i)
        result_copy = {k: result[k] for k in result if k not in self.key_blacklist}
        result_copy['iterator_item'] = i
        graphutils.run_node(self.execution_node, result_copy)
        results[i] = result_copy
    result[self.output_key] = results
    return result

When creating the copy of the result dictionary, an additional list can be used to blacklist specified keys from appearing in the copy. This is useful when running quality metric configurations against each other, e.g. ViSQOL with a Mel Spectrogram against ViSQOL with a Gammatone Spectrogram. It prevents the output of each configuration being present when looping over another set of nodes. Without this, it is possible that the result dictionary ends up storing most of itself at the output key of a loop node. An example of using the blacklist is seen later in a more advanced graph config.


The EncapsulationNode is mostly a utility node that can store a pipeline definition. Like the LoopNode, it also receives a sub-graph definition during construction and upon calling it's execute function it call each node contained within that sub-graph. This functionality is useful as it can be used to shorten graph configuration files, as well as reuse the same definition without having to redefine the graph again.

def execute(self, result: dict, **kwargs):
	super().execute(result, **kwargs)
    graphutils.run_node(self.execution_node, result, **kwargs)
    return result

An EncapsulationNode can be created in one of two ways:

  • Defining the sub-graph in the EncapsulationNode entry or by
  • Providing a path to a JSON file containing the sub-graph definition.

An id of the starting node in the sub-graph must be provided in both cases.

	"load_ref": {
		"children": ["load_deg"],
		"type": "LoadSignalNode",
		"signal_path": "resources/reference/ref.wav",
		"file_name_key": "reference_file",
		"output_key": "reference_signal"
	"load_deg": {
		"children": ["ViSQOL_Mel"],
		"type": "LoadSignalNode",
		"signal_path": "resources/degraded/deg.wav",
		"file_name_key": "degraded_file",
		"output_key": "degraded_signal"
	"ViSQOL_Mel": {
		"children": ["output"],
		"type": "EncapsulationNode",
		"start_node": "visqol_args",
		"path_to_node_config": "config/visqol/graphs/default_visqol_mel.json"
    "output": {
        "type": "IdentityNode"

The JSON below is the contents of config/visqol/graphs/default_visqol_mel.json


	"visqol_args": {
		"output_key": "visqol_args",
		"children": ["channel_loop"],
		"type": "VisqolStructuresNode",
		"config_file_path": "config/visqol/structures/default_visqol_mel_structures.json"
	"channel_loop": {
		"output_key": "vnsims_mel",
		"type": "LoopNode",
		"iterable_key": "active_channels",
        "key_blacklist": ["wav_files", "vnsims_gamma", "vnsims_mel", "vnsims_goertzel"],
		"start_node": "extract_channels",
		"node_data": {
			"extract_channels": {
				"children": ["scale_signals"],
				"type": "ViSQOLChannelNode"
			"scale_signals": {
				"children": ["ref_spect"],
				"type": "ScaleSignalsNode"
			"ref_spect": {
				"children": ["deg_spect"],
				"output_key": "reference_spect",
				"type": "SpectrogramNode",
				"signal_key": "reference_signal",
				"file_name_key": "reference_file",
				"save_spectrogram": true,
				"output_dir": "spectrograms/mel/"
			"deg_spect": {
				"children": ["floor_spect"],
				"output_key": "degraded_spect",
				"type": "SpectrogramNode",
				"signal_key": "degraded_signal",
				"file_name_key": "degraded_file",
				"save_spectrogram": true,
				"output_dir": "spectrograms/mel/"
			"floor_spect": {
				"children": ["reference_patches"],
				"type": "FloorSpectrogramsNode"
			"reference_patches": {
				"children": ["vad"],
				"type": "ReferencePatchNode"
			"vad": {
				"children": ["patch_alignment"],
				"type": "VADNode"
			"patch_alignment": {
				"children": ["patch_similarity"],
				"type": "PatchAlignmentNode"
			"patch_similarity": {
				"children": [],
				"type": "PatchSimilarityNode"


The SinkNode is a relatively simple but useful node. It's purpose is prevent the execution of the nodes below it in the pipeline until it has received a set number of results from different branches. Once it has seen the expected number of results, the result is passed to the child nodes of the SinkNode.

When executing the pipeline, each node has it's execute function called. This normally returns the result dictionary and execution continues. In this case, each of the children of the current node being executed are added to a Stack (pipeline operates using a modified Depth First Traversal). However, if the return value is None, then the children of the current node don't get added to the Stack and instead, execution continues using the next node on the same level of the graph as the current node.

The SinkNode allows for the collection of different results before they are passed to an output node for a node which relies on having multiple different results.

def execute(self, result: dict, **kwargs):
	super().execute(result, **kwargs)
    self.counter += 1
    return result if self.counter == self.num_expected_results else None


The TransformNode contains several transformation function which can be used to operate on some data contained within the result dictionary. These functions/transforms could have been encapsulated into their own nodes, but they're short and having each of them be defined separately would bloat the nodes directory further. The transforms so far, are designed around taking some value(s) from the result dictionary and creating some new value or remove a layer of nesting etc. So far there are three transforms used:

  • df_columns_to_tuples: when a dataset is loaded from a csv file the reference and degraded files are in different columns, this transform makes a single list of tuples from these columns.
  • tuple_to_top_level: When iterating (using a LoopNode) over the list of tuples described above, the individual parts need to be extracted so as to load the reference and degraded signal. This transform retrieves the current tuple, and assigns each value back to the dictionary.
  • update_df: After running a quality metric on a signal, the results for that signal needs to be stored somewhere, so as to be to graph them later on. This needs to happen per signal tested. This transform locates the correct row in the loaded dataframe based off of the reference file and updates a (new) column with the results of the signal.

Each function available in the TransformNode takes it's own unique arguments. These arguments should be provided in the definition of the TransformNode using the function_args field. These values get upacked during execution for use.


	"type ": "TransformNode",
	"transform_name": "tuple_to_top_level",
	"target_key": "iterator_item",
	"function_args": {
		"reference_file_key": "reference",
		"degraded_file_key": "degraded"

Advanced Pipeline Example - Case Study Config

	"Load DF": {
		"type": "LoadCSVAsDFNode",
		"children": ["Wrangle Data"],
		"output_key": "dataframe",
		"path_to_csv": "resources/genspeech.csv"
	"Wrangle Data": {
		"type": "TransformNode",
		"children": ["Add sr"],
		"transform_name": "df_columns_to_tuples",
		"target_key": "dataframe",
		"output_key": "wav_files",
		"function_args": {
			"col_one": "Ref_Wave",
			"col_two": "Test_Wave"
	"Add sr": {
		"type": "VariableNode",
		"children": ["DF Loop"],
		"output_key": "sr",
		"variable_value": 16000
	"DF Loop": {
		"type": "LoopNode",
		"children": ["DF to csv"],
		"output_key": "dataset_output",
		"iterable_key": "wav_files",
		"start_node": "Tuple Transform",
		"key_blacklist": [],
		"node_data": {
			"Tuple Transform": {
				"type": "TransformNode",
				"children": ["Load Ref"],
				"transform_name": "tuple_to_top_level",
				"target_key": "iterator_item",
				"function_args": {
					"reference_file_key": "reference",
					"degraded_file_key": "degraded"
			"Load Ref": {
				"type": "LoadSignalNode",
				"children": ["Load Test"],
				"target_sample_rate": 16000,
				"file_name_key": "reference_file",
				"signal_key": "reference",
				"output_key": "reference_signal"
			"Load Test": {
				"type": "LoadSignalNode",
				"children": ["VAD", "PESQ"],
				"target_sample_rate": 16000,
				"signal_key": "degraded",
				"output_key": "degraded_signal",
				"file_name_key": "degraded_file"
			"VAD": {
				"type": "WarpQVADNode",
				"children": ["MFCC", "Mel"],
				"ref_sig_key": "reference_signal",
				"deg_sig_key": "degraded_signal"
			"MFCC": {
				"type": "MFCCNode",
				"children": ["MFCC SDTW"],
				"ref_sig_key": "reference_signal",
				"deg_sig_key": "degraded_signal"
			"Mel": {
				"type": "MelNode",
				"children": ["Mel SDTW"],
				"ref_sig_key": "reference_signal",
				"deg_sig_key": "degraded_signal"
			"Mel SDTW": {
				"type": "WarpQSDTWNode",
				"children": ["Update DF Mel"],
				"output_key": "warp_q_mel",
				"mfcc_ref_key": "mfcc_ref",
				"mfcc_coded_patch_key": "mfcc_coded_patch"
			"MFCC SDTW": {
				"type": "WarpQSDTWNode",
				"children": ["Update DF MFCC"],
				"output_key": "warp_q_mfcc",
				"mfcc_ref_key": "mfcc_ref",
				"mfcc_coded_patch_key": "mfcc_coded_patch"
			"Update DF Mel": {
				"type": "TransformNode",
				"transform_name": "update_df",
				"target_key": "dataframe",
				"function_args": {
					"key": "warp_q_mel",
					"col_name": "Ref_Wave"
				"draw_options": {
					"fillcolor": "#d55c00B3"
			"Update DF MFCC": {
				"type": "TransformNode",
				"transform_name": "update_df",
				"target_key": "dataframe",
				"function_args": {
					"key": "warp_q_mfcc",
					"col_name": "Ref_Wave"
				"draw_options": {
					"fillcolor": "#d55c00B3"
			"Modified VAD": {
				"type": "WarpQVADNode",
				"children": ["MFCC"],
				"ref_sig_key": "reference_signal",
				"deg_sig_key": "degraded_signal"
			"PESQ": {
				"type": "EncapsulationNode",
				"children": ["Update DF PESQ"],
				"start_node": "pesq_alignment",
				"node_data": {
					"pesq_alignment": {
						"type": "AlignmentNode",
						"children": ["pesq"]
					"pesq": {
						"type": "PyPESQNode",
						"output_key": "pesq"
				"draw_options": {
					"fillcolor": "#009e74B3"
			"Update DF PESQ": {
				"type": "TransformNode",
				"transform_name": "update_df",
				"target_key": "dataframe",
				"function_args": {
					"key": "pesq",
					"col_name": "Ref_Wave"
				"draw_options": {
					"fillcolor": "#009e74B3"
	"DF to csv": {
		"type": "TransformNode",
		"children": ["Graph Output"],
		"transform_name": "to_csv",
		"target_key": "dataframe",
		"function_args": {
			"output_file_name": "results/RESULTS.csv"
	"Graph Output": {
		"type": "GraphNode",
		"df_key": "dataframe",
		"x_data_key": "MOS",
		"y_data_keys": ["warp_q_mel", "warp_q_mfcc", "pesq"],
		"y_labels": ["WARP-Q Distance", "WARP-Q Distance", "Predicted MOS"],
		"titles": ["WARP-Q Mel", "WARP-Q MFCC", "PESQ"]

Drawing the Pipeline

It is possible to output a diagram of the pipeline. This functionality is based on a combination of GraphViz and the NetworkX python package. If the --plot_graph command-line argument is set, then a NetworkX version of the pipeline is built, has the draw_options associated with each node applied to the NetworkX version of the node, and finally a .dot file is generated for the graph, which can be visualized with GraphViz. Currently, only one version of the graph is produced, where all nodes, that aren't part of an EncapsulationNode are graphed.

Ideally, EncapsulationNodes will be included in future, the current issue with it relates to loop nodes within an encapsulation node and connecting them to the appropriate nodes.

Another future possibility is the drawing of a box, or something similar around loop nodes and encapsulation nodes, to highlight that they are different from the rest of the graph.

Case study pipeline

Jack Geraghty
PhD Student @ UCD Computer Science, Ireland.
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An out-of-box Lua parser written in Lark Such parser handles a relaxed version o

Taine Zhao 2 Jul 19, 2022
General neural ODE and DAE modules for power system dynamic modeling.

Py_PSNODE General neural ODE and DAE modules for power system dynamic modeling. The PyTorch-based ODE solver is developed based on torchdiffeq. Sample

14 Dec 31, 2022

Facenet:人脸识别模型在Pytorch当中的实现 目录 性能情况 Performance 所需环境 Environment 注意事项 Attention 文件下载 Download 预测步骤 How2predict 训练步骤 How2train 参考资料 Reference 性能情况 训练数据

Bubbliiiing 210 Jan 06, 2023
Data manipulation and transformation for audio signal processing, powered by PyTorch

torchaudio: an audio library for PyTorch The aim of torchaudio is to apply PyTorch to the audio domain. By supporting PyTorch, torchaudio follows the

1.9k Dec 28, 2022
Transfer Learning Shootout for PyTorch's model zoo (torchvision)

pytorch-retraining Transfer Learning shootout for PyTorch's model zoo (torchvision). Load any pretrained model with custom final layer (num_classes) f

Alexander Hirner 169 Jun 29, 2022
Rafael Project- Classifying rockets to different types using data science algorithms.

Rocket-Classify Rafael Project- Classifying rockets to different types using data science algorithms. In this project we received data base with data

Hadassah Engel 5 Sep 18, 2021
A PyTorch Implementation of PGL-SUM from "Combining Global and Local Attention with Positional Encoding for Video Summarization", Proc. IEEE ISM 2021

PGL-SUM: Combining Global and Local Attention with Positional Encoding for Video Summarization PyTorch Implementation of PGL-SUM From "PGL-SUM: Combin

Evlampios Apostolidis 35 Dec 22, 2022