Project Smoothie Společný projekt dua Hacker Ninjas. První pokus o hříčku po třech týdnech učení se programování.
- Jakub Kolář e:\ [email protected]
- Martin Holomek e:\ [email protected]
radar-to-lidar-place-recognition This page is the coder of a pre-print, implemented by PyTorch. If you have some questions on this project, please fee
DroneCrowd Paper Detection, Tracking, and Counting Meets Drones in Crowds: A Benchmark. Introduction This paper proposes a space-time multi-scale atte
CoMIR: Contrastive Multimodal Image Representation for Registration Framework 🖼 Registration of images in different modalities with Deep Learning 🤖
Joint Learning of 3D Shape Retrieval and Deformation Joint Learning of 3D Shape Retrieval and Deformation Mikaela Angelina Uy, Vladimir G. Kim, Minhyu
Unsupervised Learning for Cuboid Shape Abstraction via Joint Segmentation from Point Clouds This repository is a PyTorch implementation for paper: Uns
JOKR: Joint Keypoint Representation for Unsupervised Cross-Domain Motion Retargeting Pytorch implementation for the paper "JOKR: Joint Keypoint Repres
Multi YOLO V5——Detection and Semantic Segmentation Overeview This is my undergraduate graduation project which based on ultralytics YOLO V5 tag v5.0.
Joint Discriminative and Generative Learning for Person Re-identification [Project] [Paper] [YouTube] [Bilibili] [Poster] [Supp] Joint Discriminative
Frozen️ in Time ❄️ ️️️️ ⏳ A Joint Video and Image Encoder for End-to-End Retrieval project page | arXiv | webvid-data Repository containing the code,
Zjistit zdali je moznost nejakym prikazem nebo formou entrovani usporadat text aby se na konci formoval do stejne roviny ( pokud nejde neda se nic delat )
systém hryNapadl mě systém tří životů a smrt. Když 3x blbě odpovíš, nebo zvolíš špatnou možnost, ubere ti to život. Jelikož terminál neumí zobrazit znak srdíčka, dal bych místo toho třeba kolečko. Zobrazený by to bylo asi takhle: [OOO] přičemž ty kolečka bych zkusil udělat červená. zobrazený by to bylo pod obrázkem vpravo, ať to okno používáme tak nějak celý a není všechno jenom vlevo. Co ty na to?
systém hrySem zapisujme seznam všech postav obsažených v příběhu. Vždy jméno postavy, pak jestli je žívá/mrtvá = True/False ( pokud je mrtvá tak jak umřel, popřípadě kdo jí zabil ) a když bude nutné klidně i nějaké malé info o postavě
DA2Lite (Deep Architecture to Lite) is a toolkit to compress and accelerate deep network models. ⭐ Star us on GitHub — it helps!! Frameworks & Librari
WoRkS continued English 中文 Français Probability Density Estimation-Non-Parametric Methods(概率密度估计-非参数方法) 1. Kernel / k-Nearest Neighborhood Density Est
DNC pytorch This is a Pytorch implementation of DeepMind's Differentiable Neural Computer (DNC) architecture introduced in their recent Nature paper:
CONQUER: Contexutal Query-aware Ranking for Video Corpus Moment Retreival PyTorch implementation of CONQUER: Contexutal Query-aware Ranking for Video
If you are using this code in your own project, please cite our paper: @inproceedings{awiszus2020toadgan, title={TOAD-GAN: Coherent Style Level Gene
PyTorch RL Minimal Implementations There are implementations of some reinforcement learning algorithms, whose characteristics are as follow: Less pack
CIFAR-10_train-test - training and testing codes for dataset CIFAR-10
Chatty Goose Multi-stage Conversational Passage Retrieval: An Approach to Fusing Term Importance Estimation and Neural Query Rewriting Installation Ma
September - Windows Assistant September is an open-source Windows personal assis
InterpretationData This repository is for our EMNLP 2021 paper: It is Not as Good as You Think! Evaluating Simultaneous Machine Translation on Interpr
IsoTree Fast and multi-threaded implementation of Extended Isolation Forest, Fair-Cut Forest, SCiForest (a.k.a. Split-Criterion iForest), and regular
sketchnet sketchnet - processing code generator can we teach a computer to draw pictures with code. We use Processing and java/jruby code paired with
Spectrum Surveying: The Python code in this repository implements the simulations and plots the figures described in the paper “Spectrum Surveying: Ac
GraspTTA Hand-Object Contact Consistency Reasoning for Human Grasps Generation (ICCV 2021). Project Page with Videos Demo Quick Results Visualization
Riiid Answer Correctness Prediction Introduction This repository is the code that placed 78th in Riiid Answer Correctness Prediction competition. Requ
Multi-label classification of retinal disorders This is a deep learning course project. The goal is to develop a solution, using computer vision techn
SimSwap: An Efficient Framework For High Fidelity Face Swapping Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia The official reposi
Randstad Artificial Intelligence Challenge (powered by VGEN) Soluzione proposta da Stefano Fiorucci (anakin87) - primo classificato Struttura director
CAMoE + Dual SoftMax Loss (DSL): Improving Video-Text Retrieval by Multi-Stream Corpus Alignment and Dual Softmax Loss This is official implement of "
The Empirical Investigation of Representation Learning for Imitation (EIRLI)