A Python Script to automate searching of available vaccination centers in the city and hence booking


Cowin Vaccine Availability Notifier

Cowin Vaccine Availability Notifier takes your City or PIN code as an input and automatically notifies you via email when any booking is available. It also helps you to book a vaccination slot as well.

Script Path

Install Requirements

Install the requirements first by using this command
pip install -r requirements.txt

How To Run

Just enter the following command on your terminal
python3 cowin.py

Things To Note

Note: <Response [200]> is a good thing. Don't press any key just wait until it finds an open slot

Note: If you're getting a lot of 401: Trying Public Server, you might wanna re-run the script by closing and opening again. Hence logging in again with a new token. This helps as you're authorized again and you'll get the fastest updates possible.

Regarding the Script

  • This script is developed for learning and exploring purpose only
  • Use this at your own risk
  • Please don't attempt to flood the Cowin APIs

Developed By : Jayesh Padhiar
Please star this project.

Thank You !

Jayesh Padhiar
Jayesh Padhiar
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