Classical OCR DCNN reproduction based on PaddlePaddle framework.



Classical OCR DCNN reproduction based on PaddlePaddle framework.

This project reproduces Multi-digit Number Recognition from Street View Imagery using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks based on the paddlepaddle framework and participates in the Baidu paper reproduction competition. The AIStudio link is provided as follow:



SVHN Dataset

Methods Model Download Batch Size Learning Rate Patience Decay Step Decay Rate Training Speed (FPS) Accuracy
Pytorch_SVHN torch_model 512 0.16 100 625 0.9 ~1700 95.65%
PaddlePaddle_SVHN paddle_model 1024 0.01 100 625 0.9 ~1700 95.65%


The main idea of this exercise is to study the evolvement of the state of the art and main work along topic of visual attention model. There are two datasets that are studied: augmented MNIST and SVHN. The former dataset focused on canonical problem  —  handwritten digits recognition, but with cluttering and translation, the latter focus on real world problem  —  street view house number (SVHN) transcription. In this exercise, the following papers are studied in the way of developing a good intuition to choose a proper model to tackle each of the above challenges.

For more detail, please refer to this blog

Recommended environment

Python 3.6+
paddlepaddle-gpu 2.0.2
nccl 2.0+


Install env

Install paddle following the official tutorial.

pip install visdom
pip install h5py
pip install protobuf
pip install lmdb


  1. Download SVHN Dataset format 1

  2. Extract to data folder, now your folder structure should be like below:

        - data
            - extra
                - 1.png 
                - 2.png
                - ...
                - digitStruct.mat
            - test
                - 1.png 
                - 2.png
                - ...
                - digitStruct.mat
            - train
                - 1.png 
                - 2.png
                - ...
                - digitStruct.mat


  1. (Optional) Take a glance at original images with bounding boxes

    Open `draw_bbox.ipynb` in Jupyter
  2. Convert to LMDB format

    $ python --data_dir ./data
  3. (Optional) Test for reading LMDBs

    Open `read_lmdb_sample.ipynb` in Jupyter
  4. Train

    $ python --data_dir ./data --logdir ./logs
  5. Retrain if you need

    $ python --data_dir ./data --logdir ./logs_retrain --restore_checkpoint ./logs/model-100.pth
  6. Evaluate

    $ python --data_dir ./data ./logs/model-100.pth
  7. Visualize

    $ python -m visdom.server
    $ python --logdir ./logs
  8. Infer

    $ python --checkpoint=./logs/model-100.pth ./images/test1.png
  9. Clean

    $ rm -rf ./logs
    $ rm -rf ./logs_retrain
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