

Text Classification with CNN


CNN做句子分类的论文可以参看: Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification

还可以去读dennybritz大牛的博客:Implementing a CNN for Text Classification in TensorFlow

以及字符级CNN的论文:Character-level Convolutional Networks for Text Classification




  • Python 2/3
  • TensorFlow 1.3以上(我的是2.x)
  • numpy
  • scikit-learn
  • scipy





体育, 财经, 房产, 家居, 教育, 科技, 时尚, 时政, 游戏, 娱乐

这个子集可以在此下载:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1hugrfRu 密码: qfud


  • 训练集: 5000 x 10
  • 验证集: 500 x 10
  • 测试集: 1000 x 10


  • cnews.train.txt: 训练集(50000条)
  • cnews.val.txt: 验证集(5000条)
  • cnews.test.txt: 测试集(10000条)



  • read_file(): 读取文件数据。
  • build_vocab(): 构建词汇表,使用字符级的表示,这一函数会将词汇表存储下来,避免每一次重复处理。
  • read_vocab(): 读取上一步存储的词汇表,转换为{词:id}表示。
  • read_category(): 将分类目录固定,转换为{类别: id}表示。
  • to_words(): 将一条由id表示的数据重新转换为文字。
  • process_file(): 将数据集从文字转换为固定长度的id序列表示。
  • batch_iter(): 为神经网络的训练准备经过shuffle的批次的数据。


Data Shape Data Shape
x_train [50000, 600] y_train [50000, 10]
x_val [5000, 600] y_val [5000, 10]
x_test [10000, 600] y_test [10000, 10]




class TCNNConfig(object):

    embedding_dim = 64      # 词向量维度
    seq_length = 600        # 序列长度
    num_classes = 10        # 类别数
    num_filters = 128       # 卷积核数目
    kernel_size = 5         # 卷积核尺寸
    vocab_size = 5000       # 词汇表达小

    hidden_dim = 128        # 全连接层神经元数目

    dropout_keep_prob = 0.5 # dropout正则化保留比例
    learning_rate = 1e-3    # 学习率

    batch_size = 64         # 每批训练大小
    num_epochs = 10         # 总迭代轮次

    print_per_batch = 100   # 每多少轮输出一次结果
    save_per_batch = 10     # 每多少轮存入tensorboard






用cmd命令在代码文件所在目录运行 python run_cnn.py train,可以开始训练。


Configuring CNN model...
Configuring TensorBoard and Saver...
Loading training and validation data...
Time usage: 0:00:14
Training and evaluating...
Epoch: 1
Iter:      0, Train Loss:    2.3, Train Acc:  10.94%, Val Loss:    2.3, Val Acc:   8.92%, Time: 0:00:01 *
Iter:    100, Train Loss:   0.88, Train Acc:  73.44%, Val Loss:    1.2, Val Acc:  68.46%, Time: 0:00:04 *
Iter:    200, Train Loss:   0.38, Train Acc:  92.19%, Val Loss:   0.75, Val Acc:  77.32%, Time: 0:00:07 *
Iter:    300, Train Loss:   0.22, Train Acc:  92.19%, Val Loss:   0.46, Val Acc:  87.08%, Time: 0:00:09 *
Iter:    400, Train Loss:   0.24, Train Acc:  90.62%, Val Loss:    0.4, Val Acc:  88.62%, Time: 0:00:12 *
Iter:    500, Train Loss:   0.16, Train Acc:  96.88%, Val Loss:   0.36, Val Acc:  90.38%, Time: 0:00:15 *
Iter:    600, Train Loss:  0.084, Train Acc:  96.88%, Val Loss:   0.35, Val Acc:  91.36%, Time: 0:00:17 *
Iter:    700, Train Loss:   0.21, Train Acc:  93.75%, Val Loss:   0.26, Val Acc:  92.58%, Time: 0:00:20 *
Epoch: 2
Iter:    800, Train Loss:   0.07, Train Acc:  98.44%, Val Loss:   0.24, Val Acc:  94.12%, Time: 0:00:23 *
Iter:    900, Train Loss:  0.092, Train Acc:  96.88%, Val Loss:   0.27, Val Acc:  92.86%, Time: 0:00:25
Iter:   1000, Train Loss:   0.17, Train Acc:  95.31%, Val Loss:   0.28, Val Acc:  92.82%, Time: 0:00:28
Iter:   1100, Train Loss:    0.2, Train Acc:  93.75%, Val Loss:   0.23, Val Acc:  93.26%, Time: 0:00:31
Iter:   1200, Train Loss:  0.081, Train Acc:  98.44%, Val Loss:   0.25, Val Acc:  92.96%, Time: 0:00:33
Iter:   1300, Train Loss:  0.052, Train Acc: 100.00%, Val Loss:   0.24, Val Acc:  93.58%, Time: 0:00:36
Iter:   1400, Train Loss:    0.1, Train Acc:  95.31%, Val Loss:   0.22, Val Acc:  94.12%, Time: 0:00:39
Iter:   1500, Train Loss:   0.12, Train Acc:  98.44%, Val Loss:   0.23, Val Acc:  93.58%, Time: 0:00:41
Epoch: 3
Iter:   1600, Train Loss:    0.1, Train Acc:  96.88%, Val Loss:   0.26, Val Acc:  92.34%, Time: 0:00:44
Iter:   1700, Train Loss:  0.018, Train Acc: 100.00%, Val Loss:   0.22, Val Acc:  93.46%, Time: 0:00:47
Iter:   1800, Train Loss:  0.036, Train Acc: 100.00%, Val Loss:   0.28, Val Acc:  92.72%, Time: 0:00:50
No optimization for a long time, auto-stopping...





用cmd命令在代码文件所在目录下运行 python run_cnn.py test 在测试集上进行测试。

Configuring CNN model...
Loading test data...
Test Loss:   0.14, Test Acc:  96.04%
Precision, Recall and F1-Score...
             precision    recall  f1-score   support

         体育       0.99      0.99      0.99      1000
         财经       0.96      0.99      0.97      1000
         房产       1.00      1.00      1.00      1000
         家居       0.95      0.91      0.93      1000
         教育       0.95      0.89      0.92      1000
         科技       0.94      0.97      0.95      1000
         时尚       0.95      0.97      0.96      1000
         时政       0.94      0.94      0.94      1000
         游戏       0.97      0.96      0.97      1000
         娱乐       0.95      0.98      0.97      1000

avg / total       0.96      0.96      0.96     10000

Confusion Matrix...
[[991   0   0   0   2   1   0   4   1   1]
 [  0 992   0   0   2   1   0   5   0   0]
 [  0   1 996   0   1   1   0   0   0   1]
 [  0  14   0 912   7  15   9  29   3  11]
 [  2   9   0  12 892  22  18  21  10  14]
 [  0   0   0  10   1 968   4   3  12   2]
 [  1   0   0   9   4   4 971   0   2   9]
 [  1  16   0   4  18  12   1 941   1   6]
 [  2   4   1   5   4   5  10   1 962   6]
 [  1   0   1   6   4   3   5   0   1 979]]
Time usage: 0:00:05

在测试集上的准确率达到了96.04%,且各类的precision, recall和f1-score都超过了0.9。





为方便预测,predict.py 展示了一个简单demo的预测。

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