Unique image & metadata generation using weighted layer collections.



nft-generator-py is a python based NFT generator which programatically generates unique images using weighted layer files. The program is simple to use, and new layers can be added by adding a new layer object and adding names, weights, and image files to the object. You can View The Demo here.

How it works

  • A call to generate_unique_images(amount, config) is made, which is the meat of the application where all the processing happens.
  • The config object is read and for each object in the layers list, random values are selected and checked for uniqueness against all previously generated metadata files.
  • Once we have amount unique tokens created, we layer them against eachother and output them and their metadata to their respective folders, ./metadata and ./images.


  "layers": [
      "name": "Background",
      "values": ["Blue", "Orange", "Purple", "Red", "Yellow"],
      "trait_path": "./trait-layers/backgrounds",
      "filename": ["blue", "orange", "purple", "red", "yellow"],
      "weights": [30, 45, 15, 5, 10]
  "name": "NFT #"

The config object is a dict that contains layers and name objects that can be changed to produce different outputs when running the program. Within metadata files, tokens are named using the configuration's name parameter.

  • In ascending order, tokenIds are appended to the name resulting in NFT metadata names such as NFT #0001.
  • tokenIds are padded to the largest amount generated. IE, generating 999 objects will result in names NFT #001, using the above configuration, and generating 1000 objects will result in NFT #0001.

The layers list contains layer objects that define the layers for the program to use when generating unique tokens. Each layer has a name, which will be displayed as an attribute, values, trait_path, filename, and weights.

  • trait_path refers to the path where the image files in filename can be found. Please note that filenames omit .png, and it will automatically be prepended.

  • weight corresponds with the percent chance that the specific value that weight corresponds to will be selected when the program is run. The weights must add up to 100, or the program will fail.


  • All images should be in .png format.
  • All images should be the same size in pixels, IE: 1000x1000.
  • The weight values for each attribute should add up to equal 100.


This project is completely coded by Jonathan Becker, using no external libraries.

  • incompatibilities not working for me

    incompatibilities not working for me

    dear friend,

    could not figure out why the incompatibilities is not working for me. is this feature still in development or should it work as described ? help would be much appreciated

    thank you

          "name": "BOTS",
          "values": ["Bombed", "Doodle", "Gold", "Green", "Grey", "Ironman", "Rot", "Wood", "Yellow", "Zombie"],
          "trait_path": "./trait-layers/2_BOTS",
          "filename": ["Bombed", "Doodle", "Gold", "Green", "Grey", "Ironman", "Rot", "Wood", "Yellow", "Zombie"],
          "weights": [8, 12, 2, 15, 15, 6, 15, 7, 15, 5]
          "name": "EYES",
          "values": ["Bullaugen", "Eyes_human", "Hawt_Augen", "Schlitzauge", "Tearsdrops"],
          "trait_path": "./trait-layers/4_EYES",
          "filename": ["Bullaugen", "Eyes_human", "Hawt_Augen", "Schlitzauge", "Tearsdrops"],
          "weights": [20, 20, 20, 20, 20]
    	 "incompatibilities": [
        {"layer": "BOTS", "value": "Ironman", "incompatible_with": ["Bullaugen"]},
        {"layer": "BOTS", "value": "Ironman", "incompatible_with": ["Eyes_human"]},
        {"layer": "BOTS", "value": "Ironman", "incompatible_with": ["Hawt_Augen"]},
        {"layer": "BOTS", "value": "Ironman", "incompatible_with": ["Schlitzauge"]},
        {"layer": "BOTS", "value": "Ironman", "incompatible_with": ["Tearsdrops"]}
    invalid issue 
    opened by Stadtrausch 12
  • Cant Generate

    Cant Generate

    Hello, First of all thank you for amazing work.

    I'm very noobie, first time trying to do something in .py.

    I just wanted to check if your generator engine is work. I didn't change anything, but all the time have same error

    Exception has occurred: ModuleNotFoundError No module named 'PIL' File "/Users/petre/Desktop/NFT-PY/index.py", line 2, in from PIL import Image

    Could you help me?

    invalid question 
    opened by PetreEP 7
  • Script to update JSON file with proper IPFS Data for images

    Script to update JSON file with proper IPFS Data for images

    Feature Request:

    When deploying the NFT images and metadata to IPFS, it is necessary to first upload the images (and get a unique CID). Then I need to update the JSON files to point at this CID. I can not create the CID in advance of running the generative script (index.py) as I do not have the CID until I upload the images.

    Could a script be added to run after the index.py & once I get the CID to go through all files in the metadata folder and update the baseURI to represent the IPFS CID? (Or regenerate them based on all-object.json?) Obviously the data needs to maintain the connection to the image.

    question issue 
    opened by stocktonellis 7
  • Config Error

    Config Error

    Getting this error when just trying to run the included default settings:

    At line:1 char:30

    • generate_unique_images(amount, config)
    •                          ~

    Missing argument in parameter list. + CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : MissingArgument

    opened by ccislegend 6
  • Getting List index out of range error.

    Getting List index out of range error.

    When I try to run the program with my attributes, I keep getting this error: Not sure why? I did add more traits and values than the original. Any ideas?

    % python3 index.py

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/NAME/Desktop/nft-generator/index.py", line 83, in generate_unique_images(8888, { File "/Users/NAME/Desktop/nft-generator/index.py", line 28, in generate_unique_images trait_files[trait["name"]][key] = trait["filename"][x]; IndexError: list index out of range

    opened by stocktonellis 6
  • Invalid syntax in index.py file

    Invalid syntax in index.py file

    Syntax errors detected :

    Line 67: layers[index] = Image.open(f'{config["layers"][index]["trait_path"]}/{trait_files[attr][item[attr]]}.png').convert('RGBA') ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax

    Any idea how to resolve? Thanks

    invalid issue 
    opened by nickgag626 5
  • Trait counter

    Trait counter

    I added code to count and write used traits to JSON file.

    from collections import Counter
    all_token_rarity = []
    for layer in config["layers"]:
      all_token_rarity.append({ layer["name"]: Counter(image[layer["name"]] for image in all_images) })
    with open('./metadata/all-rarity.json', 'w') as outfile:
       json.dump(all_token_rarity, outfile, indent=4)

    Maybe someone find it useful.

    opened by mwkemo 4
  • Metadata issue

    Metadata issue

    Hey, Everything works fine, except metadata name and token id inside. For exmp. When 5 image generation have completed I've got:

    In image Folder: 1,2,3,4,5

    In metadata Folder: 0,1,2,3,4 and all objects.

    I have qustion if it's possible to match token id number to metadata number.



    invalid issue 
    opened by PetreEP 4
  • it is not possible to generate more than 5 nft with my config.

    it is not possible to generate more than 5 nft with my config.

    the process simply dies if I set a value greater than 5, and with a standard code greater than 20 is not generated "The kernel 'Python 3.10.2 64-bit' died. " `generate_unique_images(5, { "layers": [ { "name": "Background", "values": ["Common", "Uncommon", "Rare", "Epic", "Legendary"], "trait_path": "./trait-layers/backgrounds", "filename": ["blue", "orange", "purple", "red", "yellow"], "weights": [40,35,15,9,1] }, { "name": "Foreground", "values": ["Qw, "Qs","Qe","Qr","Qt" ], "trait_path": "./trait-layers/foreground", "filename": ["qw", "qs", "qe", "qr", "qt"], "weights": [20,20,20,20,20] },

    ], "incompatibilities": [ { "layer": "Foreground", "value": "Qw", "incompatible_with": ["Uncommon", "Rare", "Epic", "Legendary"] }, { "layer": "Foreground", "value": "Qs", "incompatible_with": ["Common", "Rare", "Epic", "Legendary"] }, { "layer": "Foreground", "value": "Qe", "incompatible_with": ["Common", "Uncommon", "Epic", "Legendary"] }, { "layer": "Foreground", "value": "Qr", "incompatible_with": ["Common", "Uncommon", "Rare", "Legendary"] }, { "layer": "Foreground", "value": "Qt", "incompatible_with": ["Common", "Uncommon", "Rare", "Epic"] }, ], "baseURI": ".", "name": "NFT #", "description": "Generation 0" })`

    opened by Puffini 4
  • Increasing amount causes failure after adding more incompatibilities

    Increasing amount causes failure after adding more incompatibilities

    Hi there, thanks for providing this resource. It helps for learning. Testing, I have been growing the number of incompatibilities between traits and layers. Removing a few target blocks of incompatibilities, you can generate 1000 or more. Adding those sections back will see premature finish with exit code -1073741571 (0xC00000FD) However you can then generate about 200 but exceeding that will again result in EC: -1073741571 (0xC00000FD)

    Does it need more assets in this situation due to growing the number of incompatibilities limiting the total number of possible outcomes below 200?

    opened by Atekom 4
  • Value Error:('The number of weights does not match the population')

    Value Error:('The number of weights does not match the population')

    So there's a weird error that happened when I tried to run the code with my own images, I posted my images here but I'm just not sure how to solve this, can someone help? <img width="1440" alt="Screen Shot 2021-09-17 at 11 19 17 AM" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/33333641/133808013-e61d9217-4c78-47b8-9292-befa276b09df.png" Screen Shot 2021-09-17 at 11 19 11 AM Screen Shot 2021-09-17 at 11 19 05 AM Screen Shot 2021-09-17 at 11 19 04 AM Screen Shot 2021-09-17 at 11 18 58 AM

    help wanted 
    opened by awesomekid1021 4
  • Simple script to generate the config.json!

    Simple script to generate the config.json!

    File should be placed in the main directory, the script will then scrape all the files in ./trait-layers to generate a baseline config with balanced rarities.

    opened by whosman 3
  • Weights for layer groups

    Weights for layer groups

    Would be great to add support for weights for layer groups. Lets say we have following layer groups:

    Background - always render Body - always render Head - always render Hats - render only on 20% of images Glasses - render only on 10% of images

    btw. love your script, really nicely done.

    opened by mwkemo 3
  • v2.0.0(May 2, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • [#17] Adding requirements file by @elyak123 in https://github.com/Jon-Becker/nft-generator-py/pull/18
    • fixed an issue which uses a wrong variable name by @AlexLisong in https://github.com/Jon-Becker/nft-generator-py/pull/22
    • Substitute convert('RGB') for convert('RGBA') by @menezesphill in https://github.com/Jon-Becker/nft-generator-py/pull/33

    New Contributors

    • @elyak123 made their first contribution in https://github.com/Jon-Becker/nft-generator-py/pull/18
    • @AlexLisong made their first contribution in https://github.com/Jon-Becker/nft-generator-py/pull/22
    • @menezesphill made their first contribution in https://github.com/Jon-Becker/nft-generator-py/pull/33

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/Jon-Becker/nft-generator-py/compare/v1.0.2...v2.0.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0.2-beta1(Mar 18, 2022)

  • v1.0.2(Nov 8, 2021)

  • v1.0.1(Nov 2, 2021)

  • stable(Sep 1, 2021)

Jonathan Becker
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