Get related domains / subdomains by looking at Google Analytics IDs


Supported Python versions Go version License


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> Get related domains / subdomains by looking at Google Analytics IDs
> Python/GO versions
> By @JosueEncinar

This script try to get related domains / subdomains by looking at Google Analytics IDs from a URL. First search for ID of Google Analytics in the webpage and then request to builtwith and hackertarget with the ID.

Note: It does not work with all websites.It is searched by the following expressions:

->  "www\.googletagmanager\.com/ns\.html\?id=[A-Z0-9\-]+"
-> GTM-[A-Z0-9]+
->  "UA-\d+-\d+"

Available versions:


Installation according to language.


> git clone
> cd AnalyticsRelationships/Python
> sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt


> git clone
> cd AnalyticsRelationships/GO
> go build -ldflags "-s -w"


> git clone
> cd AnalyticsRelationships
> docker build -t analyticsrelationships:latest . 


Usage according to language


> python3 -u

Or redirect output to a file (banner or information messages are sent to the error output):

python3 -u > /tmp/example.txt


>  ./analyticsrelationships --url

Or redirect output to a file (banner or information messages are sent to the error output):

>  ./analyticsrelationships --url > /tmp/example.txt


>  docker run -it  analyticsrelationships:latest

Or redirect output to a file (banner or information messages are sent to the error output):

>  docker run -it  analyticsrelationships:latest > /tmp/example.txt



Output redirection to file /tmp/example.txt:


Without redirection:



Without redirection:


Working with file redirection works just like in Python.


This project has been developed by:


This is a PoC. The author is not responsible for any illegitimate use.

Josué Encinar
Offensive Security Engineer
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