Asymmetric Bilateral Motion Estimation for Video Frame Interpolation, ICCV2021

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Deep LearningABME



Junheum Park, Chul Lee, and Chang-Su Kim

Official PyTorch Code for "Asymmetric Bilateral Motion Estimation for Video Frame Interpolation" [paper]


  • PyTorch 1.7
  • CUDA 11.0
  • CuDNN 8.0.5
  • python 3.8


Create conda environment:

    $ conda create -n ABME python=3.8 anaconda
    $ conda activate ABME
    $ pip install opencv-python
    $ conda install pytorch==1.7 torchvision cudatoolkit=11.0 -c pytorch

Download repository:

    $ git clone

Download pre-trained model parameters:

    $ unzip

Check your nvcc version:

    $ nvcc --version
  • To install correlation layer, you should match your nvcc version with cudatoolkit version of your conda environment. [nvcc_setting]

Install correlation layer:

    $ cd correlation_package
    $ python install

Quick Usage

Generate an intermediate frame on your pair of frames:

    $ python --first images/im1.png --second images/im3.png --output images/im2.png


  1. Download the datasets.
  2. Copy the path of the test dataset. (e.g., /hdd/vimeo_interp_test)
  3. Parse this path into the --dataset_root argument.
  4. (optional) You can ignore the --is_save. But, it yields a slightly different performance than evaluation on saved images.
    $ python --name ABME --is_save --Dataset ucf101 --dataset_root /where/is/your/ucf101_dataset/path
    $ python --name ABME --is_save --Dataset vimeo --dataset_root /where/is/your/vimeo_dataset/path
    $ python --name ABME --is_save --Dataset SNU-FILM-all --dataset_root /where/is/your/FILM_dataset/path
    $ python --name ABME --is_save --Dataset Xiph_HD --dataset_root /where/is/your/Xiph_dataset/path
    $ python --name ABME --is_save --Dataset X4K1000FPS --dataset_root /where/is/your/X4K1000FPS_dataset/path

Experimental Results

We provide interpolated frames on test datasets for fast comparison or users with limited GPU memory. Especially, the test on X4K1000FPS requires at least 20GB of GPU memory.



We plan to share train codes soon!


Please cite the following paper if you feel this repository useful.

        author    = {Park, Junheum and Lee, Chul and Kim, Chang-Su}, 
        title     = {Asymmetric Bilateral Motion Estimation for Video Frame Interpolation}, 
        booktitle = {International Conference on Computer Vision},
        year      = {2021}


See MIT License

Junheum Park
BS: EE, Korea University Grad: EE, Korea University (Current)
Junheum Park
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