🎅🏻 Helping santa understand ✨ python ✨


☃️ Advent of code 2021 ☃️

Helping santa understand python

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Student @42_network->Codam
A python trivium implemention

A python trivium implemention

tnt2402 1 Nov 12, 2021
NES development tool made with Python and Lua

NES Builder NES development and romhacking tool made with Python and Lua Current Stage: Alpha Features Open source "Build" project, which exports vari

10 Aug 19, 2022
Скрипт позволяет заводить задачи в Панель мониторинга YouTrack на основе парсинга сайта safe-surf.ru

Скрипт позволяет заводить задачи в Панель мониторинга YouTrack на основе парсинга сайта safe-surf.ru

Bad_karma 3 Feb 12, 2022
Create an application to visualize single/multiple Xandar Kardian people counting sensors detection result for a indoor area.

Program Design Purpose: We want to create an application to visualize single/multiple Xandar Kardian people counting sensors detection result for a indoor area.

2 Dec 28, 2022
Easy Alias's for bash

easy-alias Easy Alias's for bash Setup Your system needs to have 'echo' which every 21st century computer has You dont need any python requirments but

Hashm 2 Jan 18, 2022
GEGVL: Google Earth Based Geoscience Video Library

Google Earth Based Geoscience Video Library is transforming to Server Based. The

3 Feb 11, 2022
PKU team for 2021 project 'Guangchangwu detection'.

PKU team for 2021 project 'Guangchangwu detection'.

Helin Wang 3 Feb 21, 2022
A tool for checking if the external data used in Flatpak manifests is still up to date

Flatpak External Data Checker This is a tool for checking for outdated or broken links of external data in Flatpak manifests. Motivation Flatpak apps

Flathub 76 Dec 24, 2022
Python Common things by Problem Fighter Library, (Exception, Debug Log, etc.)

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. PF-PY-Common Documentation Install and update using pip: pip install -U xxxx Please find the

Problem Fighter 3 Jan 15, 2022
Blender addon that enables exporting of xmodels from blender. Great for custom asset creation for cod games

Birdman's XModel Tools For Blender Greetings everyone in the custom cod community. This blender addon should finally enable exporting of custom assets

wast 2 Jul 02, 2022
An experimental Python-to-C transpiler and domain specific language for embedded high-performance computing

An experimental Python-to-C transpiler and domain specific language for embedded high-performance computing

Andrea Zanelli 562 Dec 28, 2022
Customizable-menu-python - User customizable menu in Python

Menu personalizável pelo usuário em Python A minha ideia com esse projeto pessoa

Renan Barbosa 4 Oct 28, 2022
Poetry workspace plugin for Python monorepos.

poetry-workspace-plugin Poetry workspace plugin for Python monorepos. Inspired by Yarn Workspaces. Adds a new subcommand group, poetry workspace, whic

Jack Smith 74 Jan 01, 2023
An example module hooking system, will be used in PySAMP.

An example module hooking system, will be used in PySAMP.

2 May 01, 2022
All kinds of programs are accepted here, raise a genuine PR, and claim a PR, Make 4 successful PR's and get the Stickers and T-Shirt from hacktoberfest 2021

this repository is excluded from hacktoberfest Hacktoberfest-2021 This repository aims to help code beginners with their first successful pull request

34 Sep 11, 2022
A similarity measurer on two programming assignments on Online Judge.

A similarity measurer on two programming assignments on Online Judge. Algorithm implementation details are at here. Install Recommend OS: Ubuntu 20.04

StardustDL 6 May 21, 2022
Personal Assistant Tessa

Personal Assistant Tessa Introducing our all new personal assistant Tessa..... An intelligent virtual assistant (IVA) or intelligent personal assistan

Anusha Joseph 4 Mar 08, 2022
Archive, organize, and watch for changes to publicly available information.

0. Overview The Trapper Keeper is a collection of scripts that support archiving information from around the web to make it easier to study and use. I

Bill Fitzgerald 9 Oct 26, 2022
UniPD exam dates finder

UniPD exam dates finder Find dates for exams at UniPD Usage ./finder.py courses.csv It's suggested to save output to a file: ./finder.py courses.csv

Davide Peressoni 1 Jan 25, 2022
A set of scripts for a two-step procedure to measure the value of access to destinations across several modes of travel within a geographic area.

A set of scripts for a two-step procedure to measure the value of access to destinations across several modes of travel within a geographic area.

Institute for Transportation and Development Policy 2 Oct 16, 2022