SatelliteSfM - A library for solving the satellite structure from motion problem


Satellite Structure from Motion

Maintained by Kai Zhang.


  • This is a library dedicated to solving the satellite structure from motion problem.
  • It's a wrapper of the VisSatSatelliteStereo repo for easier use.
  • The outputs are png images and OpenCV-compatible pinhole camreas readily deployable to multi-view stereo pipelines targetting ground-level images.


Assume you are on a Linux machine with at least one GPU, and have conda installed. Then to install this library, simply by:

. ./


We assume the inputs to be a set of .tif images encoding the 3-channel uint8 RGB colors, and the metadata like RPC cameras. This data format is to align with the public satellite benchmark: TRACK 3: MULTI-VIEW SEMANTIC STEREO. Download one example data from this google drive; folder structure look like below:

- examples/inputs
    - images/
        - *.tif
        - *.tif
        - *.tif
        - ...
    - latlonalt_bbx.json

, where latlonalt_bbx.json specifies the bounding box for the site of interest in the global (latitude, longitude, altitude) coordinate system.

If you are not sure what is a reasonably good altitude range, you can put random numbers in the json file, but you have to enable the --use_srtm4 option below.

Run Structure from Motion

python --input_folder examples/inputs --output_folder examples/outputs --run_sfm [--use_srtm4] [--enable_debug]

The --enable_debug option outputs some visualization helpful debugging the structure from motion quality.


  • {output_folder}/images/ folder contains the png images
  • {output_folder}/cameras_adjusted/ folder contains the bundle-adjusted pinhole cameras; each camera is represented by a pair of 4x4 K, W2C matrices that are OpenCV-compatible.
  • {output_folder}/enu_bbx_adjusted.json contains the scene bounding box in the local ENU Euclidean coordinate system.
  • {output_folder}/enu_observer_latlonalt.json contains the observer coordinate for defining the local ENU coordinate; essentially, this observer coordinate is only necessary for coordinate conversion between local ENU and global latitude-longitude-altitude.

If you turn on the --enable_debug option, you might want to dig into the folder {output_folder}/debug_sfm for visuals, etc.


  title={Leveraging Vision Reconstruction Pipelines for Satellite Imagery},
  author={Zhang, Kai and Sun, Jin and Snavely, Noah},
  booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops},

Example results

input images

Input images

sparse point cloud ouput by SfM

Sparse point cloud

homograhpy-warp one view, then average with another by a plane sequence

Sweep plane high-res video

inspect epipolar geometry


inspect epipolar

get zero-skew instrincis marix

python --input_folder ./examples/outputs ./examples/outputs_zeroskew

skew correct

More handy scripts are coming

Stay tuned :-)

Kai Zhang
PhD candidate at Cornell.
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