Torch-mutable-modules - Use in-place and assignment operations on PyTorch module parameters with support for autograd


Torch Mutable Modules

Use in-place and assignment operations on PyTorch module parameters with support for autograd.

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Why does this exist?

PyTorch does not allow in-place operations on module parameters (usually desirable):

linear_layer = torch.nn.Linear(1, 1) += 69
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# Valid, but will NOT store grad_fn=<AddBackward0>
linear_layer.weight += 420
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# RuntimeError: a leaf Variable that requires grad is being used in an in-place operation.

In some cases, however, it is useful to be able to modify module parameters in-place. For example, if we have a neural network (net_1) that predicts the parameter values to another neural network (net_2), we need to be able to modify the weights of net_2 in-place and backpropagate the gradients to net_1.

# create a parameter predictor network (net_1)
net_1 = torch.nn.Linear(1, 2)

# predict the weights and biases of net_2 using net_1
p_weight_and_bias = net_1(input_0).unsqueeze(2)
p_weight, p_bias = p_weight_and_bias[:, 0], p_weight_and_bias[:, 1]

# create a mutable network (net_2)
net_2 = to_mutable_module(torch.nn.Linear(1, 1))

# hot-swap the weights and biases of net_2 with the predicted values
net_2.weight = p_weight
net_2.bias = p_bias

# compute the output and backpropagate the gradients to net_1
output = net_2(input_1)
loss = criterion(output, label)

This library provides a way to easily convert PyTorch modules into mutable modules with the to_mutable_module function.


You can install torch-mutable-modules from PyPI.

pip install torch-mutable-modules

To upgrade an existing installation of torch-mutable-modules, use the following command:

pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir torch-mutable-modules


You can use wildcard imports or import specific functions directly:

# import all functions
from torch_mutable_modules import *

# ... or import the function manually
from torch_mutable_modules import to_mutable_module


To convert an existing PyTorch module into a mutable module, use the to_mutable_module function:

converted_module = to_mutable_module(
    torch.nn.Linear(1, 1)
) # type of converted_module is still torch.nn.Linear

converted_module.weight *= 0
convreted_module.weight += 69
convreted_module.weight # tensor([[69.]], grad_fn=<AddBackward0>)

You can also declare your own PyTorch module classes as mutable, and all child modules will be recursively converted into mutable modules:

class MyModule(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.linear = nn.Linear(1, 1)
    def forward(self, x):
        return self.linear(x)

my_module = to_mutable_module(MyModule())
my_module.linear.weight *= 0
my_module.linear.weight += 69
my_module.linear.weight # tensor([[69.]], grad_fn=<AddBackward0>)

Usage with CUDA

To create a module on the GPU, simply pass a PyTorch module that is already on the GPU to the to_mutable_module function:

converted_module = to_mutable_module(
    torch.nn.Linear(1, 1).cuda()
) # converted_module is now a mutable module on the GPU

Moving a module to the GPU with .to() and .cuda() after instanciation is NOT supported. Instead, hot-swap the module parameter tensors with their CUDA counterparts.

# both of these are valid
converted_module.weight = converted_module.weight.cuda()
converted_module.bias ="cuda")

Detailed examples

Please check out to see more detailed example usages of the to_mutable_module function.


Please feel free to submit issues or pull requests!

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