PyTorch implementation of an end-to-end Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) system based on attention encoder-decoder networks



PyTorch implementation of an end-to-end Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) system based on attention encoder-decoder networks. Scene Text Recognition (STR) benchmark model [1], trained on synthetic scene text images, is used to perform transfer learning from the STR domain to HTR. Different fine-tuning approaches are investigated using the multi-writer datasets: Imgur5K [2] and IAM [3].

For more details, refer to our paper at arXiv:


This work was tested with Python 3.6.8, PyTorch 1.9.0, CUDA 11.5 and CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core). Create a new virtual environment and install all the necessary Python packages:

python3 -m venv attentionhtr-env
source attentionhtr-env/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install -r AttentionHTR/requirements.txt


Our pre-trained models

Download our pre-trained models from here. The names of the .pth files are explained in the table below. There are 6 models in total, 3 for each character set, corresponding to the dataset they perform best on.

Character set Imgur5K IAM Both datasets
Case-insensitive AttentionHTR-Imgur5K.pth AttentionHTR-IAM.pth AttentionHTR-General.pth
Case-sensitive AttentionHTR-Imgur5K-sensitive.pth AttentionHTR-IAM-sensitive.pth AttentionHTR-General-sensitive.pth

Print the character sets using the Python string module: string.printable[:36] for the case-insensitive and string.printable[:-6] for the case-sensitive character set.

Pre-trained STR benchmark models can be downloaded from here.


  • Download the AttentionHTR-General-sensitive.pth model and place it into /model/saved_models.

  • Directory /dataset-demo contains demo images. Go to /model and create an LMDB dataset from them with python3 --inputPath ../dataset-demo/ --gtFile ../dataset-demo/gt.txt --outputPath result/dataset-demo/. Note that under Windows you may need to tune the map_size parameter manually for the function.

  • Obtain predictions with python3 --eval_data result/dataset-demo --Transformation TPS --FeatureExtraction ResNet --SequenceModeling BiLSTM --Prediction Attn --saved_model saved_models/AttentionHTR-General-sensitive.pth --sensitive. The last two rows in the terminal should be

    Accuracy: 90.00000000
    Norm ED: 0.04000000
  • Inspect predictions in /model/result/AttentionHTR-General-sensitive.pth/log_predictions_dataset-demo.txt. Columns: batch number, ground truth string, predicted string, match (0/1), running accuracy.

Use the models for fine-tuning or predictions


Prepare the train, validation (for fine-tuning) and test (for testing and for predicting on unseen data) partitions with word-level images. For the Imgur5K and the IAM datasets you may use our scripts in /process-datasets.

LMDB datasets

When using the PyTorch implementation of the STR benchmark model [1], images need to be converted into an LMDB dataset. See this section for details. An LMDB dataset offers extremely cheap read transactions [4]. Alternatively, see this demo that uses raw images.

Predictions and fine-tuning

The pre-trained models can be used for predictions or fine-tuning on additional datasets using an implementation in /model, which is a modified version of the official PyTorch implementation of the STR benchmark [1]. Use for predictions and for fine-tuning. In both cases use the following arguments:

  • --Transformation TPS --FeatureExtraction ResNet --SequenceModeling BiLSTM --Prediction Attn to define architecture.
  • --saved_model to provide a path to a pre-trained model. In case of it will be used as a starting point in fine-tuning and in the case of it will be used for predictions.
  • --sensitive for the case-sensitive character set. No such argument for the case-insensitive character set.

Specifically for fine-tuning use:

  • --FT to signal that model parameters must be initialized from a pre-trained model in --saved_model and not randomly.
  • --train_data and --valid_data to provide paths to training and validation data, respectively.
  • --select_data "/" and --batch_ratio 1 to use all data. Can be used to define stratified batches.
  • --manualSeed to assign an integer identifyer for the resulting model. The original purpose of this argument is to set a random seed.
  • --patience to set the number of epochs to wait for the validation loss to decrease below the last minimum.

Specifically for predicting use:

  • --eval_data to provide a path to evaluation data.

Note that outputs its logs and a copy of the evaluated model into /result.

All other arguments are described inside the scripts. Original instructions for using the scripts in /model are available here.

For example, to fine-tune one of our case-sensitive models on an additional dataset:

--train_data my_train_data \
--valid_data my_val_data \
--select_data "/" \
--batch_ratio 1 \
--FT \
--manualSeed 1
--Transformation TPS \
--FeatureExtraction ResNet \
--SequenceModeling BiLSTM \
--Prediction Attn \
--saved_model saved_models/AttentionHTR-General-sensitive.pth \

To use the same model for predictions:

--eval_data my_unseen_data \
--Transformation TPS \
--FeatureExtraction ResNet \
--SequenceModeling BiLSTM \
--Prediction Attn \
--saved_model saved_models/AttentionHTR-General.pth \


  • Our implementation is based on Clova AI's deep text recognition benchmark.
  • The authors would like to thank Facebook Research for the Imgur5K dataset.
  • The computations were performed through resources provided by the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC) at Chalmers Centre for Computational Science and Engineering (C3SE).


[1]: Baek, J. et al. (2019). What is wrong with scene text recognition model comparisons? dataset and model analysis. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (pp. 4715-4723).

[2]: Krishnan, P. et al. (2021). TextStyleBrush: Transfer of Text Aesthetics from a Single Example. arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.08385.

[3]: Marti, U. V., & Bunke, H. (2002). The IAM-database: an English sentence database for offline handwriting recognition. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, 5(1), 39-46.

[4]: Lightning Memory-Mapped Database. Homepage:


  title={AttentionHTR: Handwritten Text Recognition Based on Attention Encoder-Decoder Networks},
  author={Kass, D. and Vats, E.},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.09390},


Dmitrijs Kass ([email protected])

Ekta Vats ([email protected])

Dmitrijs Kass
Data Science student at Uppsala University
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