Set of scripts that schedules employees for shifts throughout the week based on availability, shift times, and shift necessities



Set of scripts that schedules employees for shifts throughout the week based on availability, shift times, and shift necessities

** Run "" to run project**

This script is a small project that I decided to complete during December 2021 This is not work for my classes or major, just something that I decided to do

Skills improved:

  • Working with multiple classes interacting with each other
  • Practicing with master classes
  • Using datetime library and using it to grab future dates
  • Displaying and formatting useful information accurately into The console
  • Writing comments and describing my code as I go
  • Using sqlite databases to create tables to store information
  • Grabbing information from tables
  • Looping and checking multiple points of data

Possible flaws:

  • Does not take full advantage of data tables
  • Could be a little more user interactive
  • Could utilize another script to further abstract creation of data tables
  • Might not be fully optimized for searching through employee data
  • More features could be implemented such as accounting for days off or different shift times for different days

"schedule plan.txt" is not a final plan, but just a rough outline before I started to give me some direction

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