We want to check several batch of web URLs (1~100 K) and find the phishing website/URL among them.





We want to check several batch of web URLs (1~100 K) and find the phishing website/URL among them. This module is designed to do the URL/web attestation by using the API from NUS-Phishperida-Project. The program contents 3 main parts: WebDownloader, webScreenShoter and PhishperidaPKG.


This module will provide API to download the webpage component: html file, image file, javascript file, href link file based on the input URL.

Module detail doc : https://github.com/LiuYuancheng/WebAttestation/blob/main/WebDownloadReadme.md


This module will use different web browser's driver to capture the webpage's screen shot based on the given URL.

Module detail doc :


This module is used to encapsulate the NUS-Phishperida project (not OOP) as a black box API for other projects to use.

NUS-Phishperida project: https://github.com/lindsey98/Phishpedia

Module detail doc :

For each URL, the program will do below steps:

  1. Use webDownloader module to download all the web components.1

  2. Use webScreenShoter module to get a webpage screenshot of the url.

  3. Pass the web components and the screen shot to PhishperidaPKG to do the siamese checking

Program Workflow

If you set the program running under single thread, the program work flow diagram will be shown as below:

Program Setup

Development Environment : python 3.7.10
Additional Lib/Software Need
  • WebDownloader: Refer to program setup section in [WebDownloaderReadme.md]
  • WebScreenShoter: Refer to program setup section in [WebScreenShoterReadme.md]
  • PhishperidaPKG: Refer to program setup section in [PhishperidaPKGReadme.md]
Hardware Needed
  • WebDownloader: N.A
  • WebScreenShoter: Computer with video output.
  • PhishperidaPKG: Computer with Nvidia graph card.
Program File List

version: v0.1

Program File Execution Env Description
src/webAttestation.py python 3.7.4 Main web Attestation execution program.
src/webScreenShoter.py python 3.7.10 Main web screen shot execution program.
src/webDownload.py python 3.7.10 Main web Downloader program API.
src/phishpediaPKG.py python 3.8.10 Encapsulated API the NUS-Phishperida project for OPP.
src/webGlobal.py python 3.7.4 Global parameters file which will be used in the other modules.
src/urllist.txt url record list.

Program Usage

Module API Usage
  • WebDownloader: Refer to program API usage section in [WebDownloaderReadme.md]
  • WebScreenShoter: Refer to program API usage section in [WebScreenShoterReadme.md]
  • PhishperidaPKG: Refer to program API usage section in [PhishperidaPKGReadme.md]
Program Execution
  1. Copy the url you want to check in the url record file "urllist.txt"

  2. Cd to the program folder and run program execution cmd:

    python webAttestation.py
  3. Check the result:

Last edit by LiuYuancheng([email protected]) at 26/11/2021

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