Imitate Moulinette written in Python



alt text

I heard you like codes so I put C into BashScript into Python.

Inspired by MockMoulinette


  1. Because I got rekt by C00
  2. Because why do things manually when you can: Try to automate 5 min tasks and spectacularly fail after 10 hours.
  3. I’ve always wanted to learn Popen. It’s the pathway to the dark side.
  4. I skipped Shell01

Why Python?

“I ran out of time. ” - said this guy

How it works:

Py_Mock_Moulinette will “try” to KAPUT your code by compiling and running it against expected values.

Pure python standard lib. No venv no pip shenanigans.

*check if files names collide before you proceed. cp overwrites by default

git clone
cp -r 42_Py_Mock_Moulinette/ 


After you’re done to send PMM to the afterworld ( delete )


Pull requests welcome

Pro tips. Yell “MOULINETTEEEEEEEE” while testing to increase your chance of Moulinette not rekting you by exactly 0%.


Parse Norminette stdout
Finish Shell01

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