PSML - Python server markup language
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beancount: Double-Entry Accounting from Text Files Contents Description Documentation Download & Installation Versions Filing Bugs Copyright and Licen
This is an easy to use Python library which allows you to make your terminal out
ConstDict python代替的Dict数据结构 若字典不会增加字段,只读/原字段修改 使用ConstDict可节省内存 Dict()内存主要消耗的地方: 1、Dict扩容机制,预留内存空间 2、Dict也是一个对象,内部会动态维护__dict__,增加slot类属性可以节省内容 节省内存大小
A program made in PYTHON🐍 that automatically performs data insertions into a POSTGRES database 🐘 , using as base a .CSV file 📁 , useful in mass data insertions.
Time_Calculator_freeCodeCamp freeCodeCamp Scientific Computing with Python Project for Certification. Write a function named add_time that takes in tw
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Processamento da Informacao Disciplina UFABC, Linguagem de Programação Python - 2021.2 Objetivos Apresentar os fundamentos sobre manipulação e tratame
Python For Beginners Python Programming Language ♦️ Python is a very powerful and user friendly programming language. ❄️ ♦️ There are some basic sytax
Introduction to Databases Coursework 2 (SQL) - dataset generator This is python script generates a text file with insert queries for the schema.sql fi
A sandpit repo for testing textual related things.
YMBF Made with ❤️ by ikiwzXD_ menu Results notice me: if you get cp results, save 3/7 days then log in. Install script on Termux $ pkg update && pkg u
A function decorator for enforcing function signatures
ESteg A simple steganography program to embed the contents of a text file into a
Advent of Code Parsers A collection of convenient Python parsers for Advent of Code problems. Installation pip install aocp Quickstart You can import
Covid_Colombia_v09 Versión: Python 3.8.8 1/ La base de datos del Ministerio de Salud (Minsalud Colombia) está en
Flight Reservation App With Python
Medical Appointments No-shows Why do 20% of patients miss their scheduled appointments? A person makes a doctor appointment, receives all the instruct
The Great Autoencoder Bake Off The companion repository to a post on my blog. It contains all you need to reproduce the results. Features Currently fe
activities A python script to get your activity Not complete Requirements Python (=3.7) Pip (for python = 3.7) Git Pip packages psutil asyncio aioht
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