Documentation for the lottie file format


Lottie Documentation

This repository contains both human-readable and machine-readable documentation about the Lottie format

The documentation is available online at


CC-BY 4.0

Setting Up

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pip install requirements.txt


make install_dependencies

Building the Docs

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During development, you might want to use

make docs_serve

Which spins up a local server to host the docs and automatically reloads when done

  • Motion blur

    Motion blur

    These settings are available when checking the option to export properties that are not used.

    The following is taken from my TypeScript def.

    type Layer = {
      /** Enable motion blur for layer. Default is false. */
      mb?: boolean;
      /* ... Layer properties ... */
    type Animation = {
      /** Motion blur setting. Default is undefined. */
      mb?: MotionBlurSettings;
      /* ... Animation properties ... */
     * Motion Blur Settings
     * Enable motion blur for a layer by setting `layer.mb = true`
    type MotionBlurSettings = {
      /** Shutter angle. Default 0. */
      sa?: number;
      /** Shutter phase. Default 0. */
      sp?: number;
      /** Samples per frame. Default 1. */
      spf?: number;
      /** ??? unknown usage */
      asl?: number;
    opened by marcusstenbeck 9
  • refactor(schema): improve titles, connect values & remove duplications

    refactor(schema): improve titles, connect values & remove duplications

    All auto-generating Typescript tools such as use title to name Interfaces or Types. Thus, it is very important how we name titles, so we could help others automate without editing. Thus, this PR is meant to improve existing titles' duplications and inconsistencies identified by running auto-generating-type tools. In addition, better titles would be more clear for readers.


    1. rename duplication namings in different properties. e.g. the title "value" should be unique for s and v props
    2. some additional files have been created to connect reused titles for the same properties: 2.1. /animated-properties/animated 2.2. /helpers/property-index 2.3. /animated-properties/expression 2.4 /helpers/framerate 2.5 /helpers/name 2.6 /helpers/match-name 2.7 /helpers/three-dimensional 2.8 created files for each Shape ty key
    3. remove some properties if they cover under $ref
    4. add an additional prefix/suffix word into the name if it's too generic to avoid future conflicts. e.g. title "Normal"
    5. add a note about title prop importance in

    Suggestion: perhaps we can squash all commits before merging since there are so many of them

    opened by Aidosmf 5
  • Styling issues on large screens

    Styling issues on large screens

    • the nav menu at the is very far to the side.
    • the JSON editor is not centered, unlike other pages
    • in advanced_interactions the examples are way too large
    opened by mbasaglia 4
  • duplicate 'so' property name in bevel-emboss-style

    duplicate 'so' property name in bevel-emboss-style

    There is a duplicate property name in "Soften" and "Shadow Opacity". File:

    opened by Aidosmf 3
  • Precomp frame rate

    Precomp frame rate


    In the latest bodymovin exporter it's possible to export frame rate for precomps.

    The property is and contains a number if it exists.

    Here's an example Lottie JSON exported with Bodymovin 5.8.0.

      "v": "5.8.0",
      "fr": 30,
      "ip": 0,
      "op": 30,
      "w": 540,
      "h": 960,
      "nm": "Comp 1",
      "ddd": 0,
      "assets": [
          "id": "comp_0",
          "nm": "Shape Layer 1 Comp 1",
          "fr": 5,
          "layers": [
              "ddd": 0,
              "ind": 1,
              "ty": 4,
              "nm": "Shape Layer 1",
              "sr": 1,
              "ks": {
                "o": { "a": 0, "k": 100, "ix": 11 },
                "r": { "a": 0, "k": 0, "ix": 10 },
                "p": {
                  "a": 1,
                  "k": [
                      "i": { "x": 0.833, "y": 0.833 },
                      "o": { "x": 0.167, "y": 0.167 },
                      "t": 0,
                      "s": [79, 268, 0],
                      "to": [65.833, 70.333, 0],
                      "ti": [-65.833, -70.333, 0]
                    { "t": 28.99951171875, "s": [474, 690, 0] }
                  "ix": 2,
                  "l": 2
                "a": { "a": 0, "k": [0, 0, 0], "ix": 1, "l": 2 },
                "s": { "a": 0, "k": [100, 100, 100], "ix": 6, "l": 2 }
              "ao": 0,
              "shapes": [
                  "ty": "rc",
                  "d": 1,
                  "s": { "a": 0, "k": [100, 100], "ix": 2 },
                  "p": { "a": 0, "k": [0, 0], "ix": 3 },
                  "r": { "a": 0, "k": 0, "ix": 4 },
                  "nm": "Rectangle Path 1",
                  "mn": "ADBE Vector Shape - Rect",
                  "hd": false
                  "ty": "fl",
                  "c": { "a": 0, "k": [1, 0, 0, 1], "ix": 4 },
                  "o": { "a": 0, "k": 100, "ix": 5 },
                  "r": 1,
                  "bm": 0,
                  "nm": "Fill 1",
                  "mn": "ADBE Vector Graphic - Fill",
                  "hd": false
              "ip": 0,
              "op": 30,
              "st": 0,
              "cp": true,
              "bm": 0
      "layers": [
          "ddd": 0,
          "ind": 1,
          "ty": 0,
          "nm": "Shape Layer 1 Comp 1",
          "refId": "comp_0",
          "sr": 1,
          "ks": {
            "o": { "a": 0, "k": 100, "ix": 11 },
            "r": { "a": 0, "k": 0, "ix": 10 },
            "p": { "a": 0, "k": [270, 480, 0], "ix": 2, "l": 2 },
            "a": { "a": 0, "k": [270, 480, 0], "ix": 1, "l": 2 },
            "s": { "a": 0, "k": [100, 100, 100], "ix": 6, "l": 2 }
          "ao": 0,
          "w": 540,
          "h": 960,
          "ip": 0,
          "op": 30,
          "st": 0,
          "cp": false,
          "bm": 0
      "markers": [],
    opened by marcusstenbeck 3
  • the /shapes/concrete-shape reference file is missing

    the /shapes/concrete-shape reference file is missing

    Seems like the reference file is missing: or maybe it should be another shape reference? Sorry, I'm not very familiar.

    opened by Aidosmf 3
  • the git tag name called 'main'

    the git tag name called 'main'

    The naming of a git tag and a branch name cannot be the same. Currently, the repo has a tag name called main which is conflicting with the master branch name. Thus, I'm getting this git error and not able to push any commits until I delete the tag manually:

    Screen Shot 2022-06-20 at 12 53 40
    opened by Aidosmf 2
  • is shapes/modifier incomplete?

    is shapes/modifier incomplete?

    Seems like is not necessary or incomplete?

    1. Modifier's ty equals to null and it is not part of the ShapeType in
    2. A shape that extends shape/modifier overwrites ty anyway, for example, in shapes/repeater:

    Thus, should we delete shapes/modifier and extend shapes/shape-element instead of it?

    opened by Aidosmf 2
  • Configure Renovate

    Configure Renovate

    Mend Renovate

    Welcome to Renovate! This is an onboarding PR to help you understand and configure settings before regular Pull Requests begin.

    🚦 To activate Renovate, merge this Pull Request. To disable Renovate, simply close this Pull Request unmerged.

    Detected Package Files

    • .github/workflows/pages.yml (github-actions)
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    • .github/workflows/test.yml (github-actions)
    • theme/main.html (html)
    • codemirror/package.json (npm)
    • requirements.txt (pip_requirements)

    Configuration Summary

    Based on the default config's presets, Renovate will:

    • Start dependency updates only once this onboarding PR is merged
    • Enable Renovate Dependency Dashboard creation.
    • If Renovate detects semantic commits, it will use semantic commit type fix for dependencies and chore for all others.
    • Ignore node_modules, bower_components, vendor and various test/tests directories.
    • Autodetect whether to pin dependencies or maintain ranges.
    • Rate limit PR creation to a maximum of two per hour.
    • Limit to maximum 10 open PRs at any time.
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    What to Expect

    With your current configuration, Renovate will create 7 Pull Requests:

    Pin dependencies
    Pin dependencies
    Update dependency howler to v2.2.3
    • Schedule: ["at any time"]
    • Branch name: renovate/howler-2.x
    • Merge into: main
    • Upgrade howler to sha512-6+YN/9o9BWrk6wSfGxQGpt3EUK6XeHi6yeHV+TYD2GR0Sj/cggRpXr1BrAQf0as6XslxomMUxXp2vIl+fv0QRA==
    Update actions/checkout action to v3
    • Schedule: ["at any time"]
    • Branch name: renovate/actions-checkout-3.x
    • Merge into: main
    • Upgrade actions/checkout to v3
    Update crazy-max/ghaction-github-pages action to v3
    Update dependency @​rollup/plugin-node-resolve to v15
    • Schedule: ["at any time"]
    • Branch name: renovate/rollup-plugin-node-resolve-15.x
    • Merge into: main
    • Upgrade @rollup/plugin-node-resolve to 15.0.0
    Update dependency rollup to v3
    • Schedule: ["at any time"]
    • Branch name: renovate/rollup-3.x
    • Merge into: main
    • Upgrade rollup to 3.2.3

    🚸 Branch creation will be limited to maximum 2 per hour, so it doesn't swamp any CI resources or spam the project. See docs for prhourlylimit for details.

    ❓ Got questions? Check out Renovate's Docs, particularly the Getting Started section. If you need any further assistance then you can also request help here.

    This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

    opened by renovate[bot] 1
  • Request: json editor with URL parameter that accept json lottie

    Request: json editor with URL parameter that accept json lottie

    Would be nice to share links on the json editor so that we can share the json view to others. One way is to have the URL to accept query parameter (maybe perhaps in base64 encoded) and in which it would decrypt the json and paste in the viewer.

    opened by AmirulOm 1
  • "np" prop in "effects" examples

    According to lottie-docs/schema, the np (NumberOfProperties) prop doesn't exists in "custom-effects", but there is one in


    JSON_EDITOR throws errors as well

    opened by Aidosmf 1
  • ReferenceError: SchemaObject is not defined

    ReferenceError: SchemaObject is not defined


    I was trying to find unknown features, and got this as result:

        module.exports = { SchemaData, SchemaObject };
    ReferenceError: SchemaObject is not defined
        at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/liyushen/Documents/code/lottie-docs/docs/scripts/lottie_explain.js:1576:36)
        at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1218:14)
        at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1272:10)
        at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1081:32)
        at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:922:12)
        at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1105:19)
        at require (node:internal/modules/cjs/helpers:103:18)
        at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/liyushen/Documents/code/lottie-docs/tools/unknown_features.js:4:15)
        at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1218:14)
        at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1272:10)
    Node.js v19.3.0

    And my python virtual environment seems fine: 截屏2022-12-21 14 30 48 It seems like there is no SchemaObject in lottie_examplain.js. I wonder which part did I do is wrong and how to fix this?

    opened by xdliyushen 0
  • Mismatched .title and $ref for #/$defs/text/text-range

    Mismatched .title and $ref for #/$defs/text/text-range

    Conventionally schema title matches the $ref, in this case the title update did not reflect accordingly

    "text-range": {
        "type": "object",
        "title": "Text Selector",
        "description": "Range of text with custom animations and style",
        "caniuse": "animators-range-selectors",
        "properties": {
            "nm": {
                "title": "Name",
                "type": "string"
            "s": {
                "title": "Selector",
                "$ref": "#/$defs/text/text-range-selector"
            "a": {
                "title": "Style",
                "$ref": "#/$defs/text/text-style"
    opened by kudanai 0
  • "mn" in asset-precomposition (examples/remapping)

    According to lottie-docs/schema, asset-precomposition doesn't have mn (match-name) but it exists in

    should it be removed?

    opened by Aidosmf 1
  • json_editor doesn't recognize

    json_editor doesn't recognize "rx", "ry", "rz" and "or" doesn't recognize rotaiton related properties ("rx", "ry", "rz") and Orientation ("or")

    example file:

    opened by Aidosmf 1
  • Please list sources

    Please list sources

    This is because there's already a lot of documentation for creating and using lottie animations, while this aims at providing a description of the file format itself.

    It would really be helpful if some of these resources were listed as to make this statement you must be aware of what these resources are and people coming to this, like myself, don't 😭

    Thank you <3

    opened by Loque- 1
  • Differences from the lottie community schema

    Differences from the lottie community schema

    Running tools/ I could get a summary of differences between this schema and the lottie community one.


    tools/ c $path_to_tests/schema/docs/json/

    Properties and such marked with - are present here but not in the community schema, stuff marked with + is the other way round.

    At the end I also added the files that haven't been matched (note: there will always be some differences due to the different schema structure).

    animation/animation animation
     - mb
     - mn
     - fonts
     - markers
     - meta
    effect-values/angle effects/angle
     - ty
    effect-values/checkbox effects/checkBox
     - ty
    effect-values/color effects/color
     - ty
    effect-values/drop-down effects/dropDown
     - ty
    effects/fill-effect effects/fill
     - en
     - ty
     - ef
    effects/custom-effect effects/group
     - ty
     - ef
    effect-values/layer effects/layer
     - ty
    effect-values/point effects/point
     - ty
    effects/pro-levels-effect effects/proLevels
     - en
     - ty
     - ef
    effect-values/slider effects/slider
     - ty
    effects/stroke-effect effects/stroke
     - en
     - ty
     - ef
    effects/tint-effect effects/tint
     - en
     - ty
     - ef
    effects/tritone-effect effects/tritone
     - en
     - ty
     - ef
    helpers/mask helpers/mask
     - mn
     - x
    helpers/transform helpers/transform
     + py
     - or
     + pz
     - rz
     - ry
     + px
     - rx
    layers/image-layer layers/image
     - tt
     - mn
     - mb
     - td
     - hd
     - st
    layers/null-layer layers/null
     - tt
     - mb
     - hasMask
     - masksProperties
     - mn
     - td
     - bm
     - hd
     - st
    layers/precomposition-layer layers/preComp
     - tt
     - h
     - mn
     - w
     - mb
     - td
     - hd
     - st
    layers/shape-layer layers/shape
     - tt
     - mn
     - mb
     - td
     - hd
     - st
    layers/solid-color-layer layers/solid
     - tt
     - mn
     - mb
     - td
     - hd
     - st
    layers/text-layer layers/text
     - tt
     - mn
     - mb
     - td
     - hd
     - st
    animated-properties/gradient-colors properties/gradient
     + a
     + ix
    animated-properties/multi-dimensional properties/multiDimensional
     - a
     - k
    animated-properties/multi-dimensional properties/multiDimensionalKeyframed
     - a
     - k
    animated-properties/position properties/multiDimensionalSpatialKeyframed
     - a
     + to
     + ti
     - k
    animated-properties/keyframe properties/offsetKeyframe
     - h
     - t
     - s
    animated-properties/position-keyframe properties/offsetSpatialKeyframe
     - h
     - to
     - ti
     - t
     - s
    animated-properties/shape-property properties/shapeKeyframed
     - a
    animated-properties/shape-keyframe properties/shapePropKeyframe
     - h
    animated-properties/value properties/value
     - a
     - k
    shapes/ellipse shapes/ellipse
     - cix
     - bm
     - hd
    shapes/fill shapes/fill
     - cix
     - r
     - bm
     - hd
    shapes/gradient-fill shapes/gFill
     - cix
     - r
     - bm
     - hd
     + t
     + h
     - g
     + a
    shapes/gradient-stroke shapes/gStroke
     - cix
     - d
     - ml2
     - bm
     - hd
     + t
     + h
     - g
     + a
     - w
    shapes/merge shapes/merge
     - cix
     - bm
     - hd
     - ty
    shapes/rectangle shapes/rect
     - cix
     - bm
     - hd
    shapes/repeater shapes/repeater
     - cix
     - bm
     - hd
     + o
    shapes/rounded-corners shapes/round
     - cix
     - bm
     - hd
    shapes/path shapes/shape
     - cix
     - bm
     - hd
     - ind
    shapes/polystar shapes/star
     - cix
     - bm
     - hd
    shapes/stroke shapes/stroke
     - cix
     - d
     - ml2
     - bm
     - hd
    shapes/transform shapes/transform
     - cix
     - or
     - rz
     - mn
     - ry
     - rx
     - bm
     - hd
     - ty
    shapes/trim shapes/trim
     - cix
     - bm
     - hd
     - m
    assets/image sources/image
     - e
     - id
    assets/precomposition sources/precomp
     - fr
     - nm
     - id
    text/text-document layers/text
     - sz
     + lh
     + tr
     + j
    text/text-data-keyframe layers/text
     - s
    text/text-data layers/text
     - k
    text/text-animator-data layers/text
     - p
     - m
     - a
     - constants/gradient-type
     - constants/star-type
     - constants/trim-multiple-shapes
     - constants/stroke-dash-type
     - text/text-more-options
     - constants/font-path-origin
     - text/text-animator-data-property
     - effects/drop-shadow-effect
     - shapes/pucker-bloat
     - effects/paint-over-transparent-effect
     - effects/mesh-warp-effect
     - constants/fill-rule
     - animated-properties/split-vector
     - effects/radial-wipe-effect
     + effects/customValue
     - shapes/zig-zag
     - effect-values/ignored
     - constants/matte-mode
     - text/font
     - constants/shape-direction
     - animated-properties/keyframe-bezier-handle
     - layers/audio-settings
     - layers/visual-layer
     - effects/gaussian-blur-effect
     - layers/audio-layer
     - shapes/twist
     - effects/matte3-effect
     - effects/displacement-map-effect
     - shapes/stroke-dash
     - animation/motion-blur
     - effects/spherize-effect
     - helpers/marker
     - assets/sound
     - constants/mask-mode
     - text/text-selector
     + effects/index
     - animation/metadata
     - text/masked-path
     - shapes/offset-path
     - shapes/repeater-transform
     - effects/puppet-effect
     - effects/wavy-effect
     - text/text-selector-property
    opened by mbasaglia 0
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