TDN: Temporal Difference Networks for Efficient Action Recognition


TDN: Temporal Difference Networks for Efficient Action Recognition



We release the PyTorch code of the TDN(Temporal Difference Networks). This code is based on the TSN and TSM codebase. The core code to implement the Temporal Difference Module are ops/ and ops/

🔥 [NEW!] We have released the PyTorch code of TDN.


The code is built with following libraries:

Data Preparation

We have successfully trained TDN on Kinetics400, UCF101, HMDB51, Something-Something-V1 and V2 with this codebase.

  • The processing of Something-Something-V1 & V2 can be summarized into 3 steps:

    1. Extract frames from videos(you can use ffmpeg to get frames from video)
    2. Generate annotations needed for dataloader (" " in annotations) The annotation usually includes train.txt and val.txt. The format of *.txt file is like:
      frames/video_1 num_frames label_1
      frames/video_2 num_frames label_2
      frames/video_3 num_frames label_3
      frames/video_N num_frames label_N
    3. Add the information to ops/
  • The processing of Kinetics400 can be summarized into 2 steps:

    1. Generate annotations needed for dataloader (" " in annotations) The annotation usually includes train.txt and val.txt. The format of *.txt file is like:
      frames/video_1.mp4  label_1
      frames/video_2.mp4  label_2
      frames/video_3.mp4  label_3
      frames/video_N.mp4  label_N
    2. Add the information to ops/

Model Zoo

Here we provide some off-the-shelf pretrained models. The accuracy might vary a little bit compared to the paper, since the raw video of Kinetics downloaded by users may have some differences.


Model Frames x Crops x Clips Top-1 Top-5 checkpoint
TDN-ResNet50 8x1x1 52.3% 80.6% link
TDN-ResNet50 16x1x1 53.9% 82.1% link


Model Frames x Crops x Clips Top-1 Top-5 checkpoint
TDN-ResNet50 8x1x1 64.0% 88.8% link
TDN-ResNet50 16x1x1 65.3% 89.7% link


Model Frames x Crops x Clips Top-1 (30 view) Top-5 (30 view) checkpoint
TDN-ResNet50 8x3x10 76.6% 92.8% link
TDN-ResNet50 16x3x10 77.5% 93.2% link
TDN-ResNet101 8x3x10 77.5% 93.6% link
TDN-ResNet101 16x3x10 78.5% 93.9% link


  • For center crop single clip, the processing of testing can be summarized into 2 steps:
    1. Run the following testing scripts:
      CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 something \
      --archs='resnet50' --weights   --test_segments=8  \
      --test_crops=1 --batch_size=16  --gpus 0 --output_dir  -j 4 --clip_index=1
    2. Run the following scripts to get result from the raw score:
      python3 --num_clips 1 --test_crops 1 --output_dir   
  • For 3 crops, 10 clips, the processing of testing can be summarized into 2 steps:
    1. Run the following testing scripts for 10 times(clip_index from 0 to 9):
      CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3  kinetics \
      --archs='resnet50' --weights   --test_segments=8 \
      --test_crops=3 --batch_size=16 --full_res --gpus 0 --output_dir   \
      -j 4 --clip_index 
    2. Run the following scripts to ensemble the raw score of the 30 views:
      python --num_clips 10 --test_crops 3 --output_dir  


This implementation supports multi-gpu, DistributedDataParallel training, which is faster and simpler.

  • For example, to train TDN-ResNet50 on Something-Something-V1 with 8 gpus, you can run:
    python -m torch.distributed.launch --master_port 12347 --nproc_per_node=8 \
        something  RGB --arch resnet50 --num_segments 8 --gd 20 --lr 0.02 \
                --lr_scheduler step --lr_steps  30 45 55 --epochs 60 --batch-size 16 \
                --wd 5e-4 --dropout 0.5 --consensus_type=avg --eval-freq=1 -j 4 --npb 
  • For example, to train TDN-ResNet50 on Kinetics400 with 8 gpus, you can run:
    python -m torch.distributed.launch --master_port 12347 --nproc_per_node=8 \
    kinetics RGB --arch resnet50 --num_segments 8 --gd 20 --lr 0.02 \
            --lr_scheduler step  --lr_steps 50 75 90 --epochs 100 --batch-size 16 \
            --wd 1e-4 --dropout 0.5 --consensus_type=avg --eval-freq=1 -j 4 --npb 


We especially thank the contributors of the TSN and TSM codebase for providing helpful code.


This repository is released under the Apache-2.0. license as found in the LICENSE file.


If you think our work is useful, please feel free to cite our paper 😆 :

      title={TDN: Temporal Difference Networks for Efficient Action Recognition}, 
      author={Limin Wang and Zhan Tong and Bin Ji and Gangshan Wu},
      journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.10071},
Multimedia Computing Group, Nanjing University
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