Web3 Pancakeswap Sniper & honeypot detector Take Profit/StopLose bot written in python3, For ANDROID WIN MAC & LINUX


Pancakeswap BSC Sniper Bot web3 with honeypot detector (ANDROID WINDOWS MAC LINUX)

First SNIPER BOT for ANDROID with honeypot detector

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Version Stage Build Available Documentation Contributions Welcome

Web3 Pancakeswap Sniper & honeypot detector Take Profit/StopLose bot written in python3, For ANDROID WIN MAC & LINUX

The first Binance Smart Chain sniper bot with Honeypot checker!


First SNIPER BOT for ANDROID with honeypot detector


Sniper bot that watches when taxes/anti buy are removed from a contract, then quick snipes, with honeypot detector, and also keybinding for fair launches


First of all, you need install Python3+ Run on Android you need Install Termux

termux: $ pkg install python git
Debian/Ubuntu: $ sudo apt install python3 git make gcc
Windows: Need to install Visual Studio BuildTools & Python3


Setup your wallet Address and private key in Settings.json

  1. An ethereum/bsc address.
  2. Open "Settings.json" (with notepad) on line 2 and 3 add wallet address and phrase or private key.
  3. Run python3 sniper.py

(Also you can use phrase key just use space between words)

How Find Private Key


Clone Repo:

git clone https://github.com/META-HYDRA/Pancakeswap-SNIPER-with-HONEYPOT-detector
cd Pancakeswap-SNIPER-with-HONEYPOT-detector
python sniper.py

Install Requirements:

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Start Sniper:

python Sniper.py -t 0x34faa80fec0233e045ed4737cc152a71e490e2e3 -a 0.001 -tx 2 -hp  -wb 10 -tp 50
python Sniper.py -t 0x34faa80fec0233e045ed4737cc152a71e490e2e3 --sellonly
python Sniper.py -t 0x34faa80fec0233e045ed4737cc152a71e490e2e3 -a 0.001 --buyonly
python Sniper.py -t 0x34faa80fec0233e045ed4737cc152a71e490e2e3 -tsl 10 -nb

all options with infos:

*'-t' or '--token', Token for snipe e.g. "-t 0x34faa80fec0233e045ed4737cc152a71e490e2e3"
'-a' or '--amount', float, Amount in Bnb to snipe e.g. "-a 0.1"

'-tx' or '--txamount', how mutch tx you want to send? It split your BNB amount in e.g. "-tx 5"

'-wb' or '--awaitBlocks', default=0, Await Blocks before sending BUY Transaction. e.g. "-ab 50" 

'-hp' or '--honeypot', if you use this Flag, your token get checks if token is honypot before buy!

'-nb' or '--nobuy', No Buy, Skipp buy, if you want to use only TakeProfit/StopLoss/TrailingStopLoss
'-tp' or '--takeprofit', Percentage TakeProfit from your input BNB amount. e.g. "-tp 50" 
'-tsl'or '--trailingstoploss', 'Percentage Trailing-Stop-loss from your first Quote "-tsl 50"

'-so' or '--sellonly', Sell ALL your Tokens from given token address
'-bo' or '--buyonly', Buy Tokens with your given amount

* = require every time its runs!



  • Support ANDROID ,Windows 10 ,Linux and Mac OS
  • Add uniswap V3 & pancakeswap v2
  • Added multiple DEXs
  • Force Buy and Force Sell buttons, when clicked it will buy or sell with your chosen settings (excluding limit price)
  • set manual SLIPPAGE
  • set stop-less price
  • Speed adjustable
  • The program determines the name and decimals of the token automatically


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